Bronchial Asthma
Bronchial Asthma
Bronchial Asthma
Bronchoconstriction results from contraction of bronchial
smooth muscle induced by a myriad possible stimuli
Vagal and sympathetic factors directly modulate airway tone
Inflammatory edema and mucous plugging exacerbate airflow
limitation and progressively impair the response to
bronchodilator therapy.
Airway remodeling, thickening, and abnormal
communications between the injured airway epithelium and
the pulmonary mesenchyme confer resistance to
corticosteroid therapy as well
The immunologic-inflammatory pathways involved
in the pathogenesis of asthma are complex and
include lymphocytes immunoglobulin E, eosinophils
neutrophils, mast cells, leucotrienes, and cytokines
These pathways are triggered and modified by
extrinsicand environmental factors
Thus, asthma ultimately represents a dynamic
interaction between host and environmental
Cardiopulmonary Effects
Progressive acute bronchoconstriction rapidly
leads to
Short acting
2 agonists (albuterol)
Anti-cholinergics (ipratropuim)
Long acting
2 agonists (salmeterol, folmeterol)
Anti-cholinergics (thiotropuim)
Anti-inflammatory drugs
Beclomethasone and fluticasone
A thorough history and physical examination provides
the anesthesiologist with information that allows for
appropriate identification of level of disease, degree of
symptom control, and anesthetic risk stratification
Review of
Baseline exercise tolerance
Hospital visits secondary to asthma (including
whether endotracheal intubation or IV infusions
were required)
Previous surgical/anesthetic history
The patients medication regimen should be reviewed
This applies especially to steroid therapy: inhaled vs
systemic use, duration of exposure, and side-effects
Physical Exam
Physical examination should include vital signs and
assessment of breath sounds
Use of accessory muscles, and level of hydration.
The presence of labored breathing, use of accessory
muscles, and prolonged expiration time suggest
poorly-controlled asthma.
Wheezing on auscultation is concerning, particularly
if the wheezing is noticed in phases of the
respiratory cycle other than end-expiration
Arterial blood gas may be useful in determining
baseline oxygenation, carbon dioxide retention, and
acid-base status.
A chest x-ray may be obtained to assess for lung
hyperinflation and air-trapping
The overriding goal in anesthetizing an asthmatic patient is to
avoid bronchospasm and reduce the response to tracheal
Severe bronchospasm may cause fatal or near-fatal events such
as irreversible brain damage due to inability to ventilate
It is extremely important that the patient be at a deep level of
anesthesia prior to instrumenting the airway, as tracheal
intubation during light levels of anesthesia can precipitate
Regional anesthetic techniques should be considered when
appropriate, to avoid airway instrumentation. The risk of
pulmonary complications is lower when the surgical anesthetic
was performed under epidural or spinal anesthesia
Intravenous lidocaine has been successfully used
to decrease airway irritability
Anti-muscarinics such as glycopyrrolate and
atropine may decrease secretions and provide
additional bronchodilation if given in sufficient
time prior to induction
Propofol is the induction agent of choice in the
hemodynamically stable patient due to its ability
to attenuate the bronchospastic response to
Thiopental or etomidate may also be used as induction
agents but lack the bronchodilating properties of
propofol and in the case of thiopental, may lead to
detrimental histamine release
Ketamine is an ideal induction agent for
hemodynamically unstable asthmatics due to its ability
to produce direct smooth muscle relaxation and
bronchodilation without decreasing arterial pressure or
systemic vascular resistance
However, ketamine-induced bronchodilation is not as
pronounced as with propofol
Volatile anesthetics are excellent choices for
general anesthesia, as they depress airway
reflexes and produce direct bronchial smooth
muscle relaxation
Sevoflurane has the most pronounced
bronchodilation effect
Desflurane increases airway resistance and
should be avoided in asthmatics, specifically at
lighter levels of general anesthesia.
Warm, humidified gases should be provided at all
The use of a laryngeal mask airway or even mask
ventilation may be preferable to tracheal
intubation in asthmatics
The benefits of an LMA must be balanced against
the risks of an unsecured airway and in patients
with severe GERD, obesity, diabetic gastroparesis,
or recent oral intake, the need for a secured
airway may take precedence
If endotracheal intubation is deemed necessary,
histamine-releasing neuromuscular blockers should be
Vecuronium, rocuronium, and cis-atracurium are safe for
use in asthmatics.
Succinylcholine, which releases low levels of histamine,
has been used safely in asthmatics with little morbidity
Reversal of neuromuscular blockade with
acetylcholinesterase inhibitors should be used with
caution in asthmatics due to the risk of muscarinic side
effects including bronchospasm
Sugammadex is an alternative medication for reversal of
neuromuscular blockade
Ventilatory Strategies
limiting peak inspiratory pressures and tidal
lengthening the I:E ratio
Assist in avoiding air-trapping and auto PEEP
Patients should be kept adequately hydrated as
usual, but fluid overload, pulmonary congestion,
and edema can precipitate bronchospasm
(cardiac asthma)
Signs of intraoperative bronchospasm may
include wheezing, a change in capnography
(upslope on CO2 waveform, or decreased/absent
CO2 waveform), decreased tidal volumes, or high
peak inspiratory pressures
Investigate alternative diagnoses including
Ventilator malfunction
Endotracheal tube obstruction (e.g. kink,
mucous plug, clot)
Endobronchial intubation
Medical conditions such as tension
pneumothorax or pulmonary embolus
Switch to 100% O2
Switch to Manual Bag Ventilation (to evaluate
pulmonary and circuit compliance)
Deepening the plane of anesthesia by the
administration of rapid-acting intravenous
bronchodilators such a propofol or ketamine and
by increasing the concentration of volatile
Inhaled -2 agonists should be administered for
further bronchodilation using a MDI
Other bronchodilating strategies include
administering anticholinergics, intravenous
steroids, and intravenous or subcutaneous agonists such as epinephrine
Theophylline may be added for refractory
ECMO is reserved for patients with severe
bronchospasm refractory to maximal medical
Used successfully with good neurological outcomes to
treat status asthmaticus in children
Bronchospasm, poor ventilation, and hypoxaemia
are major hazards of the emergence phase
Suctioning of the airways must be rendered
cautiously, if at all
Aspiration can trigger bronchospasm
Reversal of neuromuscular block has a number of
Deep extubation (tracheal extubation while still
deeply anaesthetized) has been practiced for
many years, especially in children
Dictated by the intraoperative course
If the surgery was uneventful, and pain, nausea,
and respiratory status are well-controlled,
asthmatics may safely be discharged
In the setting of significant intraoperative
complications such as severe bronchospasm,
special care must be taken
Post op ventilation
Readminister -agonists prior to emergence and
throughout the postoperative recovery period as needed
for recurrent bronchospasm
Maintaining a head of the bed up position