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HRM Chapter 9 Presentation

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Presented by:

Abdullah Momand
Ahmad Farzan Safi
Jamshid Payam
Khyber Safi
Nawid Ahmad Wafa
Learning Objectives

Identify the importance of the talent

Explain what succession planning is and
its steps
Differentiate between organization-
centered and individual-centered career
List options for development needs
Identify Several management
development methods
Talent Management

A set of integrated organizational HR processes

designed to attract, develop, motivate, and
retain productive, engaged employees

Talent management focuses on having right

individuals ready for the jobs when needed

It is widely accepted that human capital can be

a competitive advantage

Choices for dealing successfully with talent needs are to:

1) Emphasize stability in employment and develop talent internally
2) Develop agility as an organization and buy talent as needed
3) Use some combination of 1 & 2

Talent Management can be challenging due to nature of talent or


As job candidates indicate that they are most attracted to

opportunities to learn and grow

This makes the need for a successful talent management program

even greater
Acquisition Steps Results

- Recruiting - Training Talent
- Selection - Career Planning -Key Job
- Succession
Planning -Retention
- Development
- Performance
Tools & Approaches of Talent
Target Jobs
Identify the jobs that will be the focus of talent management
High Potential Individuals
Often referred to as high pos, attracting, retaining and
developing high pos have become the emphasis of the talent
management efforts
Competency Models
Competency models show knowledge, skills and abilities for
various jobs. It helps to identify talent gaps. They are created for
executives, managers, supervisors, salespeople, technical
professionals etc.

Talent Pools
It is developing a group or a pool of talented people with broad
general competencies that could fit a wide range of jobs, instead
of developing a specialized job
Career tracks
It include a series of steps that one follows to become ready to
move up
Assessment most often involves tests of one sort or another. Tests
for IQ, personality, aptitude and other factors are used
Succession Planning

It is the process of identifying a plan for the orderly

replacement of key employees

It must include a well designed employee

development system to reach its potential

Bench strength and the leadership Pipeline are

metaphors for ways to prevent void of by having
replacement ready
Succession Planning Process

The work involved in Succession Planning should result in two

products as:
Identification of Potential emergency replacement for critical
Other successors who would be ready with some additional
Integrate with the Strategy
- What competencies would be needed?
- Which jobs will be critical?
- How should critical positions be filled?
- Will International assignments be needed?

Involve Top Management

- Is CEO personally involved?
- Are Top executive mentoring/coaching?
- Are there authority and accountability for succession

Asses Key Talent

- Does this person have the competencies?
- What Competencies are missing?
- Are assessment/performance evaluation valid?
- Is a results orientation used to identify high positions?
- Are individual and career goals/interests compatible?
Follow development
- How can missing competencies be developed?
- Are there opportunities for those in higher
positions to interact with executives/board
- Can talent pools be created for job pools?
- What are the rewards to subordinate
- Are high position/successor to be told?

- Are multiple metrics used?
- Are positions filled internally?
- Is the process viewed favorably?
HR Role in Succession Planning
Succession Planning Decisions

Make or Buy Talent

Employees face make or-buy choice

Develop (make) competitive human resources

or hire (buy) already developed

Like any other financial decision the make-

or-buy decision can be quantified and
calculated when some assumptions are made
about time costs, availability and quality
Potential versus Performance
While developing Succession plans for jobs and identifying
candidates, focusing only on potential may be too narrow
Thus a combine two dimensional graph of potential and
performance must be used
Computerized Succession Planning Models
Skills tracking systems, performance appraisals, and other
databases can be linked to succession plans.
As employees complete training and development activities, their
data can be updated and viewed as career openings occur in the
Benefits of Formal Succession
Having a supply of talented employees to fill future key

Providing career paths and plans for employees, which aids in

employee retention and performance motivations

Continually reviewing the need for individuals as

organizational changes occur more frequently

Enhancing the organizational brand and reputation of the

company as a desirable place to work
Mistakes in Succession Planning
Starting too late when openings are
already occurring

