Dr.T.V.Rao, MD
Ancient History of Malaria
Malaria parasites have been with us since
the dawn of time. They probably originated
in Africa (along with mankind), and fossils
of mosquitoes up to 30 million years old,
show that the malaria vector, the malaria
mosquito, was present well before the
earliest history.
Malaria and Man
Hippocrates and Malaria
Hippocrates, a physician
born in ancient Greece,
today regarded as the
"Father of Medicine", was
the first to describe the
manifestations of the
disease, and relate them
to the time of year and to
where the patients lived.
1 Pre erythrocytic
2 Erythrocytic
3 Gametogony
4 Exoerythrocytic
Pre erythrocytic cycle
Sprozoites undergo developemtnal phase in the
liver cell
Sprozoites are elongated and spindle shaped
become rounded inside the liver parenchyma
Multiple nuclear divisions develop to Schozonts
A Schizont contains 20,000 – 50,000
Life Cycle of Malaria
Period of Pre erythrocytic cycle
1 P.vivax 8 days
2 P.falciparum – 6 days
3 P.malariae - 13 – 16 days,
4 P.ovale 9 days
On maturation Liver cells ruputure
Liberate Merozoites into blood stream
Affinity of Parasite to
P.malariae Infectes only young or
P.ovale Old Erythocytes
Present with
Can lead to Coma
Paralysis and other
Brain appears
Black water fever
Can produce
Nephrotic syndrome
Affects mainly
children of years age
Pernicious Malaria
Carries a High Mortality
On few occasions life
threading complications
can occur.
Occurs in infections with
Associated with Heavy
Grouped into three types
1. Cerebral Malaria
2 Algid malaria
3 Black water fever
How Malaria present Clinically
Stage 1
Chills for 15 mt to 1 hour
Caused due to rupture from the host red
cells escape into Blood
Preset with nausea, vomitting,headache
Stage 2
Fever may reach upto 400c may last for
several hours starts invading newer red
Clinical Malaria
Stage 3
patent starts sweating, concludes the
Cycles are frequently Asynchronous
Paroxysms occur every 48 – 72 hours
In P.malariae pyrexia may lost for 8 hours or
more and temperature my exceed 410c
Systemic Manifestations
A.normocytic anemia devlops due
repeated ruputure of RBC’s
Laboratory Diagnosis
of Malaria
Laboratory Diagnosis
Laboratory diagnosis of malaria can be
made through microscopic examination of
thick and thin blood smears. Thick blood
smears are more sensitive in detecting
malaria parasites because the blood is
more concentrated allowing for a greater
volume of blood to be examined; however,
thick smears are more difficult to read
Blood collected with sterile
Making of Thick smear
How a thick smear looks
Appearance of Thick and Thin
Malaria parasites can be identified by
examining under the microscope a drop of
the patient's blood, spread out as a "blood
smear" on a microscope slide. Prior to
examination, the specimen is stained
(most often with the Giemsa stain) to give
to the parasites a distinctive appearance.
This technique remains the gold standard
for laboratory confirmation of malaria
Microscopic demonstration still
the Gold standard in Diagnosis
Blood smear
stained with
Giemsa’s stain
QBC system has evolved as
rapid and precise method in
The QBC Malaria method is the simplest and
most sensitive method for diagnosing the
following diseases.
Trypanosomiasis (Chagas disease, Sleeping
Filariasis (Elephantiasis, Loa-Loa)
Relapsing Fever (Borreliosis)
Principle of QBC System
Appearance of Malarial parasite
in QBC system
Antigen Detection Methods are
Rapid and Precise
Antigen Detection
Various test kits are available to detect antigens
derived from malaria parasites. Such
immunologic ("immunochromatographic") tests
most often use a dipstick or cassette format, and
provide results in 2-15 minutes. These "Rapid
Diagnostic Tests" (RDTs) offer a useful
alternative to microscopy in situations where
reliable microscopic diagnosis is not available.
Malaria RDTs are currently used in some clinical