Vaginal Birth After Caesarean (Vbac) : Max Brinsmead MB Bs PHD December 2015
Vaginal Birth After Caesarean (Vbac) : Max Brinsmead MB Bs PHD December 2015
Vaginal Birth After Caesarean (Vbac) : Max Brinsmead MB Bs PHD December 2015
Max Brinsmead MB BS PhD
December 2015
Advantages of VBAC
Quicker recovery
But not always
But not much cheaper than elective CS and can be
much more costly
Advantages of VBAC - 2
Advantages of Elective CS
Certainty of timing
Thats the modern way!
Certainty of outcome
If I have a 30 50% chance of CS just do one!
Emergency CS more dangerous
Its Pain-free
More or less guaranteed!
Advantages of Elective CS
Scar rupture
Much confusion in the literature over the definition
Rate of asymptomatic scar rupture the same whether VBAC
or elect CS
Overall rate approx. 0.5% or 1:200
Was 0.35% in the largest combined contemporary study
Additional risk from trial of scar is 3.4 per 10,000
Requires 2941 elective CS to prevent one hysterectomy
Type of previous CS
"10% " risk of rupture from classical and T incisions
Myomectomy and Hysterotomy
Number of previous CS
Increasing risk with increasing number
Maternal weight
Miserable rates of VBAC for women >135 Kg
Maternal Age
Clear evidence for declining uterine performance with age
at first labour
Labour performance
Thats why its called trial of scar
Dilatation and descent
Progress rather than arbitrary time limits
Psychological Factors
The patients willingness and drive
The support provided
Spontaneous labour
Induced labour
Cx ripening c PGs
Cx ripening c Foley
IOL not using PGs
Previous uterine rupture
Any contraindication to labour in this pregnancy eg
placenta previa, transverse lie etc.
Induction of labour
Increases the risk of rupture 2-3fold especially if
prostaglandins are used
Reduces the chance of VBAC 1.5-fold