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Dr. Mohammad Noor Alam
Assistant Professor
Jeddah Community College
King Abdul Aziz University


The information system is the set of formal procedures by which data
are collected, processed into information, and distributed to users.
Notice that two broad classes of systems : the accounting information
system (AIS) and the management information system (MIS).
The distinction between AIS and MIS centers on the concept of a
The information system accepts input, called transactions, which are
converted through various processes into output information that goes
to users.
Transactions fall into two classes: financial transactions and nonfinancial

Before exploring this distinction, lets first broadly define:

A transaction as an event that affects or is of interest to the
organization and is processed by its information system as a unit of work.
This definition encompasses both financial and nonfinancial events.
Because financial transactions are of particular importance to the
accountants understanding of information systems, we need a precise
definition for this class of transaction:
A financial transaction is an economic event that affects the assets
and equities of the organization, is reflected in its accounts, and is
measured in monetary terms.
Sales of products to customers, purchases of inventory from vendors,
and cash disbursements and receipts are examples of financial
transactions. Every business organization is legally bound to correctly
process these types of transactions.

Nonfinancial transactions are events that do not meet the

narrow definition of a financial transaction. For example, adding a
new supplier of raw materials to the list of valid suppliers is an
event that may be processed by the enterprises information
system as a transaction. Important as this information obviously is,
it is not a financial transaction, and the firm has no legal obligation
to process it correctlyor at all.
Financial transactions and nonfinancial transactions are closely
related and are often processed by the same physical system.

For example, consider a financial portfolio management system

that collects and tracks stock prices (nonfinancial transactions).
When the stocks reach a threshold price, the system places an
automatic buy or sell order (financial transaction). Buying high and
selling low is not against the law, but it is bad for business.
Nevertheless, no law requires company management to design
optimal buy and- sell rules into their system. Once the buy-or-sell
order is placed, however, the processing of this financial
transaction must comply with legal and professional guidelines.

The Accounting Information System

AIS subsystems process financial transactions and nonfinancial
transactions that directly affect the processing of financial
transactions. For example, changes to customers names and
addresses are processed by the AIS to keep the customer file
current. Although not technically financial transactions, these
changes provide vital information for processing future sales to the

The AIS is composed of three major subsystems:

(1) the transaction processing system (TPS), which supports daily
business operations with numerous reports, documents, and
messages for users throughout the organization;
(2) the general ledger/financial reporting system (GL/FRS), which
produces the traditional financial statements, such as the income
statement, balance sheet, statement of cash flows, tax returns,
and other reports required by law;
and (3) the management reporting system (MRS), which provides
internal management with special-purpose financial reports and
information needed for decision making such as budgets, variance
reports, and responsibility reports.

The Management Information System

Management often requires information that goes beyond the
capability of AIS. As organizations grow in size and complexity,
specialized functional areas emerge, requiring additional
information for production planning and control, sales forecasting,
inventory warehouse planning, market research, and so on. The
management information system (MIS) processes nonfinancial
transactions that are not normally processed by traditional AIS.

Transaction Processing System
The TPS is central to the overall function of the information system
by converting economic events into financial transactions,
recording financial transactions in the accounting records (journals
and ledgers), and distributing essential financial information to
operations personnel to support their daily operations.
The TPS deals with business events that occur frequently. In a given
day, a firm may process thousands of transactions. To deal
efficiently with such volume, similar types of transactions are
grouped together into transaction cycles. The TPS consists of three
transaction cycles: the revenue cycle, the expenditure cycle, and
the conversion cycle. Each cycle captures and processes different
types of financial transactions.

General Ledger/Financial Reporting Systems

The general ledger system (GLS) and the financial reporting system (FRS)
are two closely related subsystems. However, because of their
operational interdependency, they are generally viewed as a single
integrated systemthe GL/FRS. The bulk of the input to the GL portion of
the system comes from the transaction cycles. Summaries of transaction
cycle activity are processed by the GLS to update the general ledger
control accounts. Other, less frequent, events such as stock transactions,
mergers, and lawsuit settlements, for which there may be no formal
processing cycle in place, also enter the GLS through alternate sources.
The FRS measures and reports the status of financial resources and the
changes in those resources. The FRS communicates this information
primarily to external users. This type of reporting is called
nondiscretionary because the organization has few or no choices in the
information it provides. Much of this information consists of traditional
financial statements, tax returns, and other legal documents.

Management Reporting System

The MRS provides the internal financial information needed to
manage a business. Managers must deal immediately with many
day-to-day business problems, as well as plan and control their
operations. Managers require different information for the various
kinds of decisions they must make. Typical reports produced by the
MRS include budgets, variance reports, cost-volume-profit
analyses, and reports using current (rather than historical) cost
This type of reporting is called discretionary reporting because the
organization can choose what information to report and how to
present it.


Figure 1-5 presents the general model for viewing AIS applications.
This is a general model because it describes all information
systems, regardless of their technological architecture. The
elements of the general model are end users, data sources, data
collection, data processing, database management, information
generation, and feedback.

End Users
End users fall into two general groups: external and internal.
External users include creditors, stockholders, potential
investors, regulatory agencies, tax authorities, suppliers, and
customers. Institutional users such as banks, and the Internal
Revenue Service (IRS) receive information in the form of financial
statements, tax returns, and other reports that the firm has a legal
obligation to produce. Trading partners (customers and suppliers)
receive transaction-oriented information, including purchase
orders, billing statements, and shipping documents.

