God APriori
God APriori
God APriori
A Priori Arguments
Classical Theism
Classical conception of God: God is
Omnipotent: all-powerful
Omnipresent: everywhere
Omniscient: all-knowing
Eternal: everlasting
Transcendent: beyond the world
Compassionate: caring
Dissident conceptions
Via negativa-- the “negative way”
We can know only what God is not
God created the world, but has no further
interaction with it; no miracles
God is everything
God includes everything
Argument from Thought
Where do we get our concept of God?
It’s the concept of something perfect
We never experience perfection
So, the concept of God can’t come from
So, the concept of God is innate
It must come from something perfect
So, God must exist
Descartes’s Premise
“Now it is manifest by the natural light that
there must at least be as much reality in
the efficient and total cause as in its effect.
For, pray, whence can the effect derive its
reality, if not from its cause? And in what
way can this cause communicate this
reality to it, unless it possessed it in itself?”
Descartes’s Premise
“And from this it follows, not only that
something cannot proceed from nothing,
but likewise that what is more perfect --
that is to say, which has more reality within
itself -- cannot proceed from the less
Descartes’s Argument
The cause of the idea of X must have at
least as much reality as X
We get the idea of fire from fire
We get the idea of red from red things