Transfer Pricing
Transfer Pricing
Transfer Pricing
Overview of applicability of TP Provisions
Any income arising from an international transaction
(IT) between
Associated Enterprises (AE) shall be computed having
regard to the arms length price (ALP).
Any allowance for an expenditure or interest or allocation
of any cost or expense or any income in relation to the
specified domestic transaction (SDT) shall be computed
having regard to the arm's length price.
Arms length price means price applied or proposed
to be applied in a transaction between independent parties
in uncontrolled transactions. 3 Elements of Transfer
Pricing: 1. Arms Length Price(ALP)
2. AE / Domestic AE // 3. International Transaction
T ra n s a c tio n s
In te rn a l E x te rn a l
(W i t h i n th e c o u n try ) (o u ts i d e th e c o u n try )
In te r C o m p a n y In tra C o m p a n y In te r C o m a p n y In tra C o m p a n y