Reading Intervention Programs
Reading Intervention Programs
Reading Intervention Programs
By: Damien Beckinger
Club Program
Concept-Oriented Reading Instruction
Fluency-oriented Reading Instruction
Four Blocks Approach
Kamehameha Whole Literacy
Success For All
Concept-Oriented Reading
Instruction (CORI)
phase program
Observe and personalize: Students formulate
questions based on observations made in nature
Search and retrieve: Students learn to search
for answers to their questions in text
Comprehend and integrate: Students learn
comprehension, note taking and analysis skills to
understand the information they have retrieved
Communicate to others: Students present their
findings to others through written reports,
presentations, and art
Fluency-Oriented Reading
Instruction (FORI)
on reaching fluency
3 types of reading
restructuring program
3 programs
Major Takeaways