Internal users include management at every level of the

organization, as well as operations personnel. In contrast to
external reporting, the organization has a great deal of latitude in
the way it meets the needs of internal users. Although there are
some well-accepted conventions and practices, internal reporting
is governed primarily by what gets the job done. System
designers, including accountants, must balance the desires of
internal users against legal and economic concerns such as
adequate control and security, proper accountability, and the cost
of providing alternative forms of information. Thus, internal
reporting poses a less structured and generally more difficult
challenge than external reporting.


Before discussing the data sources portion of Figure 1-5, we must
make an important distinction between the terms data and
information. Data are facts, which may or may not be processed
(edited, summarized, or refined) and have no direct effect on the
user. By contrast, information causes the user to take an action
that he or she otherwise could not, or would not, have taken.
Information is often defined simply as processed data.

Data Sources
Data sources are financial transactions that enter the information
system from both internal and external sources. External financial
transactions are the most common source of data for most
organizations. These are economic exchanges with other business
entities and individuals outside the firm. Examples include the sale
of goods and services, the purchase of inventory, the receipt of
cash, and the disbursement of cash (including payroll).
Internal financial transactions involve the exchange or movement of
resources within the organization. Examples include the movement
of raw materials into work-in-process (WIP), the application of labor
and overhead to WIP, the transfer of WIP into finished goods
inventory, and the depreciation of plant and equipment.

Data Collection
Data collection is the first operational stage in the information
system. The objective is to ensure that event data entering the
system are valid, complete, and free from material errors. In many
respects, this is the most important stage in the system. Should
transaction errors pass through data collection undetected, the
system may process the errors and generate erroneous and
unreliable output. This, in turn, could lead to incorrect actions and
poor decisions by the users.

Two rules govern the design of data collection procedures:

relevance and efficiency. The information system should capture
only relevant data. A fundamental task of the system designer is to
determine what is and what is not relevant. He or she does so by
analyzing the users needs. Only data that ultimately contribute to
information (as defined previously) are relevant. The data
collection stage should be designed to filter irrelevant facts from
the system.

Efficient data collection procedures are designed to collect data

only once. These data can then be made available to multiple
users. Capturing the same data more than once leads to data
redundancy and inconsistency. Information systems have limited
collection, processing, and data storage capacity. Data redundancy
overloads facilities and reduces the overall efficiency of the
system. Inconsistency among redundant data elements can result
in inappropriate actions and bad decisions.

Data Processing
Once collected, data usually require processing to produce
information. Tasks in the data processing stage range from simple
to complex. Examples include mathematical algorithms (such as
linear programming models) used for production scheduling
applications, statistical techniques for sales forecasting, and
posting and summarizing procedures used for accounting

Database Management
The organizations database is its physical repository for financial
and nonfinancial data. We use the term database in the generic
sense. It can be a filing cabinet or a computer disk. Regardless of
the databases physical form, we can represent its contents in a
logical hierarchy. The levels in the data hierarchy attribute,
record, and file


Database management involves three fundamental tasks: storage,
retrieval, and deletion. The storage task assigns keys to new
records and stores them in their proper location in the database.
Retrieval is the task of locating and extracting an existing record
from the database for processing. After processing is complete, the
storage task restores the updated record to its place in the
database. Deletion is the task of permanently removing obsolete
or redundant records from the database.

Information Generation
Information generation is the process of compiling, arranging,
formatting, and presenting information to users. Information can
be an operational document such as a sales order, a structured
report, or a message on a computer screen. Regardless of physical
form, useful information has the following characteristics:

The contents of a report or document must serve a purpose. This
could be to support a managers decision or a clerks task. We
have established that only data relevant to a users action have
information content. Therefore, the information system should
present only relevant data in its reports. Reports containing
irrelevancies waste resources and may be counterproductive to the
user. Irrelevancies detract attention from the true message of the
report and may result in incorrect decisions or actions.

Information must be free from material errors. information must
be perfectly accurate. In other instances, the level of accuracy
may be lower. Material error exists when the amount of inaccuracy
in information causes the user to make poor decisions or to fail to
make necessary decisions. We sometimes must sacrifice absolute
accuracy to obtain timely information. Often, perfect information is
not available within the users decision time frame. Therefore, in
providing information, system designers seek a balance between
information that is as accurate as possible, yet timely enough to
be useful.

No piece of information essential to a decision or task should be
missing. For example, a report should provide all necessary
calculations and present its message clearly and unambiguously.
Information should be aggregated in accordance with the users
needs. Lower level managers tend to need information that is
highly detailed. As information flows upward through the
organization to top management, it becomes more summarized.

Feedback is a form of output that is sent back to the system as a
source of data. Feedback may be internal or external and is used
to initiate or alter a process. For example, an inventory status
report signals the inventory control clerk that items of inventory
have fallen to, or below, their minimum allowable levels. Internal
feedback from this information will initiate the inventory ordering
process to replenish the inventories. Similarly, external feedback
about the level of uncollected customer accounts can be used to
adjust the organizations credit-granting policies.

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