CH 11
CH 11
CH 11
Chapter 11
Recognize the seven common sense rules of
system security
Understand file, and account security.
Understand the use of monitoring/auditing
tools for system security.
Recognize the symptoms of viri, trojans, and
Computer Security is an oxymoron!
UNIX was not designed with security in mind. UNIX was
developed as a research tool, and openness is still one of the
major advantages (and weaknesses) of UNIX..
Personal computers and their Operating Systems, were not
designed with security in mind. They were developed as
personal systems which would only be used by one user.
Security = -------------------Convenience
Account Security
Password security is one of the most important
areas the system manager has to monitor.
Many users chose poor passwords.
Many other users have no password on their account.
Most users resist changing their passwords.
Account Security
One method which can increase account security is
to use an authentication system such as Kerberos
Kerberos uses DES encryption of tickets (much like
an AFS token) to authenticate a user.
Kerberos replaces the password program and sends
encrypted passwords (or challenge results) over the
Kerberos can be set up such that all data is encrypted
on the network.
Kerberos is becoming more popular, and is being
included in more Operating Systems.
Account Security
The best security tool at any site is an alert
Watch for users logging in at odd hours, or
logged in while they are on vacation.
Watch for off-site logins by local users.
Scan the password file to look for users with
UID or GID of zero.
File Permissions
Once you have established reasonable access security
for a system you need to look at the system binaries to
ensure they are secure.
Are there any world writeable directories on the
Are there setuid or set gid programs on the system?
Have the modify dates on system binaries changed
Search path security must be a concern for root.
File Permissions
Once you make the system files secure, you have to
look at what the users do with their accounts.
Are the user home directories locked up?
Many users leave their account mode 777 if
you dont force them to do otherwise.
Do the users have setuid programs in their
If the user is in multiple groups, are the group
permissions set correctly?
Data Encryption
One cheap method of providing security is to use some form of
data encryption for sensitive files.
crypt is standard on UNIX systems, but is easy to break.
Data Encryption
DES encryption utilities are available in the United
States. They provide a very good encryption method,
but are very difficult to deal with (most Operating
Systems do not provide nice methods of incorporating
DES encryption).
pgp - Pretty Good Privacy - uses a much better
encryption method than crypt (and some say better
that DES), but is sometimes cumbersome to use. It is
easier to tie pgp into the Operating System than DES
Single User Security
One of the biggest security holes on workstations is the ability
of the user to boot the system into single user mode.
Sun Workstations have implemented ROM monitor security that
allows the administrator set up three levels of security:
Single User Security
PC systems have started to add in hardware security features.
On these systems the administrator can limit access to the
CDROM, floppy, memory commands, etc.
The administrator can also limit which devices can be booted,
and require a password for commands much like the Sun
Dialup Modems
Another large security problem on any computer is
external access. This external access can be via
dialup modems, or network connections.
For systems with dialup modems, set passwords on
the modems such that a user has to know the
password before they get connected to the system.
If passwords are not possible, implement call-back
facilities. The user dials up, enters a code, they hang
up, then the system calls them back.
Monitor dialup usage!
One of the easiest ways to monitor system security
is to read the log files!
Most versions of UNIX place logs in /var
/var/log maillog, syslog, messages, sshd, authlog,
secure, and other log files contain important
/var/adm messages
Security Tools
The System administrator can take security one step further
by using several public domain tools to periodically scan
passwords, system and user files looking for vulnerabilities:
COPS - (Computer Oracle and Password System) checks
file/directory/device permissions, monitors the password and
groups files, monitors the system startup scripts and crontab
files, and mails the administrator a report.
crack - password cracking program.
SATAN/SAINT - checks well-known security holes in system
binaries, and tries many means of gaining access to systems.
Nessus - New Satan-like scanner (more thorough).
Nmap port scanner.
Security Tools
tcpd - a TCP wrapper that provides logging for many
TCP/IP programs.
TRIPWIRE - computes checksums for files, stores
them in a database, then on subsequent runs checks
to ensure the checksums have not changed. If
checksum has changed the administrator get a report
and can look at the files in question.
tiger - another SATAN clone from Texas A&M
courtney - yet another SATAN clone
the hackers tools - from rootshell, bugtraq, 2600,
l0pht, underground web sites.
There are many audit tools available for free
The Center for Internet Security offers tools to check
Solaris, Windows, and Linux hosts, as well as
routers for common security problems.
The System Administration, Networking, and
Security Institute (SANS) has several tools for
system auditing, and step-by-step guides to follow to
secure your systems.
The CERT organization publishes guidelines for
system security.
Viruses (vira? viri? viru?)
Viruses have (until recently) been a pox upon personal
computers and MacIntosh computers.
Unix virus code is more difficult to produce. Why?
