Week 3
Week 3
Week 3
Period of Development
This presentation is focused on the adolescence period of development.
This presentation will explain how we can create and sustain partnerships
with families and the community.
This presentation will show how these partnerships influence the
development of children and learning.
It is important for adolescence to have a good balance of rules and
responsibility (Berk, 2013).
As a child development professional, it is my job to help children learn and grow to the
best of their ability.
It is also important to educate parents and help them get involved in their childs
Professionals in the field need to help families, schools and the community work
together to help children reach their full potential.
Adolescence need to have plenty of opportunities to have choices and responsibilities.
Mesosystem Theory
Bronfenbrenners ecological framework says
that Mesosystem plays an important role in
this stage. The Mesosystems are made up
of all the microsystems of a childs life.
The microsystems include the childs
school, family, church and peers.
For example, if children are having struggles
with their family, it is going to effect their
school life.
The environment that children are in often
influence them. A childs culture, and
society make up the macrosystem.