Renal Abscess, Xanthogranulomatous Pyelonephritis and Renal Tuberculosis
Renal Abscess, Xanthogranulomatous Pyelonephritis and Renal Tuberculosis
Renal Abscess, Xanthogranulomatous Pyelonephritis and Renal Tuberculosis
pyelonephtitis and Renal
AUA Update series 2014 ,Volume 33 ,Lesson 36
Pais ,sharmma ,Pattison et al
Retroperitoneal abscesses may arise from pathology
originating sources most commonly the kidney
Kidney infections itself span a wide spectrum like acute
uncomplicated acute pyelonephritis
Pyonephrosis ,Emphysematous Pyelonephritis pose true
urologic emergencies
Relatively uncommon (0.01% hosp. admissions)
Most often unilateral
No gender predilection
Prevalence increases with age
Etiologies include infected renal or ureteral stones ,non
calculus renal obstruction (*) ,pyelonephritis ,UTI
,previous urological surgeries ,PCKD
The advent use of antibiotics had led to earlier control and
reduced hameatogenous spread of pyogenic G+ve
infections shifting isolates to G-ve rods
Mot common organisms cultured are : E.coli ,Klebsiella
,Proteus ,Pseudomonas and staph. Aureus
It is suspected that Uropathogenic G-ve renal abscesses
arise from ascending infection
Rarely renal abscesses reported to arise from ascending
infection tracking up fascial planes from prostate abscess
or s/p biopsy
Classic presentation of fever and unilateral flank pain in
Common symptoms : Flank or abdominal pain ,palpable
flank mass and voiding dysfunction
Insidious onset of chills ,N/V and weakness of less than
one week duration
Laboratory findings of leulocytosis 90% ,pyuria 70%
Historically high degree of morbidity and mortality was
referred to difficult diagnosis and delayed targeted
Recently CT replaced x-ray and execratory urogram ,it
provides anatomical and adequate assessment of infection
Non contrast CT findings of fluid filled lesion (0-40 HU)
with or without gas ,Contrast enhanced films showed
peripheral thickening and enhancement
Perirenal fluid and inflammatory stranding with thickened
Gerota might present
CT is diagnostic in 90%
Ultrasound is particularly useful in :children ,pregnant
,patient preference ,following known abscess
Nonetheless Ultrasound sensitivity is much lower than CT
in initial evaluation
,hyperechoic , complex cystic or post. Acoustic
Doppler distinguish abscess from neoplastic lesion
Empiric ABx therapy should cover the most common
uropathogen /E-coli ,klebsiella ,proteus and less
commonly haematogenous spread staph-aureus/
Culture data of abscess ,urine and blood has to be
interpreted and considered
Concordance of abscess and urine cultures may be
observed in 49%
Additional isolates might be seen in abscess but not viceversa in urine
Follow up
Progress should be monitored to confirm clinical
Imagings /CT ,ultrasound/ are recommended to confirm
resolution of abscesses
There are no evidence based protocols to direct a course
of follow up imaging
XGP is a chronic inflammatory condition of the kidney
distinguised by replacement of the renal parenchyma with
granulomatous collections of lipid laden histocytes
XGP is associated with chronic infection and obstruction
leading to enlarged poorly or non functioning kidney
Might mimic any other urological condition
CT & MRI might show neoplastic process changes
XGP is identified in 8.2-19% of biopsies
nephrectomies performed for chronic pyelonephritis
Annual incidence not sufficiently reported 1.4/100.000
5th to 6th decades age average ,3/1 female to male
Predisposition factors : UTI ,nephrolithiasis
Diabetes as frequent co morbidity
XGP most commonly encountered with chronic renal
infection ,nephrolithiasis and obstruction
Definitive correlation is poor for renal ischaemia
,lymphatic and venous obstruction ,impaired immune
response and altered lipid metabolism a causative factor
Concomitant infection with obstruction reported in
significant numbers
Nephrolithiasis is present in 82%
Several months symptoms are common
Constitutional symptoms of weight loss ,malaise ,fever
Examination may reveal tender palpable mass ,unilateral
CVA tenderness 72%
