Duty Report July, 26 2017: Coass: Nodya Melinda Noori Succi Islam
Duty Report July, 26 2017: Coass: Nodya Melinda Noori Succi Islam
Duty Report July, 26 2017: Coass: Nodya Melinda Noori Succi Islam
Coass :
Supervisor : dr. Soroy Lardo, Sp.PD FINASIM
Nodya Melinda Noori
General Practitioner : dr. Septa Tio Emeralda
Succi Islam
Chief Complaint :
fatigue since 2 weeks before
came to hospital
Mrs. NM
34 yo
Patient identity married
House wife
JL. Hj. Uung RT 003/007
History of recent illness
2 weeks BC2H
3 months Fatigue
ago Getting heavier, especially when patient walking for
about 20 meters.
fatigue Feels pale on face and hands
Decrease appetite
Red spot appear on hands and legs
Bleeding (-)
History past ilness Family history Treatment history
Allergic (-) HT (-), DM (-),
HT(-) malignancy
DM (-) hematologi
Malignancy (thalassemia,
transfusion anemia)
Physical Examination
General state : mild illness Height : 156 cm
Consiousness : Compos mentis Weight : 48 kg
BMI : 19.88 kg/m2
Vital sign : (Normoweight)
BP : 90/70 mmHg
HR : 80 x/menit, reg.
RR : 20 x/menit
T : 37,3oC (axilla)
Head : Normocephal, normal head distribution
Eye : Anemic Conjungtiva +/+, Sclera icteric -/-
Ear, Nose, Throat : no abnormalities, epistaxis (-)
Mouth : Pale lips (+), Stomatitis (+)
Neck : lymph node enlargement (-), JVP 5-2 cmH2O
Cor Pulmo
Inspection : No visible ictus cordis Inspection : normal chest shape,
Palpation : Ictus cordis at ICS 5 linea Symmetric while breathing, no retraction
midclavicula sinistra of intercostae space
Percussion Palpation : symmetric tactile fremitus,
Left margin : ICS V linea left midsternalis symmetric chest expansion
Right margin : ICS V linea left mid clavicle Percussion : Resonant sound bilateraly
Upper margin : ICS IV linea left (sonor)
Auscultation : Vesicular breathing sound
Auscultation : Normal S1-S2 are
bilaterally (+), Rhonki (-), Wheezing (-)
heard, murmur (-), Gallop (-)
Extremity :
Cold acral, Pale Nails (+), CRT >2s
Purpura at ekstrimitas superior and inferior (+)
Laboratory result:
Anemia, leukopenia, trombositopenia
Problem list
1. Obsrv Pansitopenia
Problem Solving
Observ. Pansitopenia