Annex SL
Annex SL
Annex SL
system standards
SL.1 General
Whenever a proposal is made to prepare a new management system standard
(MSS), including sectoral applications of generic MSS, a justification study (JS) shall
be carried out in accordance with Appendix 1 to this Annex SL.
NOTE No JS is needed for the revision of an existing MSS whose development has already
been approved (unless it was not provided during its first development).
To the extent possible, the proposer shall endeavour to identify the full range of
deliverables which will constitute the new or revised MSS family, and a JS shall be
prepared for each of the deliverables.
Type A MSS
MSS providing requirements
Management system requirements standards (specifications).
Management system sector-specific requirements standards.
Type B MSS
MSS providing guidelines
Guidance on the use of management system requirements standards.
Guidance on the establishment of a management system.
Guidance on the improvement/enhancement of a management system.
High Level Structure
outcome of the work of the ISO/TMB/JTCG Joint technical Coordination Group on
MSS which refers to high level structure (HLS), identical subclause titles, identical
text and common terms and core definitions. See Appendix 2 to this Annex SL.
Any MSS should meet the needs of, and add value for, the
primary users and other affected parties.
2) Compatibility
5) Free trade
6) Applicability
of conformity
7) Exclusions
8) Ease of use
by the proposer. This list of questions is not exhaustive and any additional
information that is relevant to the case should be provided. The JS should
demonstrate that all questions have been considered. If it is decided that they are
not relevant or appropriate to a particular situation, then the reasons for this
decision should be clearly stated. The unique aspect of a particular MSS may require
consideration of additional questions in order to assess objectively its market
In the case of sector specific documents, their function and relationship with the
generic MSS should be clearly defined (e.g. additional sector-specific requirements;
elucidation; or both as appropriate).
Sector-specific documents should always show clearly (e.g. by using different
typographical styles) the kind of sector-specific information being provided.
NOTE 1 The ISO/TMB/JTCG Joint Technical Coordination Group on MSS has produced a set of
rules for the addition of discipline specific text to the identical text.
NOTE 2 Where the identical text or any of the requirements cannot be applied in a specific
MSS, due to special circumstances, this should be reported to the ISO/TMB through the TMB
Secretary at (see SL.9.3).
The scope and purpose of the standard, the title and the field of
Compatibil How compatibility within this and with other MSS families will be
achieved, including identification of the common elements with similar
standards, and how these will be included in the recommended
structure (see Appendix 2 to this Annex SL).
Consistenc Consistency with other documents (to be) developed within the MSS
NOTE Most, if not all of the information on user needs and scope will be available from the
justification study.
c) a basis for verification of the final MSS exists at appropriate stages during the
development process,
d) the approval of the design specification provides a basis for ownership
throughout the project by the members of the TC/SC(s),
e) account is taken of comments received through the NWI ballot phase, and
f) any constraints are taken into account.
The Committee developing the MSS should monitor the development of the MSS
against the design specification in order to ensure that no deviations happen in the
course of the project.
SL.8.2.3 Producing the deliverables
SL. Monitoring output
In the drafting process, the output should be monitored for compatibility and ease of
use with other MSS, by covering issues such as
the high level structure (HLS), identical subclause titles, identical text and
common terms and core definitions the need for clarity (both in language and
presentation), and
avoiding overlap and contradiction.
SL.8.2.4 Transparency of the MSS development process
MSS have a broader scope than most other types of standard. They cover a large
field of human endeavour and have an impact on a wide range of user interests.
Committees preparing MSS should accordingly adopt a highly transparent approach
to the development of the standards, ensuring that
possibilities for participation in the process of developing standards are clearly
identified, and
the development processes being used are understood by all parties.
Committees should provide information on progress throughout the life cycle of the
project, including
the status of the project to date (including items under discussion),
contact points for further information,
communiqus and press releases on plenary meetings, and
regular listings of frequently asked questions and answers.
In doing this, account needs to be taken of the distribution facilities available in the
participating countries.
Where it may be expected that users of a Type A MSS are likely to demonstrate
conformity to it, the MSS shall be so written that conformity can be assessed by a
manufacturer or supplier (first party, or self-declaration), a user or purchaser
(second party) or an independent body (third party, also known as certification or
Maximum use should be made of the resources of the ISO Central Secretariat to
facilitate the transparency of the project and the committee should, in addition,
consider the establishment of a dedicated open-access website.
Committees should involve the national member bodies to build up a national
awareness of the MSS project, providing drafts as appropriate for different
interested and affected parties, including accreditation bodies, certification bodies,
enterprises and the user community, together with additional specific information
as needed.
The committee should ensure that technical information on the content of the MSS
under development is readily available to participating members, especially those in
developing countries.
SL.8.2.5 Process for interpretation of a standard
The committee may establish a process to handle interpretation questions related
to their standards from the users, and may make the resulting interpretations
available to others in an expedient manner. Such a mechanism can effectively
address possible misconceptions at an early stage and identify issues that may
require improved wording of the standard during the next revision cycle. Such
processes are considered to be committee specific procedures [see Foreword f)].
The intended audience for this document is ISO Technical Committees (TC),
Subcommittees (SC) and Project Committees (PC) and others that are involved in
the development of MSS.
This common approach to new MSS and future revisions of existing standards will
increase the value of such standards to users. It will be particularly useful for those
organizations that choose to operate a single (sometimes called integrated)
management system that can meet the requirements of two or more MSS
Appendix 2 to this Annex SL sets out the high level structure, identical core text and
common terms and core definitions that form the nucleus of future and revised ISO
Type A MSS and Type B MSS when possible.
Appendix 3 to this Annex SL sets out guidance to the use of Appendix 2 to this
Annex SL.
SL.9.2 Use
ISO MSS include the high level structure and identical core text as found in
Appendix 2 to this Annex SL. The common terms and core definitions are either
included or normatively reference an international standard where they are
NOTE The high level structure includes the main clauses (1 to 10) and their titles, in a fixed
sequence. The identical core text includes numbered sub-clauses (and their titles) as well as
text within the sub-clauses.
4. Add or insert discipline-specific text within Appendix 2 to this Annex SL. Examples
of additions include:
a) new bullet points
b) discipline-specific explanatory text (e.g. Notes or Examples), in order to clarify
c) discipline-specific new paragraphs to sub-clauses (etc.) within the identical text
d) adding text that enhances the existing requirements in Appendix 2 to this
Annex SL
7. Understanding of the concept of risk may be more specific than that given in
the definition under 3.09 of Appendix 2 to this Annex SL. In this case a disciplinespecific definition may be needed. The discipline-specific terms and definitions
are differentiated from the core definition, e.g. (XXX) risk.
NOTE The above can also apply to a number of other definitions.
8. Common terms and core definitions will be integrated into the listing of terms and
definitions in the discipline-specific management system standard consistent
with the concept system of that standard.
SL.9.5 Implementation
Follow the sequence, high level structure, identical core text, common terms and
core definitions for any new management system standard and for any revisions to
existing management system standard.
SL.9.6 Guidance
Find supporting guidance in Appendix 3 to this Annex SL.