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Mal Presentations Mal Positions

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Malpresentations and Malpositions

1. Definition
o Presentation:
Fetal part presenting at pelvic outlet
o Normal:
Vertex head is presenting part
o Malpresentations
Brow (brow of infant is presenting), face and compound (head and
hand presenting together)
Breech (complete, frank, footling)
o Position: position of fetal occiput in relation to maternal pelvis
o Normal: occiput anterior
o Malpositions: occiput posterior, occiput transverse
1. Incidence
o Face 1/600
o Brow 1/1,400
o Breech 1/33
o Compound 1/1,500
o Occiput posterior: 15% early labor and 5% at delivery
o Transverse 1/335
2. Risk factors for malpresentation
o Fetal factors
o Prematurity
o Large baby
o Fetal anomaly:
Anencephaly, hydrocephaly, muscle dystrophy, neurologic impairment,
anterior neck mass or multiple nuchal cord loops (prevent flexion of the
head); 50% of face presentation
o Short umbilical cord
o Fetal death
o Maternal and uterine factors for malpresentation
o Contracted pelvis e.g. distortions following pelvic fracture that prohibits
fetal descent into the pelvis
o Multiparity resulting in lax abdominal wall
o Multiple pregnancy
o Uterine cavity abnormalities (bicornuate, septate uterus)
o Space occupying lesions (uterine leiomyomatoma)
o Placental abnormalities (placenta previa)
o Amniotic fluid volume abnormalities (oligo-polyhydramnios)
3. Morbidity/mortality
o Increased likelihood of intervention due to anomalies on fetal tracing
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Lower baseline often seen with occiput posterior position, ineffective

uterine action, feto-pelvic disproportion, prolonged or arrest of labor
Increased PROM increasing risk of infection and cord prolapse
Pathologic contraction rings
Usually the result of unrecognized labor dystocia and possible rupture
of lower uterine segment
Increased incidence of instrumental delivery or C-section (maternal trauma,
bleeding, infection)

1. History
o No descent of baby late in pregnancy in many cases of malpresentation
o Fetal head in the fundas for breech and elsewhere for other malpositions
o Large abdomen suggestive of failure of fetus to descend
Fundal height measurement may confirm on physical exam
2. Physical exam
o Leopold maneuvers
o Vaginal exam
Head unengaged after rupture of membranes
Triangle shaped: mouth and orbital ridges (or malar bones)
Chin is the presenting part, anteriorly or posteriorly
Frontal sutures, anterior fontanelle, orbital ridges, eyes but not
mouth nor chin
Great trochanters (or ischial tuberosities) + anus in a line (attn:
mouth can be mistaken for anus and ischial tuberosities for malar
Fetal extremity prolapses along with presenting part
Transverse lie
Ribs, scapula, clavicle, axilla
Described as dorsoanterior, dorsoposterior and right or left
Prolapse of arm or hand in vagina
3. Diagnostic testing
o Based upon physical examination
o Ultrasound may be useful to confirm breech and transverse presentations
o Ultrasound not useful for OP/OA
1. External cephalic version for breech/transverse lie with or without induction of
labor after 37 weeks
2. Criteria for external version >37 weeks; singleton; unengaged presenting part;
reactive NST; good amniotic fluid volume
3. Contraindication to external version

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Previous unexplained 3rd trimester bleed; placenta previa; prior classical c/s;
previous myomectomy; oligohydramnios; PROM; abnormal U/S; suspected
IUGR; hypertension, signs of uterine placental insufficiency
Success rate of version is operator dependent
Up to 60-70%
Risk of non -reassuring fetal monitoring
Done in settings where emergent delivery can be done
4. Augmentation of labor not contraindicated if no signs of obstruction and evidence
of hypotonia, except in brow and compound presentations
5. Specifics:
o Face
25-30% : spontaneous rotation of mentum posterior to mentum anterior
Mentum anterior can deliver vaginally while mentum posterior cannot
Neonatal resuscitation endotracheal intubation may be difficult
secondary to facial swelling
Instrumentation usually contraindicated, vacuum extractor
C-section most common form of delivery
o Brow
Spontaneous conversion to face (30%) or occiput posterior (20%)
C-section most common form of delivery
o Breech
Planned c-section for persistent breech
Term Breech Trial : planned c-section for term breech associated with
decrease perinatal mortality and morbidity; modest increase in shortterm maternal morbidity
Criteria for vaginal breech delivery:
>36 weeks; adequate clinical pelvimetry; complete or frank
breech; fetus not too large; fetal head flexed; no other indication
for c/s; no previous c/s for CPD; absence of fetal anomaly that
may interfere with vaginal delivery; continuous fetal heart rate
monitoring available; experienced physician,
Informed consent with women planning a vaginal breech delivery
should include the risk of neonatal morbidity and mortality may be
higher than if a planned c-section is performed
o Compound
In most of the cases, prolapsed part will ascend with the descent of the
presenting part, allowing normal delivery
Most usual presenting part is the hand or arm
Instrumentation not recommended
o Transverse lie/shoulder
Risk of formation of pathologic contraction ring above lower uterine
segment and uterine rupture if shoulder forced in the pelvis
Delivery by Caesarean section if no version to vertex
o Occiput posterior
90% conversion to occiput anterior during labor
Spontaneous vaginal delivery in OP position possible
Vacuum or forceps may be needed
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Manual rotation of persistent OP may assist in facilitating birth

Occiput Transverse
If does not convert to occiput anterior or occiput posterior will need
either forceps rotation or Caesarean
See also Vacuum-assisted delivery

1. Gabbe: Obstetrics - Normal and Problem Pregnancies, 4th ed., 2002, Churchill
Livingstone, Inc., pp. 473-498
2. Williams Obstetrics, 22nd ed., 2005, McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., pp.506-513
3. Uptodate: www.uptodate.com
4. World Health Organization: www.who.int
5. SOGC clinical guidelines
6. ALSO manual

Authors: Lisa Graves, MD, & Delphine Laramee, MD, Trillium Health Care, ON
Editor: David Wakulchik, MD, Aultman FMRP, OH

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