WBBP Review
WBBP Review
WBBP Review
Blackbird Pond
Theme of Book?
Struggling to fit in
Her responsibilities
Religion and practice
Trying to fit into the
Tries to fit in by being ___________.
Name jobs she attempts and whether or
not they were successful.
Kit herself states she lacks two things:
Tide Begins to Turn
Dame School
with Mercy
rs 9-16
How do Matthew Wood, Rev. Gershom Bulkely,
and William Ashby feel about King James?
What do the men’s views suggest about the
Wetherfield community?
What happens when Andros
comes to take the charter?(15)
How do these events change
Kit’s understanding of
Matthew Wood and William?
Gov. Andros
Hannah Tupper
Liz is not only a great supporter. She also trusts me to give her
my honest opinion and to say what I feel. When she was upset
with her sister one time, she asked what I thought about it and I
said she should wait and then she would find out the real reason
why her sister was mad at her. And it happened that way. She
knew she could trust me.
Liz can be a barrel of fun when she is in the mood. I really like
when she does silly things. One night, we rented three movies
and watched all three while we ate popcorn, cheese and
crackers, and a whole box of chocolates. We gabbed about
everything and even imagined what it would be like to live like
some of the characters in the movies.
Since my best friend is now living over 500 miles away, I miss
all the laughter she brought to my life and the times I could ask
her opinion on things that troubled me. But I can still hear the
sound of her voice and ask her opinion on the telephone!
Point out that in the character sketch above, the writer
highlighted what he or she felt were some of Liz's best
qualities or character traits. For each trait or characteristic, the
writer provided at least one detail that supported -- served as
proof -- that Liz possessed that trait. The character sketch form
below provides a simple outline for a character sketch. Have
students work on their own or in small groups as they use the
form to discuss the character sketch above. The form will help
them identify
Topic Sentence:
Trait #1 _________________________________
Example(s) __________________________________________
Trait #2 _________________________________
Example(s) __________________________________________
Trait #3 _________________________________
Example(s) __________________________________________
Concluding Sentence: