CS Case Presentation
CS Case Presentation
CS Case Presentation
• Cesarean delivery is the surgical removal
of the infant from the uterus through an
incision made in the abdominal wall and
an incision made in the uterus.
• The surgery may be preplanned (elective)
or arise from an unanticipated problem.
• The surgery may be preplanned (elective)
or arise from an unanticipated problem.
Skin incision
1. a midline vertical 2. Pfannenstiel incision
incision between the just above the
umbilicus and the symphysis
Three types of uterine incisions
are possible
1) low transverse
2) low vertical
3) classic, a vertical incision into the
upper uterus
• The low transverse uterine incision is preferred
unless a very large fetus or placenta previa in the
lower uterus prevents its use. The uterine incision
does not always match the skin incision. For
example, a woman may have a vertical skin
incision and a low transverse uterine incision,
particularly if she is very obese.
• In subsequent pregnancies and delivery, a trial of
labor and vaginal birth is increasingly regarded as
safe and appropriate as long as cephalopelvic
disproportion does not exist and the previous
incision was low transverse.
• Elective, repeat cesarean may be
performed in the absence of a specific
indication for operative delivery when
either the physician or the client is
unwilling to attempt vaginal delivery.
• Anesthesia may be general, spinal, or
epidural; preoperative and postoperative
care will vary accordingly.
Reasons For Performing A Cesarean Delivery
1. Maternal factors
a. Cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD)
b. Active genital herpes or papilloma
c. Previous cesarean birth by classic incision
d. Presence of severe disabling hypertension or heart disease
2. Placental factors
e. Placenta previa
f. Abruptio placental
3. Fetal factors
g. Transverse fetal lie
h. Extreme low birth weight
i. Fetal distress
j. Compound conditions, such as macrosomia and transverse lie.
Nursing Management
• Explain to the mother, her partner, and other family members that recovery
from a surgical cesarean delivery is slower, and often more painful, when
compared with recovery from a normal vaginal delivery. The following
considerations must be taken into account:
• Need for increased rest (influenced by type of anesthesia, length of labor,
and the type of abdominal or uterine incision)
• Need for increased pain medication and other pain-relieving techniques
• Inability to climb the stairs
• Inability to drive a car
• Difficulty with breast feeding the newborn in certain positions (e.g., cradle
hold).teach the mother the best positions to use and how to use pillows to
cushion the incision site.
• Difficulty with normal ADLs (e.g., dressing, bathing, toileting, and so on).
Difficulty with providing normal newborn care (e.g., lifting, carrying, bathing,
and dressing the newborn) and the need for assistance in caring for the