Corporate Finance: Suresh Herur
Corporate Finance: Suresh Herur
Corporate Finance: Suresh Herur
Financial Management
- Prasanna Chandra
Financial Management
- I M Pandey
Financial Services
- Nalini Tripathy
Sources of Financial Information:
The following sources apart from CMIE- PROWESS have extensive
information about corporate world, economy and markets.
Quizzes/ assignments/
presentations / case analysis - 30%
Fixed Assets
What long-term
1 Tangible investments Shareholders’
should the firm Equity
2 Intangible choose?
The Capital Structure Decision
Current Assets
How should the
firm raise funds
for the selected
Fixed Assets investments?
1 Tangible Shareholders’
2 Intangible Equity
Short-Term Asset Management
Current Assets
Working Long-Term
Capital Debt
If how you slice the pie affects the size of the pie,
then the capital structure decision matters.
The Firm and the Financial Markets
Taxes (D)
Minimize costs?
Financial Markets
Primary Market
Issuance of a security for the first time
Secondary Markets
Buying and selling of previously issued
securities (NSE / BSE)
Financial Markets
Primary Market
The Agency Cost Problem
The interests of managers, stockholders, bondholders
and society can diverge. What is good for one group
may not necessarily for another.
Managers may have other interests (job security, perks,
compensation) that they put over stockholder wealth
Actions that make stockholders better off (increasing
dividends, investing in risky projects) may make
bondholders worse off.
The Agency Cost Problem
Managerial compensation
Incentives can be used to align
management and stockholder interests
The incentives need to be structured
carefully to make sure that they achieve
their intended goal
Corporate control
The threat of a takeover may result in
better management
Stockholder Interests vs.
Management Interests
Tata Corus
Nov 07,2006 Close: 497.35 High: 512.95
Oct 22Open: 511.00 Volume: 1422075
Stockholders' objectives vs.
Bondholders' objectives
In theory: there is no conflict of interests
between stockholders and bondholders.
In practice: Stockholders may maximize their
wealth at the expense of bondholders.
Increasing dividends significantly: When firms
pay cash out as dividends, lenders to the
firm are hurt and stockholders may be
helped. This is because the firm becomes
riskier without the cash.
Stockholders' objectives vs.
Bondholders' objectives