One of the most amazing realized etiological legends comes from Greece as the story of Demeter,
goddess of grain and the gather, and her girl Persephone who became Queen of the Dead. In this
story, Persephone is seized by Hades, lord of the hidden world, and brought down to his dull domain.
Demeter look frantically wherever for the lady yet can't discover her. During this season of Demeter's
distress, the yields fizzle and individuals starve and the divine beings are not given their due. Zeus,
lord of the divine beings, orders Hades to reestablish Persephone to her mom and Hades obliges at
the same time, since Persephone has eaten a specific number of pomegranate seeds while in the
hidden world, she needs to go through a large portion of the year underneath the earth however
could partake in the other half with her mom on the planet above.
This story clarified the progressions of the seasons in Greece. At the point when it was warm and the
fields were plentiful, Persephone was with her mom and Demeter was glad and makes the world
blossom; vulnerable and stormy season, when Persephone was underneath the earth with Hades as
his sovereign, Demeter grieved and the land was desolate. Since, over the span of the story, Demeter
shows individuals of Eleusis the privileged insights of agribusiness, the fantasy would likewise serve to
clarify how individuals previously figured out how to develop the earth and, further, as she
additionally shows them the right method of perceiving and revering her, appropriate reverence of t