Macronutrients P
Macronutrients P
Macronutrients P
Macronutrients contribute to the energy pool of the body
(10% - 35%)
While each of these macronutrients provides
calories, the amount of calories that each one
provides varies.
Carbohydrate provides 4kcalories per gram.
Protein provides 4kcalories per gram.
Fat provides 9kcalories per gram.
Besides carbohydrate, protein, and fat the only other
substance that provides calories is alcohol.
Alcohol provides 7kcalories per gram. however, is
not a macronutrient because we do not need it for
Chemical and physical properties and classification
Food sources, digestion, absorption, metabolism &
utilization (function)
Treatment & prevention of deficiency
Recommended intake/dietary recommendations
Energy balance, obesity & associated health
Carbohydrates are organic molecules that are made up of
element carbon, hydrogen and oxygen .
There should be at least three carbons for a molecule to be
They generally vary from simple sugars containing three-carbon
atom to very complex polymers.
Mostly the hexoses (six carbon sugars) and pentoses (five carbon
sugars) and their polymers play an important role in nutrition.
The general formula is CnH2nOn.
Different elements of carbohydrates are brought together by
plants chlorophyll through the process of photosynthesis (H2O,
Classification of carbohydrates
Simple classification of carbohydrates (CHO) that are
important in nutrition is based on the number of
single CHO molecules found in each chemical
Classification of carbohydrate
Chemical and physical characteristics of
I. Characteristics of Mono and Disaccharides: -
Are soluble in water, have crystalline structure and sweet
taste; they are called sugars and all have the same suffix-
II. Polysaccharides
Polysaccharides are polymers of monosaccharides joined
by glycosidic linkages.
Are insoluble in water,
They do not form crystals
don't taste sweet and no characteristic Suffix.
1. Glucose
Also sometimes called dextrose /grape sugar/blood
sugar widely distributed in nature in animals & men, it
is the end product of digestion of starch, sucrose,
maltose & Lactose.
Found in fruits, vegetables, honey, corn syrup &
Major fuel source that is oxidized by cells for energy.
After meal converted to glycogen or triacylglycerol and
Absorbed actively coupled with sodium (glucose-
sodium coupled with energy consumption)
2. Fructose
Have some chemical formula as glucose C6 H12 O6 &
only differ in their chemical groups arrangement.
Fructose is the sweetest of all sugars, is also known
as fruit sugar. It is produced during digestion of
sucrose & is found in nectar of flowers, honey &
It is absorbed by diffusion with out any consumption
of energy for absorption.
3. Galactose
Not found free in nature but is produced in the body
during the digestion of lactose.
It is also called milk sugar
During lactation glucose converted to Galactose so
that milk can be produced.
1. Sucrose
Is made up of a 1glucose unit + 1 fructose unit.
Found in molasses, sorghum & corn syrups.
It is also called table sugar and used at home in daily
2. Maltose
Maltose is two glucose units.
Not consumed in large amount in the average diet.
Maltose (malt sugar) is found in sprouting grains.
Is one of the commonly used sweetening agents.
Yields glucose upon hydrolysis.
Found in beer, infant formulas, malted breakfast
Commercially produced by malting and fermentation
of grains and in the body during digestion of starch.
3. Lactose (Milk Sugar)
Only found in milk.
The amount is 6.8 & 4.8 g /100 ml in human & cow's
milk, respectively.
When hydrolyzed yields Galactose & glucose.
Sugar alcohols
Not found free in nature, but are produced as
intermediate products during metabolism of
carbohydrates or are produced commercially prepared.
Are Sorbitol, Mannitol and Xylitol.
Used as sweetening agent for food products.
Absorbed more slowly so no increase in blood glucose
and no stimulation of insulin.
No teeth decay because not used by dental flora.
Are complex Carbohydrates that contain as many as 60,000
simple CHO molecules. Starch, glycogen and cellulose are
important in nutrition
1. starch
Is the most abundant CHO throughout the world in man's
Roots, seeds & tubers all contain starch. The seeds of plants
are richest storehouses of starch.
E.g. corn, millet, rice, wheat, peas & beans are important
cereals and grains which contain starch up to 40%.
Is not soluble in cold water but when boiled with
water they form viscous solution.
When Temperature raises starch granules swell &
mixture becomes viscous. This change is Called
Cooking makes starch-containing foods more
palatable & more easily digestible.
End product of starch digestion is glucose and partial
break down products is dextrin that can be formed
during food preparation & digestion.
