Digital Marketing: Implementation and Practice
Digital Marketing: Implementation and Practice
Digital Marketing: Implementation and Practice
Part 3
Digital marketing:
implementation and practice
Chapter 7
Delivering the
online customer experience
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Learning objectives
Describe the different stages needed to create
an effective website, mobile site or social media
Define the requirements that contribute to
effective site
Identify the similarities and differences in
creating a website and other forms of online
presence .
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Figure 7.1
Source: Reprinted by permission of Macmillan Publishers Ltd.: Journal of Brand Management, based on a diagram in de Chernatony, L. (2001) Succeeding with brands on the internet, 8(3), pp.18695,
2001, published by Palgrave Macmillan.
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Figure 7.2
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Figure 7.3
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Figure 7.4
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An approach to site design intended to accommodate site usage
using different browsers and settings particularly required by the
visually impaired and visitors with other disabilities including
motor control, learning difficulties and dead users.
Also helps Search engine optimisation
Maximising returns from web investments through measurement
and optimisation using techniques including web analytics
(Chapter 10) and usability studies.
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Figure 7.5
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Design concepts
Information architecture the combination of
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Figure 7.6
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Figure 7.7
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Figure 7.8
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Figure 7.9
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Figure 7.10
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Figure 7.11
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1. Exposure
Content must be
present for long
enough to be
2. Attention
nsion and
The users
interpretation of
4. Yielding
Is information (copy)
presented accepted
by customers?
5. Retention
As for traditional
advertising, this
describes the extent
to which the
information is
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Figure 7.13
(a) Narrow and deep; (b) broad and shallow organisation schemes
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Figure 7.14
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Figure 7.15
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Assurance and
Ease of use
Service quality
Content quality
E-mail replies
Download speed
E-mail response
Contacts with
call centre
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Figure 7.16
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Figure 7.18
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