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Literature Searching Strategy

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Basic Literature Searching Technique

Apa itu Scholarly literature?

Journal articles
Conference papers
Not usually magazine articles, web pages
Quality controlled
In a good journal, many papers rejected, most
revised after referees comments

Types of Scholarly Literature

Primary Resources

Secondary Resources

Journal article

Journal article


Chapter in book

Chapter in book



The Strengths and Weaknesses of

the Different Sources
Books vs. journal articles vs conference proceedings

vs. the web

Which tend to be the best for

Kekinian (informasi up to date)

Spesifikasi pengarang
Bisa dipahami?

Karya ilmiah akademik lebih terkontrol secara

kualitas banyak yang ditolak karena tidak tepat

atau tidak menarik untuk dibaca

Where is the scholarly literature?

The Library
Lihat dulu list jurnal dan kemudian cari di rak buku judul
yang sesuai
Digital Libraries
Need to use keyword searches to identify relevant articles

The Web
Gunakan keyword searches in Google (yang mengindex
PDF dan PostScript academic publications)

Keyword Searches
Menentukan kata kunci adalah keterampilan hal yang

sangat penting untuk mencari informasi yang dibutuhkan

Digunakan untuk menjelaskan tentang suatu topik
Email, e-mail, electronic mail, online communication

STEP 2: coba lakukan berbagai cara pencarian yang

berbeda untuk mencari satu informasi

Jika terlalu sedikit kembangkan kata kunci
Simpan informasi yang telah didapat dalam hard disk,
sebelum dipilih mana yang dibutuhkan

Boolean searching
Most libraries allow you to AND or OR search

terms together
word1 AND word2 means both must be in the
word1 OR word2 means either can be in the document

Many, like Google, assume AND

E.g word1 word2 means word1 AND word2
But you can enter word1 OR word2 in Google

Keyword Search Options

Common options are:

Search only in title

Search only in title and abstract
Full text search
Author search

Need to play with different search options in order

to get good results

The Web/Google
Use Google for greatest coverage and

inclusion of PDF and PostScript files

Use Google Scholar for primarily academic
Use to find very up-to-date information
Most importantly, use to find easy topic
introductions, overviews and definitions

Google Scholar

Academic papers available from the web

Abstracts of academic papers from digital libraries
Not all the papers are scholarly, there are mistakes
Its coverage is not complete
Some free papers that are restricted elsewhere
Also try the CITED BY link

The stages of
a keyword

Specialist vocabularies
Researchers tend to use specific words or phrases to

refer to their subject

Knowing these phrases is a big help when searching for
E.g. digital libraries, collaboratories, human-computer
interaction, software engineering (not programming!),

Articles often have keyword lists, which can help you

identify the specialist vocabulary in your area

You will learn a specialist vocabulary as you progress
through your literature search

Author Qualifications:
Does the journal article clearly identify the author
and his or her qualifications?
If not, can you find additional information about the
author online or in a print biographical source?
How extensively has the author published in his or
her field?
What other articles has the author written and what
topics are covered?

Journal Qualities:

What is the nature of the journal that has published

the article? Is it an academic journal?

Is it scholarly in nature?
Is it published by a professional association?
Are the articles in the journal refereed or peer
Does the journal have a solid publishing history?
Are other articles in the journal frequently
referenced by other experts in the field?

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