Findings indicating fistulization or local spread such as a
draining flank sinus or empyema
Leukocytosis ,elev. ESR and anemia ,liver dysfunction
might present and reolve by Tx
Clinically ,radiologically and histologically non specific
features confused with renal cell carcinoma ,malacoplakia
,renal TB ,renal infarction ,pyonephrosis and wilms tumor
Radiographic findings of classic non functioning enlarged
kidney ,nephrolithiasis in up to 80%
CT is the optimal modality for imaging and diagnosing
CT findings suggests presence of diffuse XGP are : poorly
defined renal pelvis ,diminished renal pelvis fat
,hypoechoic non enhancing spherical nodules ,rim like
enhancement around the mass ,air in urinary tract 9.8%
with no typical emphysematous pyelitis/pyelonephritis
Surgical excision remains the treatment of choice
Appropriate timed surgical excision avoid extrarenal
spread and potential of more complicated and morbid
In diffuse XGP ,there is no functional parenchyma radical
nephrectomy is the preferred treatment /open nehrectomy/
The benefits of laparoscopy do not extend to XGP
Renal tuberculosis
Caused by haematogenous seeding of mycobacterium TB
from pulmonary focus
Seeding occurs at the level of glomerular capillaries
,grow insidiously years after initial infection
Caseating granulomas occur within kidneys and spread
distally through the urinary system
Incidence in U.S of 3.2/100,000 ,decline in last 20 ys
Renal TB decline in association with pulmonary TB
Genitournary TB represents 6.5% of extrapulmonary TB
Higher infection and high reactivation populations are at
risk of renal TB
Higher infection in : foreign born ,homelss ,resident and
workers at health care facilities
Higher reactivation in : HIV ,drug abusers ,DM ,low body
weight ,immunocompromised ,chronic inflammatory
dis.and transplants
Non specific intermittent chronic urinary symptoms and
some asymptomatic
Most common symp. Of renal TB is : frequency then
dysuria and flank pain
Often have chronic sterile pyuria with/out microscopic
Typical symptoms of TB are rare
No testing method has adequate sensitivity/specificity to
diagnose renal TB
Should be suspected with persistent sterile pyuria despite
standard Tx
Combination of microscopic haematuria and sterile pyuria
can be suggestive of renal TB with other reisk factors or
+ve tuberculin test
Serial cultures yield variable sensitivity /80%/ after 6
weeks growth
High cost culture techniques emerged with limited data
Medical treatment
Randomized control trials are performed on the medical
management of genitourinary TB ,consensus exist on the
efficacy of 6 months antituberculosis chemotherapy
Goals of Tx are cure , spreading control and prevent
further drug resistant
Standard six months chemotherapy with multi drugs
/isoniazid ,rifampin ,pyrizinamide and ethambutol/
1st two months with all 4 drugs ,last four months with 2
Surgical treatment
Medical treatment is adequate in uncomplicated renal TB
Surgical management is indicated for : hydronephrosis
,abscess drainage ,infected non functioning kidney
removal ,urinary tract reconstruction for strictures
Stenting success rate 40-60%
Partial nephrectomy indicated in calcified lesions non
responding to chemotherapy or growing in sizetotal
nephrectomy is indicated in :non functioning kidney ,diffuse
pattern ,UPJ obstruction and HTN and coexisting RCC
There is debate among researchers abt. :
Use of corticosteroids in distal ureteral strictures
Antituberculosis chemotherapy duration /4 vs 6 mths./
Need for safe sex practice
Timeline for invasive procedures in relation to
Usefulness of total nephrectomy for asymptomatic
tuberculous kidney
Follow up
The AUA recommends follow up schedule at 3 ,6 and 12
months , some suggest longer follow up surveillance
The EAU advocates weekly IV pyelogram to monitor for
distal uretral obstruction while on chemmotherapy /due to
Recent german review suggests follow up of 5 ys after
antituberculosis Tx
Corticosetroids can be used f no improvement after 3 weeks
Fibrosis can occur after completion of therapy