Williams Madeline - 02 Demeter
Williams Madeline - 02 Demeter
Williams Madeline - 02 Demeter
Williams, Madeline
Brown 02
30 November 2016
Mythology project
Personality Traits
A persons personality traits is a big factor in how other people
think of them. Demeters best personality trait is that she is
generous. Though Demeter might get upset, it is because she cant
see her daughter. She cares for Persephone so much. Just because
she is kind doesnt mean she isnt worried. Demeter worries for
Persephone so much that the world starts to shrivel when
Persephone is gone.
According to
www.ancientgreece.co.uk./gods/explore/dem_sto.htm ,Demeter was
sick and worried with grief. Demeters last personality trait is that
she is loving and caring. She loves her daughter so much. When
persephone is gone Demeter just cant seem to bare it so crops die
and nothing really seems to grow. As you can see sometimes
Demeters emotions get the best of her.
Special Powers
Demeter has an ability like no other. She is the goddess of harvesting, planting and
overall the lady of growing things. Some might not know that she can also control the
seasons. Her emotions are what control this. Her mother was basically mother Earth so her
powers are similar hers. www.ancientgreece.co.uk./gods/explore/dem_sto.htm states, When
Persephone had to return to Hades, Demeter mourned terribly again.
In mythology, many family members are connected in multiple ways. Demeter is
actually Zeus sister. Her father is Cronus and her mother is Rhea. Demeters favorite person
in the world is Persephone who is Demeters daughter. Zeus actually gave Persephone to
Zeus was fond of Demeter and liked her very much. Heroes Gods and Monsters of
Greek Myths claim that Demeter said, Justice, she said, Justice your brother Hades has
stolen my daughter our daughter. Demeter said this to Zeus. Demeter wasnt happy with
Hades. Hades was the one who took persephone while wearing a mysterious black cloak.
Territory is the land or water that many gods or goddesses rule over. Demeter spends
most of her time in Ancient Greece. Demeters brother, Zeus, is the ruler of heaven and
Earth. He also rules over Olympus which Demeter also spends most of her time in. Most
gods and goddesses live in Olympus. As you can see, territory is very important to gods and
A symbol is a concrete object that represents an abstract idea. Demeters Symbol is
corn. This represents them because Demeter is the god of agriculture which means she
makes the crops grow like corn. Heroes Gods and Monsters of Greek Myths claims, She is
the goddess of the cornfield was mistress of planting and harvesting Without this power
animals or mortals wouldnt have been able to eat.
Interesting Facts
There are so many interesting facts about Demeter. One is that Demeter was
sometimes called Earthly mother because of her Earthly powers. Another fun fact was that
when Demeter was angry about how Persephone had disappeared, a little boy saw Demeter
crying and started to laugh, so she turned him into a lizard then he was eaten by a hawk. A
really interesting fact was that when Persephone was in the underworld she ate a
pomegranate so she had to return to hades in the underworld at certain times. One more
cool thing is that for a whole year straight she caused plants to wither and die because she
was sad Persephone had been taken. Those are just a few of Demeter's interesting facts.
Demeter was involved in a very interesting myth.
Demeter daughter who she adored very much saw a bush
that she didnt like. She decided to pull it and out of the
ground came hades in a scary dark cloak. Hades took
Persephone in a split second. Demeter was devastated.
According to Heroes Gods and Monsters of Greek Myths , No
tree will bear no grass will spring. While she is gone and
while I mourn, the Earth will grow as dry as my heart and will
put forth no green thing. Demeter asked Zeus for her
daughter and he said that if she doesnt eat in the
underworld she will stay with you but if not Persephone will
have to return to hades at certain times. Persephone was
tricked to eat a pomegranate in the underworld and had to
return to hades at certain times. When Persephone is gone
and Demeter is sad Fall and Winter come and when she is
here Spring and Summer are here.
Works Cited
"Ancient Greece - Gods and Goddesses - The British Museum." Ancient Greece - Gods and Goddesses
"Basher History - Mythology:Oh My! Gods and Goddesses." Basher History - Mythology:Oh My! Gods and Goddesses |
Seminary Co-op
"Demeter." The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, Columbia University Press, 2016. Kids InfoBits,
go.galegroup.com/ps/i.do?p=ITKE nsw=w&u=avl_vest&v=2.1<=r&id=GALE%7CA69024656&a
`Evslin, Bernard. Heroes, Gods and Monsters of Greek Myths. Toronto: Bantam, 1975. Print.
"Godchecker.com - Your Guide To The Gods." Godchecker. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Nov. 2016.