CSEC Geography Notes
CSEC Geography Notes
CSEC Geography Notes
Question 6
Economic Development
Define the term secondary industry and give one
example of a secondary industry that you have studied.
Secondary industries are those industries which process, refine,
assemble or transform raw material in some way into more valuable
products. Example garment manufacturing.
State three ways by which countries can benefit from
the development of secondary industries. 3 marks
Preferential trade agreements with the UK and Europe were cancelled
and commercial sugar and bananas became unprofitable.
Employment in agriculture has fallen dramatically due to trade
liberalization causing loss of markets for products and increased
mechanization of agriculture.
Agriculture is no longer the largest or most important contributor to
GDP. Residential, manufacturing and tourism uses now compete for
prime agricultural land.
Explain three challenges faced by two types of
economic activity in the Caribbean. 12 marks
Overfishing of major commercial species particularly grouper has
severely damaged the fish stock in Belize
Shrimp trawling is highly profitable but, it can catch as many as 6kg of
young unwanted fish for every 1kg of shrimp. This means less fish will
mature to commercial size.
It is difficult to control foreign owned factory ships from Aisia which
compete for Caribbean fish stock. The ships use satellite and sonar
equipment to find and gather fish in an unsustainable way.
Agriculture challenges
Prime agricultural land now under intense competition by other land
uses such as manufacturing, tourist accommodation and residential
Preferential trade agreements with Europe that previously made
banana and sugar cultivation profitable were cancelled due to trade
liberalization. Most of the Caribbeans agricultural products cannot
compete on world markets.
Agriculture is also seeing a shortage of labour supply in the
Caribbean, since most young people prefer to work in tourism,
services or other industries even when agricultural work is available.
Name and give an example of two
type of economic activities in the
Caribbean 2marks
Primary economic activity e.g. agriculture
Secondary economic activity e.g. food processing
For a named Caribbean country, describe two factors
which influence the location of a specific type of
economic activity. 6 marks
In Belize the fishing industry has been located there because
There is a 280 km long barrier reef where living coral, fish and crustaceans
thrive. The coral reefs, mangroves and sea grass beds provide food and
shelter for a large variety and huge numbers of fish. This makes Belize's
fishing grounds productive in deep and shallow water.
see the
plant to
For the economic activity identified
in b) ii explain two challenges it
faces 4 marks
The raw material Natural Gas is a non renewable resource, which may
run out or decrease in production in the near future
There is ongoing pressure from the world governing bodies to reduce
the use of fossil fuels and decrease output of carbon dioxide from
sources such as methanol
For either food processing or garment
manufacturing, explain how the development of
the industry in both a named Caribbean country
and either Singapore or Hong Kong is influenced
by any two of the follow: Labour, Raw materials,
Market. 8 marks.
In Hong Kong labour is relatively cheap, especially in the past when the industry was
developing and this lead to cheap easily marketed products. Labour in Trinidad by
contrast is extremely expensive since wages are high relative to other countries. The
influence of high wages on the garment industry in Trinidad has led to a shrinking of the
industry overtime to niche markets such as tailored, professional office wear for banks
In Hong Kong access to UK and European markets had lead to vast expansion and
growth in garment industry until 2005 when Chinas cheaper garments were allowed to
compete for these markets on an equal footing. As Hong Kongs market share declined
the industry growth began to stagnate. In Trinidad and Tobago the niche markets are
restricted so the garment industry has been redirected towards international luxery
markets via high value fashion design such as Meiling and Claudia Pegus designs.
Fishing in Belize
Location of
Belizes story
They have a barrier reef But
And that gives them a lot of fish Shrimp trawling hurts young fish
And a large percentage of their So 28km squared shrimp farm
GDP Closed season for lobster
But Grouper was overfished Ban on grouper
Conch too Bans below a certain size
Over 60% in these large cool Marine heritage parks
Still cant fight factory ships.
they manage, buy, sell, process
and negotiate prices.
Garment Construction
Hong Kong Trinidad
Cheap labour Most of the garment industry closed
down, moved to countries with
Stable government, strong lower wages decades ago.
economy Niche market only now: Janooras
Previous preferential access to Custom made work uniforms & York
Europe (was part of UK) T shirts
Since 2005 outcompeted by Was always outcompeted in main
when markets opened up China.
Competes in fashion industry