Jenet - Action Plan in English
Jenet - Action Plan in English
Jenet - Action Plan in English
Region I
Lingayen, Pangasinan
Malasiqui, Pangasinan
1. Learning Identify the Conduct school June 2018 - Principal SRA 100% date Concerted effort of the
readiness of learning readiness Readiness Teachers forms accuracy internal and external
Grade I pupils of Grade I pupils Assessment Test Parents Reading stakeholders.
need to be (SRA) Pupils Materials
identified Teaching reading in like Story
English Books
Encourage pupils to
participate in
2. Low Raise the performance Use different June 2018 to - Principal Textbook Increase Continuous effort of
performance level of pupils in NAT strategies in teaching March 2019 Teachers Reading achievement the teachers and
level of the English Parents materials with level by 10% school head
pupils Provide reading Pupils follow-up
materials with questions
questions to be
answered by the
pupils during their
break time to
develop their reading
Use appropriate
Remedial Teaching
after class
Give varied
exercises to ensure
the mastery of the
3. Enhance Upgrade competencies Conduct SLAC on June 2018 Principal Textbooks Upgraded Continuous training of
teachers of teachers in teaching “How to Teach to Teachers Manual teacher teachers.
competency on reading Beginning Reading” August 2019 Pupils Pictures competence
teaching reading Make use of Resource Different in teaching
gathered Best Speakers Materials in reading
Practices Teaching
Training of Teachers Reading
in teaching
Developmental and
remedial reading
4. Lack of Acquire upgraded, Make use of
upgraded reading materials for available ICT base June 2018 to Principal Paper Upgraded Continuous
reading teaching reading reading models March 2019 Teachers Computer resources for monitoring on LRC,
materials for Launch “Donate a Parents Ink teaching and IM’s,
teaching reading Book” campaign Pupils Textbooks reading
Put reading corner in Magazines
every classroom Story Books
A. Daily Lesson Log All lessons must be K12 Year Prototype lesson guides, Lesson planning five indicators has been
90% among the five indicators of the Curriculum based Round PELC, Teaching Strategies, implemented with 95% success.
lesson log is fully implemented. Instructional used.
*Discipline and proper behavior of pupils are
B. Management of time and learning *Assign pupils to their Pupils, Teachers, Parents, observed.
environment. respective task. Year Principal, Classroom *95% acceptability standards and learners
Maintain clean and orderly classroom *Maintenance of clean and Round Facilities behavior are consistently established and
conducive to learning. orderly classroom. maintained.
*Repair of desk and chairs. *instructional Materials are well arranged and
*Solicitation, Fund Raising, Pupils, Teachers, PTA properly installed.
and PTA Project. Officers
C. Learning Achievement
1. Attain Achievement rate for every
quarter in all learning areas.
*Implement on the Time on Year Photo copied review Quarterly Rates of Pupils in all learning areas
Learning Areas 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Task Round materials, flashcards, have been increased by 2%.
EKAWP 2 *Implementation of DepEd charts, window cards
ENGLISH 2 Programs and policies.
FILIPINO 2 *Project, DEAR and others
ARALING *Organize review in all
PANLIPUNAN 2 subject areas.
*Functional HRPTA was organized and
*Harmonious relationship of the HRPTA with
80% proficiency.
D. School, Home and Community *Organization of HRPTA Year Principals, teachers, *Quarterly Progress report is properly
Involvement Officers Meeting. Round parents, pupils. observed.
Organize and maintain Homeroom PTA *Conduct Quarterly PTA
Demonstrate the 10 Personal Characteristics *Proper wearing of uniform Year Code of Ethics of Teachers/ Professional and personal characteristics were
*Exercise maximum tolerance Round Principal demonstrated with 75% proficiency and
*Establish good rapport acceptability.
among teachers and parents.
*Maintain good relationships
with the community people.