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Indian Council of Food and Agriculture - AGROCERT

HQ: 214-217, 2nd floor, B Wing, Naurang House, KG Marg, New Delhi 110001
Ph: 011-41501465 | Fax: 011-23353406 | Mobile:+917290010848
Email : certification@icfa.org.in | Website: www.agrocert.in
India current horticulture production trend
Processed ? ,, certified ? Export ? ; certified export ? If certified export --- global gap
how much ? Organic certified how much ?
Current scenario of certification
Why indgap :
India is a 2nd largest producer and prominent exporter of fresh fruits & vegetable in the
Total area and production of different horticulture crops was estimated @ 249 Lakhs
Ha with production approx 2954 lakhs MT.
Approx 67% of the total area is under fruits and vegetable with 90% of the total
production is from Fresh fruits and vegetable
Exported approx 7lakh MT of fresh fruits and vegetables during 2015-16 worth of Rs
2119 crores.

(Source NHB 2016-17 final estimates, and APEDA)

Indian council of food and agriculture (ICFA) is the apex organisation in India, working on policy research
and agenda, agribusiness and trade facilitation, crop stewardships projects and as global platform for
partnerships towards empowering farmers. ICFA aims to foster convergence and greater cooperation
among different stakeholders and work towards bringing India aggressively into the loop of global trade and
AGROCERT is an inspection and certification division of ICFA towards promoting sustainable agriculture and
safe food production through crop stewardship and certification. AGROCERT is approved by Quality council
of India (QCI) for its INDIA Good Agriculture Practices (INDGAP) Certification Scheme in conformity with
ISO/IEC 17065:2012, which makes it acceptable in 110 plus countries. The fundamental objective of laying
down the criteria is to strengthen Good Agriculture Practices (GAP) in the country. ICFA provides third party
certification to farmers, farm entrepreneurs and producer groups in the horticulture sector, who will be
maintaining their field operations and activities in accordance with the Good Agriculture Practices
certification scheme.
With a team of experienced professionals from the field of agriculture and QA sectors and global brand of
ICFA, AGROCERT leads in providing of certification service to producers and producer organisations. In
addition, the organization also aims to improving the yield and quality of the farm produce, reduce the load
of chemicals in crops and guarantee safe & quality products to the consumers through certification and
minimizing threat to human health and environment as well as more remunerative returns to the farmers.
To be the pioneer certification body in
India with international standards and
promote good practices in sustainable
manner for maintaining quality and
food safety of agricultural produce Cultivating the habit of Good Agriculture
Practices among farmers to promote
environment friendly and sustainable
agriculture in India and making certification
process so simple and affordable that every
farmer participates and benefits from this
To provide consistent quality in certification services to clients.
To provide transparency in certification service without any discrimination on the
farm size, geography, farmers type etc.
Ensuring effective corrective actions on Customer Complaints.
To enhance the competence of personnel engaged in the certification process.
Ensure timely delivery of certification service.
To ensure and maintain the confidentiality of our clients information.
To make continuous efforts for the improvement of certification schemes to
enriching experience of all stakeholders.
To gradually bring all horticultural crops and commercial field crops under GAP
To improve incomes and profitability of farmers through better customer connect
and adoption of sustainable farming methods.
AGROCERT is committed to providing high quality, affordable, reliable, efficient and timely
inspection and certification services to its clients.
AGROCERT complies with the standard certification norms and also fulfills the requirement as per
ISO/IEC 17065:2012 standards.
AGROCERT is committed to enhancing the customer satisfaction with quality services.
AGROCERT guarantees to maintain the confidentiality of the services and the information
provided by the clients.
AGROCERT is conscious about its responsibility towards safety, health, and environment.
AGROCERT ensures that audit and inspection is done strictly as per the certification norms.
AGROCERT is committed to complying with all legal, regulatory and other requirements in respect
of certification activities.
AGROCERT shall endeavor to build a heritage of commitment and excellence to be the most
trustworthy choice of customer.
India Good Agriculture Practices (INDGAP)
India Good Agricultural Practices (INDGAP) certification scheme
has been developed by Quality Council of India to strengthen Good
Agriculture Practices in India. The scheme is aligned as per
ISO17065, the international standard for product / process
certification requirements, complete with Certification and
Accreditation framework. The scheme is developed in consideration
to the domestic as well as the international market. The scheme is
not only meant for large farm holder but small and marginal
farmers, who can also reap the benefits from this scheme.