UNIX has permissions required to write files.
UNIX is a much more complicated OS than MacOS or
DOS/Windows. Until Linux not many hackers had
access to home UNIX systems.
UNIX runs on several architectures, while MacOS and
DOS only run on limited platforms. This makes
machine code impractical for the virus programmer.
Viruses (General)
A virus is a piece of code that attaches itself to other
programs or files.
A virus becomes completely dependent on that
program or file.
Each time you run the program or open the file, the
virus code is executed.
With each execution the virus code has a chance to
Viruses spread from system to system when the
code/files are shared between the systems.
There are two general types of virus programs;
malicious, and non-malicious.
A non-malicious virus does not intend to cause any
lasting damage to the computer system.
It propagates.
It may print messages on the screen.
A malicious virus makes a concentrated
attempt to do damage to the computer
It may format your disk drive.
It may scramble the FAT table.
It may remove random files.
It may encrypt the data on the disk.
A virus is not a worm, nor is it a Trojan horse.
A Virus is a parasitic piece of code. It attaches itself to
other code/files on the system. It relies on that piece
of code in order to propagate/operate. When that
code is executed so is the virus code. This gives the
virus code the opportunity to propagate, and to
perform other actions.
A worm is a piece of code that propagates itself to
other systems, but the code does not attach itself to
programs or files on the infected systems. Worms are
stand-alone programs that do not rely on a host
piece of code to propagate/operate.
A Trojan horse is a program that appears to do one
thing, but in reality does something else. It does not
attach itself to other code/files, and does not rely upon
other code/files to propagate/operate. For instance a
game program that removes all of your files (on
purpose) would be a Trojan horse.
PC Viruses
PC viruses usually infect files with .exe, .com, and .ovr
extensions. These files usually contain executable code.
The virus code sometimes infects the file, the
hard disk boot sector, the hard disk partition tables, or floppy disk
boot sectors.
Some virus code is memory resident code. It goes memory
resident then sits and waits for other programs to be pulled into
memory. When these programs are in memory the virus infects
Some virus code goes to great lengths to hide itself...for instance
the strings in the code are variably encrypted to keep virus
scanners from finding the virus.
PC Viruses
How is a file infected?
A user runs a program that is already infected.
The virus code is executed, and hunts other files to
When an uninfected file is found, the running virus will
append a code segment to the uninfected file (in many
cases it inserts virus code at the end of the main code
Once the code is in place the virus (still running from
another program at this point) will do one of the
following to make the new code segment executable:
PC Viruses
Some of the things that virus code has been known to do:
Change a FAT entry each time the system is booted.
Use a random number generator...if the random number
generated is N, reformat the disk.
Cause odd screen behavior (all the characters fall to the bottom
of the screen).
If the infected program is opened by a virus scanner, the virus
moves itself to memory, disinfects the file, waits until the scanner
is done, then re-infects the file.
Draw a Christmas Wreath, write Merry Christmas, and play Oh
Tannenbaum (if the date is between Thanksgiving and
PC Viruses
On the 16th execution of an infected file, pick a random disk
sector and write goo to it.
Change the order of bytes in database files as they are written to
disk. Files look fine on infected systems, but are useless on
virus-free systems.
Delete the host program if it is run on Friday the 13th.
Monitor keyboard input looking for certain strings. If a string is
found a profanity is echoed to the screen (and sometimes placed
in the file you are editing instead of the string you typed).
Watch the INT 09h (keyboard interrupt). If a keystroke is
recognized while the virus is active, replicate the keystroke
(make it look like a bouncy key).
PC Viruses
Scan infected files for the string Microsoft. If found,
change it to MACHOSOFT.
Draw a phallic symbol on the screen and cause it to
march across the screen.
Create directories (with profanities for the directory
names) on the system disk.
Flip the screen on a horizontal axis.
Demand a password before you can execute any
Change disk writes into disk reads (or vice versa).
PC Viruses
Microsoft Word (Macro) Viruses
Recently hackers have found a new way to spread
virus code.
Many Word Processors, Spreadsheets, and other
productivity tools include a macro package. Many of
these macro packages are actually based on the
BASIC programming language.
Hackers have learned how to embed a virus code
segment into Microsoft Word documents.
Every time the document is opened, the virus code is
executed as part of the Macro facility startup code.
Each invocation of Word infects the document you are
Macro Viruses
Macro viruses will work on UNIX systems if the
person who creates them knows UNIX commands
and how to access UNIX calls from BASIC.
If you have Word Processors, Spreadsheets, or
Productivity tools which have the Macro capabilities
make sure to turn off the auto-macro execution.
Securing the individual systems is the first step
toward providing a secure environment.
Defense in depth security should be implemented
in layers like an onion.