Presentation On: Assigned By:-Presented By
Presentation On: Assigned By:-Presented By
Presentation On: Assigned By:-Presented By
Break Even
Introduction Stage
When the product is introduced, sales will be low until customers
become aware of the product and its benefits. Some firms may
announce their product before it is introduced, but such
announcements also alert competitors and remove the element of
Maintain the product in hopes that competitors will exit. Reduce costs and
find new uses for the product.
Harvest it, reducing marketing support and coasting along until no more
profit can be made.
Sales Low sales Rapidly increasing sale Peak sale Declining sale
Cost High cost Average cost Low cost Low cost
Profit Negative Rising profit High profit Declinning profit
Customer Innovators Early adopters Middle majority Laggards
Marketing objective Create product awareness Maximize market share Maximize profit while Reduce expenditure and
and trial defending market milk the brand
Price Charge cost-plus Price to penetrate market Price to match the best Cut prise
Distribution Build selective Build intensive Build more intensive Go selective ,phase out
distribution distribution distribution unprofitable outlets
Advertising Build produvt awareness Build awareness and Stress brand difference Reduce to level needed
among early interest in the mass and benefit to retain hard core-
adopters and dealers market loyals
Sales promotion Use heavy sales Reduce to take advantage Increase to encourage Reduce to minimal level
promotion to entice of heavy consumer brand switching
trial demand
Criticism Of PLC concept
No way to predict the length of each phase.