2. Glycogen
Is composed of thousands of glucose units & highly
branched structure.
It is found in liver & muscle of animals.
Glycogen is a reserve fuel that serves between meals
and overnight
Body has limited capacity to store glycogen, it can
store only about 350 grams.
Two third is in muscle for energy needs of muscle
cells and 1/3 is in the liver, as source of energy for
any body cells.
3. Cellulose
Contains as many as 12,000 glucose units. It Comprises
of 50% or more of all carbon found in plants and is
structural constituent of the plant cell wall.
Humans & Carnivores do not have the enzyme to
digest cellulose.
Man gets it indirectly from ruminant animals (cow,
It is also called dietary fiber or roughage.
Digestion, Absorption and Metabolism of
Digestion of carbohydrates begins in the mouth by the
chewing action of the teeth and salivary amylase,
which breaks the starch molecules down to dextrin.
In the Small intestine, Pancreatic bicarbonate
neutralizes the stomach acid and raises the pH to
optimal level for intestinal enzymes.
Pancreatic amylase then hydrolyses maltose,
maltotriose and small oligosaccharids.
1. Energy supply
. The main function of carbohydrates is to meet immediate
energy needs as glucose, some stored as glycogen in liver &
muscles and rest converted to fat & stored as adipose tissue.
The central nervous system (CNS) is entirely dependent on
glucose for energy, other tissues can utilize glycogen when
blood sugar is low.
2. Protein - Sparing Action:
. Protein can be used for energy at expense of tissue building
& maintenance during starvation.
. A person can mobilize a maximum of 4kg of protein from
his body during starvation before he fails to resist to death.
3. Encouraging Growth of Useful Bacteria:
Some carbohydrates like fructose, oligosaccharides
selectively promote the growth of important bacteria
like lactobacillus and bifido bacteria.
For this reason two new terms have been coined.
Pre-biotic: foodstuffs that selectively stimulate the growth
of essential bacteria (e.g. Fructose oligosaccharides).
Pro-biotic: Bacteria which benefit the host by acting up on
the food (fructose containing oligosaccharides).
Intestinal bacteria involved in the production of
certain vitamins, absorption of Ca and P etc.
4. Promoting Normal Functioning of The Lower Intestinal Tract
Oligosaccharides and non-starch polysaccharides as a dietary
fiber promote perystalsis and normal movement of the food
and waste products along the gastro intestinal tract and
prevent occurrence of diseases like constipation,
diverticulosis, haemorrhoids, cancer and also coronary heart
5. Improving the palatability of food/Drink:
In the form of sugar (sucrose) they are added to many kinds
of foods like biscuits, soft drink, coffee, tea, etc..
6. As Component of Body Substances and Compounds
Heparin, Nervous tissue, Ribose in RNA and DNA.
RDA(required daily allowance)
Carbohydrates can be synthesized in the body from
glucogenicaminoacids (gluconeogenesis), however, their
daily intake from food should not contribute more than
50% of ones total daily energy requirement.
Up on excessive consumption carbohydrates could be
converted to lipids and get stored leading to obesity
and related chronic diseases.
As the brain uses glucose as a source of energy in most
of the cases, decreased intake sugars may lead to
utilization of bodies protein pool for glucose synthesis,
leading to cachexia.
Food source of carbohydrate
Free Sugars(high CHO density) - Syrups, Cereal
grains, dried fruits, vegetables, processed foods (pasta),
breads, candies, fruits like banana, dates....etc.
Oligosaccharides (medium density)- Garlic, onions,
peas, bean, legumes , fruits and vegetables ....etc.
Polysacharides - fruits, vegetables, cereals and
legumes, whole grain cereals ....etc.
Chemical and physical properties and
Food sources, digestion, absorption, metabolism &
utilization (function).
Deficiency & toxicity.
Treatment & prevention of deficiency.
Recommended intake/dietary recommendations.
Energy balance, obesity & associated health
Protein was the first substance to be recognized as a vital part of
living tissue.
The name was derived from a Greek word meaning, of first
Proteins are distributed in the body in the following proportion
to the different organs and tissues.
About half of our bodys dry weight is contributed by proteins,
which are distributed as follows:
-One third of our bodys protein is found in the muscles.
-One fifth is in the bones and cartilages.
-One tenth is in the skin and
-the rest is in other tissues & body fluids.
Proteins like carbohydrates and fats contain carbon,
hydrogen, and oxygen.
The unique feature of proteins in terms of composition is
that 16% of their weight is nitrogen.
