Quantitative Research
Quantitative Research
Quantitative Research
Group 2
Muh. Farid Sehudin
Mita Mustika Rahdiani R.
Sarah Syatirah Syahrir
Identify the Steps in the Process of Analyzing and Interpreting Quantitative Data
The steps in the process of quantitative data analysis and interpretation involve rst
preparing your numeric data for analysis using statistical programs, conducting the analysis
using statistics that report both descriptive and inferential results, representing and
reporting the results using tables, gures, and a discussion of each statistical test, and nally
interpreting the results by restating the general ndings, comparing the ndings to past
literature, mentioning the potential limitations of the study, and advancing ideas that will
extend the research in the future.
Preparing Your Data for Analysis
After collecting numeric scores on instruments or through observations, quantitative
researchers need to prepare and organize their data for statistical analysis. This process
consists of assigning numeric scores to each response option on instruments (if the
instrument does not already include this information); determining whether single-item, net,
or difference scores will be used in the analysis; and selecting a computer software program
to analyze the data. Next, the investigator enters the data into a computer le by building a
data grid consisting of variables and their values.
Analyzing and interpreting quantitative data