Amos Rapaport: House Form & Culture
Amos Rapaport: House Form & Culture
Amos Rapaport: House Form & Culture
Amos Rapaport
Tradition disappears:
Differentiation of space:
Jung the lack of sharp boundaries between man and animals in the primitive world
climate and the need for shelter
materials and technology
HOUSE FORM & CULTURE Environmental Psychology ARC 359
Climatic determinism
We build houses to keep in a consistent climate,
and to keep out predators. We grow, gather and
eat food to keep our metabolism on an even
keel. (p19)
For thousands of years wood and stone have
determined the character of buildings. The
theory that forms develop as man learns to master
more complex building techniques. However
even within one culture housing may be primitive
while ceremonial buildings are elaborate with
sophisticated roof structures.
this has been cited to account for
tight urban patterns more than to
explain the form of dwellings
The physical environment provides possibilities, not imperatives.
Mumford suggests that man was a symbol-making animal before he was a tool-making
animal. (42).
More than the physical environment, it is our symbols and rituals that give form to that
HOUSE FORM & CULTURE Environmental Psychology ARC 359
The house is an institution, not just a Culture- the total equipment of ideas
structure. and institutions and conventionalized
activities of a people
In addition to physical influences on built Ethos the organized conception of
form (which are considered to be more the Ought.
secondary or modifying), there is a whole World View the way people
range of socio-cultural factors primary characteristically look out upon the
forces a vision of the ideal life (p47). world.
National Character the personality
Religion type of a people, the kind of human
being which, generally occurs in this
Family Structure society (p48)
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Family structure
and the centre.
HOUSE FORM & CULTURE Environmental Psychology ARC 359
Criticality eg. in flight, a
There are many factors influencing the rocket has higher criticality
form of the house. The more forceful the
physical constraints, and the more than an airplane because it is
limited the technology and command of more severely constrained by
means, the less are nonmaterial aspects
able to act. But they never cease to
technical requirements.
operate. There is a scale or set of scales Slower airplanes have more
that we could use here. A climatic scale freedom in design (lower
ranging from very severe to very benign,
an economic scale from bare subsistence criticality) than do jets. A
to affluence, a technological scale from pedestrian path has more
the barest to the most sophisticated,
materials from a single local material to freedom than an expressway.
unlimited choice. Even where the The degree of choice
constraints are the most severe, cultural
factors are still operating.
depends on the value system.
The degree of freedom in choice can be
understood through the concept of
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The concept of basic needs is brought into
question since most basic needs involve
value judgments and therefore choice.
Those choices are based on peoples
attitudes towards their environment.
The transition between street and private domain of the house becomes very important in
this case. (SEE JACOBS ON THIS)
Western architects often think of privacy as a basic need, but it is a complex and varied
phenomenon that defies easy solutions. (FIG 2)
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the concern is where to meet
whether in the house, the cafe,
the bath, the street, the well.
All of these will affect the form
of the house. In many cultures
meeting in the house is not
done. Socializing takes place
elsewhere. This means that the
house cannot be seen in
isolation from the settlement.
Because the living pattern
always extends beyond the
house to some degree, the form
of the house is affected by the
extent to which one lives in it
and the range of activities that
take place in it.
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In the first two man is in nature. There is no difference between the two. The
whole landscape is sacred as is the house in it.
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The need for security may be constant but how that is expressed may vary greatly. (This
notion takes on greater importance when we look at Defensible Space)
The territorial instinct the need for identity and place is constant. How we define
territory and the ideal environment will vary. What elements are changeable and which are
constant will have a profound effect on the form of both the dwelling and the city.
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Distinctions are made between different types of space: physical, economic, social, etc.
It is through the latter spaces that we define ethnic domains. So, for example, the
sanctity of the threshold remains constant from culture to culture but how that is
identified and defined will vary considerably. (FIG 3.15, p.80)
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