They could also contain other elements like Sulphur,
Phosphorus, Iron and Cobalt.
Plants synthesize proteins from nitrates and ammonia.
Animals on the other hand obtain the nitrogen they require
from protein foods of either plant or animal origin.
Animal metabolism, excretion and death finally return the
nitrogen in to the soil in continuation of the nitrogen cycle.
Structure and Classification
The basis of protein structure is the amino acid, of
which 20 have been recognized as constituents of
most proteins.
All Amino acids have amino group (NH2) and
Carboxylic Group (COO2)
But, they are differentiated by the remainder of the
molecule (R) as shown in the figure.
Structure and classif..
Animal Sources
-Are high quality proteins.
-Are complete proteins E.g. meat, egg, poultry, milk, fish, lamb,
beef .....etc.
-Have high biological value.
Plant Sources
-Mostly incomplete e.g. legumes, cereals
-Contribute significant amount E.g. Soybean
Combining the two (animal & plant) to get better quality protein.
Digestion of Protein
The digestion of proteins begins in the mouth by the mechanical
breakdown of the protenous foodstuffs.
In the stomach enzyme called pepsin digest proteins chemically.
In the small intestine, pancreatic enzymes trypsin and chemo
trypsin, and proteilytic enzymes secreted by intestinal luminal
cells, dipetidases and amino peptidases convert proteins in to
amino acids.
In general, enzymes that lyse the internal bonds of the
polypeptide chain in the protein are called endo-peptidases and
those, which lyse the terminal bonds of the polypepetide bond in
the protein are called exo-peptidases.
Cocking increases the digestibility of proteins. Over heating can
destroy some amino acids. Cooking with water makes proteins
more palatable.
FEMALE 11-14 44
15-18 48
19-22 46
23-50 46
51+ 46
Chemical and physical properties and classification
Food sources, digestion, absorption, metabolism &
utilization (function)
Deficiency & toxicity
Treatment & prevention of deficiency
Recommended intake/ dietary recommendations
Energy balance, obesity & associated health problems
Are a group of organic compounds that are insoluble in water
but soluble inorganic solvents (alcohol, ether, chloroform...etc).
Majority (95%) of dietary lipids constitutes triglycerides (fats
and oils).
Generally lipids: -
Are the form of stored energy in animals.
Have high-energy value i.e. 9kcal /gm of fat.
Act as carriers for fat-soluble vitamins.
Like carbohydrates contain C, H and O2.
Some have Phosphorus and Nitrogen
Lipids that are liquid at room temperature are called Oils.
Lipids that are solid at room temperature are called Fats
I. Classification
Nutritionally important lipids are classified into 3
main groups on the basis of their Chemical structure.
Simple lipids- include fats and oils
Compound lipids- includes Phospholipids,
Derived lipid- sterols.
Some authors classify lipids as
Structural lipids (Phospholipids),
Metabolic lipids (fatty acids, lipoproteins and sterols)
Storage lipids (triglycerides).
Lipid ...
Krebs Cycle
Lipid ..
Functions of Fats and Other Lipids
1. Are concentrated sources of energy, i.e. 9 cal/gm of fat. Thus relatively
small amounts of high fat foods contributes large amount of calories to the
2. When deposited under the skin function as insulator of heat.
3. Improve the sweetness of food.
4. Vehicle for the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins.
5. Support for the visceral of organ.
6. Reserves (storage forms) of energy in animals and man.
7. Phospholipids are important structural materials in the formation of cell
membranes that prevents absorption of H20 soluble substances and
evaporation of H20 from the skin.
8. Cholesterol is important in the synthesis of bile salts in the liver.
9. Lipoproteins are important transport for lipid substances in the plasma.
10.They form myelin sheath of nerves
Problems of Excessive and Inadequate Intake of Lipids
Excessive intakes of lipids results in a positive energy
balance and obesity which in turn results in a number of
complications like, atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes
Inadequate or no intake of lipids results in essential fatty
acid deficiency manifested by itching, skin abnormality
and other health problems. Linoleic acid is an essential
fatty acid. Once we have linoleic acid from food,
arachidonic acid can be synthesized in the body from
linoleic acid. Different Physiologically important
chemicals like prostaglandins, thromboxanes and
cytokines are synthesized from arachidonic acid.
Food Sources of lipids
Animal sources: Fish, Butter, Meat (Beef, pork and
lamb), egg, milk.
Plant Sources: Vegetables, Fruits (Avocado), Nuts,
Soya bean and all vegetable oils.
Thank You !!!