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IPE1617 Intro I

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POEC 3053 - international

political economy




Social Policy Office-PMS
Consultation Hours: Upon request of 5-7 students
Session 1

Getting to know you

Classroom Rules
Orientation to the course/course requirements
Identification of Groupings
Discussion of the Syllabus and Reading Materials

Session 1 : INTRODUCTION (I)

3/23/17 2
POEC 3053 - Theories of Political Economy
1. Attendance is a must at all 5. Write a semestral paper
class sessions. (5%) topics to be announced
2. No one is exempted from (15%)
class participation in (a) 6. Take the in-class Midterm
Lectures (including taking Exam. No excuses will be
down notes) and in-class entertained. (20%)
group discussions (10%)
7. Take the in-class Final
3. Homework must be
Exam. Again no excuses
submitted on the deadlines
will be entertained. (20%)
set. (15%)
4. Study for announced or
unannounced quizzes. (15%) TOTAL : 100%
Session 1 : INTRODUCTION (I)
3/23/17 POEC 3053 - Theories of Political 3
8. Come to class on time. 11. Always come to class
(4:45PM) prepared. A list of required
and additional readings are
9. Do not wear short esp the given to you. Most are
short shorts and sando. available online.
10.Do not use laptops, iPads, 12. When in class, always speak
other tablets or smart English.
phones when taking down 13. Always call each other by
notes take notes with your first names or
pen/pencil and notebook. nicknames.
[This will be part of the 14. SPEAK ENGLISH when in
class participation grade] class.
Session 1 : INTRODUCTION (I)
POEC 3053 - Theories of Political
3/23/17 4
Overview of
Political Economy
International Political

Session 1 : INTRODUCTION (I)

3/23/17 POEC 3053 - Theories of Political 5
Political economy is

The academic discipline that explores the relationship between individuals and society,
and between markets and the state, using methods drawn from economics, political
science and sociology

The branch of social science that deals with the production, distribution, and consumption
of goods and services and their management
The study and use of how economic theory and methods influences political ideology.
Political economy is the interplay between economics, law and politics, and how
institutions develop in different social and economic systems, such as capitalism,
socialism and communism. - www.investopedia.com/terms/p/political-economy.asp
Economics is practically the study of wealth while politics is the study of power. Political
economy is thus, the study of wealth and power and how these shape governance.
Session 1 : INTRODUCTION (I)
3/23/17 6
POEC 3053 - Theories of Political Economy
Political economy is (2)


Session 1 : INTRODUCTION (I)
3/23/17 POEC 3053 - Theories of 7
Political Economy
International Political Economy is
The study of economic relations, the politics of trade and monetary transactions among
nations and their connection to other transnational forces
The study of the intersection of politics and economics that illuminates the reasons
why changes occur in the distribution of wealth and power among states
The study of economic relations, the politics of trade and monetary transactions among
nations and their connection to other transnational forces
The study of the intersection of politics and economics that illuminates the reasons
why changes occur in the distribution of wealth and power among states

Session 1 : INTRODUCTION (I)

3/23/17 POEC 3053 - Theories of 8
Political Economy
International Political Economy is (2)
The domain of political economy in which government seek to manage
economic activity beyond their borders in ways that advance their policy
goals and principles
An approach to the study of international relations that is concerned with
the economic determinants of international political relations
The study of the web created by international trade, migration, finance,
technology, and the international security arrangements that condition them

Session 1 : INTRODUCTION (I)

3/23/17 POEC 3053 - Theories of 9
Political Economy
ASSIGNMENT for 17 November 2016
1. Answer the following question in a one-fourth 3. Define the following terms to be submitted
sheet of paper: If you will be a superhero, who next meeting: handwritten in yellow ruled pad
will you want to be and what superpower would with margins of 1.0 all round. Cite your
you want to have? sources/references.
Name? Economic geography, Geoeconomy
The Who? Geopolitics, Geostrategy
Your Superpower? Hegemony
Why? what are your present circumstances, International relations, International trade
concerns, involvement and aspirations to
International finance, International monetary
warrant the superpower you wish for?
Everyone thus, shall introduce themselves.
Nationalism, Patrimony
2. Read on the chronological developments in the Practical politics or realpolitik
international political economy (IPE). Sociology
Session 1 : INTRODUCTION (I)
3/23/17 POEC 3053 - Theories of 10
Political Economy
Groupwork for 17 November 2016
. The poem below explains the problematique of International political economy. Discuss/explain & be ready to

report/submit your discussions next meeting.

For want of a nail, the shoe was lost.
For want of a shoe, the horse was lost.
For want of a horse, the rider was lost.
For want of a rider, the battle was lost.
For want of a battle, the kingdom was lost.
And all for the want of a horseshoe nail.
Reading Materials:
Watson, Alison M.S. (2004). An Introduction to International Political Economy. Continuum:London, UK.
Cohn, T.H. (2005). Global Political Economy: Theory and Practice, 3rd ed. Pearson Longman, Inc.:New York, NY. Pp 3-16.
Heywood, A. 2011. Global Politics. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Ch. 4.
Macmillan, J. 2004. Liberalism and the democratic peace. Review of International Studies 30: 179-200.
Naim, M. 2000. Washington consensus or Washington confusion? Foreign Policy 118: 86-103.
Oye, K. 1985. Explaining cooperation under anarchy: Hypotheses and strategies. World Politics 38(1): 1-24.
Session 1 : INTRODUCTION (I)
3/23/17 POEC 3053 - Theories of 11
Political Economy
I sure do hope you enjoyed our first class.

I can make the next ones are all the more interesting if you
read ahead and participate in the class discussions.

This way, you trigger my remembrance of my stock

knowledge on the practical applications of the concepts
under the aegis of International Political Economy.

Thank you!

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