the JPPF download page. The name of the file should be jppf-
JPPF Topology
JPPF Topology Features
JPPF can be extended to include many servers, communicating together in
a peer-to-peer topology.
In this topology, each server is seen by its peers as a node, and sees its
peers as clients.
No matter how many servers are present, nodes and clients communicate
with them in the exact same way
Peer server connections benefit from the same failover and recovery
features available to nodes and clients
JPPF High Level Architecture
JPPF Supported Platforms
Operating Systems
JPPF will work with any OS supporting a Java JVM 1.5.0 or later, including:
Linux and Unix platforms (32 and 64 bits)
Windows 2000, XP, 2003 (32 and 64 bits)
JPPF has been tested witth he following JVMs:
Sun JDK 1.5.0
Sun JDK 6
IBM JVM 1.5.0
JPPF Programming
Client Implementation
The client has to split up the calculations into pieces
that are executed in a single server node, and pass
them to the JPPF framework. The atomic portions
that are executed in a JPPF node are called tasks. It is
up to the client application to define a reasonable
part of the complete algorithm as a task. Small tasks
may cause a high transport overhead, while large
tasks may cause poor parallelism in execution.
JPPF Programming
A task that can be submitted to the JPPF framework for execution must be a
specialization of the JPPFTask. It must at least implement the run() method. The
run() method contains the code that is executed in a JPPF node.
The run() method must store the result of the calculation using the setResult() method.
JPPF Programming
Task Submission
Tasks are submitted to the JPPFClient instance as a List of JPPFTask
instances. The list is passed to the submit() method, and a List of JPPFTask
instances is returned, containing the results.
JPPF Programming
Task Results
The result of a submission of a task list is returned by the submit() method.
Each of the returned JPPFTask instances contains the result of this specific
task, or the Exception if the execution failed.
JPPF provides API that unifies the way to write a JPPF
tasks and to submit tasks and obtain tasks execution
This are some JPPF package include classes that contain important
All Classes are found in JPPF documentation page
JPPF driver and administration monitoring
JPPF node and task monitoring
it is now possible to receive notifications from the nodes or from
tasks being executed.
Connection status
Execution status
The JPPF client, server and node are all on separate machines
and use the default ports 11111, 11112 and 11113
A directed red arrow represents an incoming connection. The small circle at one
end means that the corresponding component is listening for connections on
the specified port.
JPPF And Networking
This architecture bears a number of remarks:
Nodes and clients connect to the multiplexer as if it were a local JPPF server
The JPPF server accepts connections from the multiplexer as if they came
from local clients and nodes