Heat Engines, Entropy and The Second Law of Thermodynamics
Heat Engines, Entropy and The Second Law of Thermodynamics
Heat Engines, Entropy and The Second Law of Thermodynamics
of the
in a Carnot
Carnot Cycle, A to B
A -> B is an isothermal
The gas is placed in
contact with the high
temperature reservoir, Th
The gas absorbs heat |Qh|
The gas does work WAB in
raising the piston
Carnot Cycle, B to C
B -> C is an adiabatic
The base of the cylinder is
replaced by a thermally
nonconducting wall
No heat enters or leaves
the system
The temperature falls from
Th to Tc
The gas does work WBC
Carnot Cycle, C to D
The gas is placed in
contact with the cold
temperature reservoir
C -> D is an isothermal
The gas expels energy
Work WCD is done on
the gas
Carnot Cycle, D to A
D -> A is an adiabatic
The gas is again placed
against a thermally
nonconducting wall
So no heat is exchanged with
the surroundings
The temperature of the gas
increases from Tc to Th
The work done on the gas is
Carnot Cycle, PV Diagram
The work done by
the engine is shown
by the area enclosed
by the curve, Weng
The net work is
equal to |Qh| – |Qc|
Eint = 0 for the
entire cycle
Efficiency of a Carnot Engine
Carnot showed that the efficiency of the engine
depends on the temperatures of the reservoirs
Qc Tc Tc
and ec 1
Qh Th Th
Qc Tc
W Th Tc
Gasoline Engine
In a gasoline engine, six processes
occur during each cycle
For a given cycle, the piston moves up
and down twice
This represents a four-stroke cycle
The processes in the cycle can be
approximated by the Otto cycle
Otto Cycle
The PV diagram of an
Otto cycle is shown at
The Otto cycle
approximates the
processes occurring in
an internal combustion
The Conventional Gasoline
Gasoline Engine – Intake
During the intake stroke,
the piston moves
A gaseous mixture of air
and fuel is drawn into the
Energy enters the system
as potential energy in the
O -> A in the Otto cycle
Gasoline Engine –
Compression Stroke
The piston moves upward
The air-fuel mixture is
compressed adiabatically
The temperature increases
The work done on the gas
is positive and equal to the
negative area under the
A -> B in the Otto cycle
Gasoline Engine – Spark
Combustion occurs when
the spark plug fires
This is not one of the
strokes of the engine
It occurs very quickly
while the piston is at its
highest position
Conversion from potential
energy of the fuel to
internal energy
B -> C in the Otto cycle
Gasoline Engine – Power
In the power stroke, the
gas expands adiabatically
This causes a temperature
Work is done by the gas
The work is equal to the
area under the curve
C -> D in the Otto cycle
Gasoline Engine – Valve
This is process D -> A in the Otto cycle
An exhaust valve opens as the piston
reaches its bottom position
The pressure drops suddenly
The volume is approximately constant
So no work is done
Energy begins to be expelled from the
interior of the cylinder
Gasoline Engine – Exhaust
In the exhaust stroke, the
piston moves upward while
the exhaust valve remains
Residual gases are
expelled to the atmosphere
The volume decreases
A -> O in the Otto cycle
Otto Cycle Efficiency
If the air-fuel mixture is assumed to be an
ideal gas, then the efficiency of the Otto
cycle is
e 1
V1 V2
Tf Tf
S m c ln m c ln
If mixing takes1 place,
Tc this resultTapplies
2 2
only to
identical substances
S will be positive and the entropy of the Universe
Entropy on a Microscopic
We can treat entropy from a microscopic
viewpoint through statistical analysis of
molecular motions
A connection between entropy and the number
of microstates (W) for a given macrostate is S =
kB ln W
The more microstates that correspond to a given
macrostate, the greater the entropy of that
This shows that entropy is a measure of disorder
Entropy, Molecule Example