Railway Budget: BY:-Rahul Sharma Salman Sandeep Gautam Sritam Tanya Karanjai Thulasiram
Railway Budget: BY:-Rahul Sharma Salman Sandeep Gautam Sritam Tanya Karanjai Thulasiram
Railway Budget: BY:-Rahul Sharma Salman Sandeep Gautam Sritam Tanya Karanjai Thulasiram
BY:Rahul Sharma
Sandeep Gautam
Tanya Karanjai
Railway Budget of Indiaalso
referred asRail Budgetis the
Annual Financial Statement of the
stateIndian Railways, which
handlesrail transport in India. It is
presented every year by theMinister
of Railways, in theparliament.
The Railway Budget is presented
every year, a few days before
theUnion budget of India.
Speed of Train:
Capacity Augmentation:
in 2,000 stations
Establishment of automated water
vending machine
Wi-Fi in all A1, B category stations 200
more stations to be upgraded to model
stations and Bio toilets and airplanetype vacuum toilets in trains