The focus of INDGAP is to address the quality and quantity of the

produce obtained from a unit area but also to focuse on various
aspects of food safety, pre-and post-harvest practices including
workers health and safety ensure sustained supply of produce of
the desirable quality. While the scope of INDGAP covers all
agriculture farm produce, it is structured in a manner to address the
small and marginal farmers by developing certification criteria
suiting their needs as Basic GAP to allow them a phased approach
to international GAP while for the bigger farmers and large farms
INDGAP certification criteria has been designed, which they can go
for straight away adoption.
INDGAP helps production of safe food at BENIFITS OF CERTIFICATION
primary production level by eliminating
chances of entrance of contaminants like Enable farm produce to be internationally competitive,
pesticide residues, veterinary (antibiotic) incorporating the concept of globally accepted GAP is
imperative to innovative farmer practices.
drug residues, metallic residues, aflatoxin
residues, microbiological contaminants. Better price realization of the produce, which provides a
competitive edge in domestic and overseas marketing.
It increases the awareness amongst the Secures and strengthens the livelihood of small and marginal
farmers on the importance of Soil farmers.
Analysis, Water Testing, Planning of Crops,
Judicious Use of Agri Inputs, Crop Ensuring safety and quality of produce in the food chain.
Management and Harvesting. Capturing new market advantages by modifying supply
chain governance.
It has measurable improvements in terms
of increased productivity, quality of the Improving natural resources use, workers health and working
conditions, and/or
produce and Income levels.
Creating new market opportunities for farmers and
Many processors, exporters, retailers and exporters.
food service buyers increasingly Greater trust among producers, marketers and consumers.
demanding GAP certified material.
The scope covers the production, harvesting and post-harvest
handling of farm produce on farm and postharvest handling in
locations off farm, where produce is packed for sale. It provides for
Soil amendments and manuring an option to the farmers, depending upon their current practices and
resources, to adopt INDGAP. The produce can be used to cater to
domestic requirements or harmonized with similar international
Planting Material standards for meeting export commitments. ICFA provided INDGAP
certification is valid in over 110 countries, as per QCI Certification
Scheme conformity with ISO/IEC 17065:2012.
Water management
Pesticides and their use It works on Critical Points and Compliance Criteria which is required
to be followed by the individual producer or a producer group for
certification purposes. The compliance criteria given are for the farm
Worker health safety and training produce that is cultivated and harvested for direct human
consumption or for further processing for human consumption by
food industry.
Harvesting practices and field
To achieve certification the producer must demonstrate compliance
Traceability and record keeping level of the Control Points and Compliance Criteria to the levels
mentioned in the Quality Manual. These criteria are divided into
main sections and have a definite effect on the quality of the
Evaluation of
Cost estimation Singing of
Application application for
and payment agreement

Product and site Recommendation

Issue of license Surveillance
evaluation for certification

Individual Individual Individual Individual
Particulars Unit
farmer: Marginal farmer: Large Large Farmer / Estates / Farmers Estates / Farmer
& Small Farmers Farmers Farmers Group Groups Groups

land Size Ha Up to 2 ha 2-10 Ha 10-50 Ha / 25-50 50-100 Ha / 51- 200 > 100 / 201-500
farmers in a group Farmers in a group Farmers in group

Application Fee Rs 2000 3000 7500 9000 10000

Inspection Fee (onsite) Rs per manday

5000 7000 9000 10000 12000

Report preparation Rs per report 2000 3500 5000 7000 7000

Scope Certificate Rs per certificate

2500 5000 7000 8000 10000

Travel Rs On actual basis On actual basis On actual basis On actual basis On actual basis

chemical analysis / Lab

Rs Per Lab Test On actual basis On actual basis On actual basis On actual basis On actual basis
Transaction certificate
fee Rs per certificate 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
Indian Council of Food and Agriculture - AGROCERT
HQ: 214-217, 2nd floor, B Wing, Naurang House, KG Marg, New Delhi 110001
Ph: 011-41501465 | Fax: 011-23353406 | Mobile:+917290010848
Email : certification@icfa.org.in | Website: www.agrocert.in


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