Not linking well to strategic plans

Allowing the CEO to direct the

planning and make all succession
planning decisions

Looking only internally for succession

Career & Career Planning

A career is the series of work-related positions a

person occupies through out his/her life
People pursue careers to satisfy their individual needs
Lack of career development plans leave organizations
vulnerable to turnover and hiring from outside may
have its own drawbacks
When companies manage career development
internally there will be a typical career path identified
for employees
High percentage of managers feel that employers
approach to career development fails to satisfy their
personal needs
Different Views of Careers
Protean Career
It assumes individuals will drive their careers and define goals to fit
their life
Career without boundaries
It views a manager as having many possible trajectories for a career
and many are cross organizational boundaries
Portfolio career
Careers are built around a collection of skills and interests and are self
Authentic Career
People achieve high level of personal insight and use this to follow a
true-to-self career
Organization-Centered Career
It is Career Planning that focuses on identifying career paths that
provide for the logical progression of people between jobs in an

Individuals follow these paths as they advance in organization units

A good career planning program includes the elements of talent

management, performance appraisal, development activities,
opportunities for transfer and promotion and planning for succession

To communicate with employees about opportunities employers

frequently use career workshops or career counseling etc.
Career Paths
It represents employees movements through opportunities over time
Working with employees to develop career paths has aided employers
in retaining key employees

Employer Websites & Career Planning

Many employers have career section in their websites
It is used to list open jobs for current employees looking to change
Individual centered career planning

Career planning that focuses on an individuals

responsibility for a career rather than on organizational

Individuals to successfully manage their careers should

be able to perform three activities as:
1. Self Assessment
2. Feedback on reality
3. Setting of Career Goals

Four general individual characteristics affect how people

make career choices are:
Self image
Social backgrounds
Organizational Career Individual Career
Planning Perspective Planning Perspective

- Identify future
organizational staffing - Identify personal abilities
needs and interests
- Plan Career ladders - Plan life and work goals
- Asses individual potential - Asses alternative paths
and training needs inside or outside the
- Match organizational organization
needs to individual abilities - Notes changes in interests
- Develop and audit a and goals as career and life
career system for the stage change

A persons
Career Progression Considerations

Characteristics Early Career Mid Career Late Career Career End

20 years (+/-) 30-40 years 50 years (+/-) 60-70 years

Age Group

Advancing in Updating skills, Planning for

Identifying individual retirement,
interests, career, life style
Needs may limit settled in, examining
exploring individual is a network
several jobs opportunities,
growth leader interests

Values, Mentoring, Retirement,

Contribution, Disengaging, Part-time
Concerns rewards,
integrity, well Organizational employment
acquiring more
being continuance
Developing Human Resources

Development represents efforts to improve employees abilities

to handle a variety of assignments and to cultivate employees
capabilities beyond those required by the current job
Development can benefit both individuals and organizations
Employees and managers with appropriate experiences and
abilities may enhance organizational competitiveness
In development process individuals careers also may evolve
Development is different than training
Possible Development Focuses

Important Management Capabilities that require development include

an action orientation, quality decision making skills, ethical values
and technical skills

For some tech specialties certain non-technical abilities must be

developed like working under pressure, work independently or
quickly solve problems

The primary assets that an individuals has is KSA (Knowledge, Skill,

Abilities) and many people believe the development of their KSAs as
an important part of their jobs

Lifelong Learning
Learning and development are closely linked
It may be through continuation of education or training to
expand existing skills
Assistance from employers for needed lifelong
development typically comes through programs at work
like tuition reimbursement programs
Learning enhances an individuals confidence, ideas and

People shift their jobs in mid-life or mid careers due to
desire for career change or because the employer needs
different capabilities
Thus redeveloping people in capabilities they need is
One way of redeveloping employees is to help them go
back to college
Some companies use redevelopment programs to recruit
experienced employees from other fields
Public sector employers have used redevelopment
opportunities as a recruiting tool
Methods to Asses Development

Assessment Centers
Collection of instruments and exercises designed to diagnose individuals
Organizational leadership uses assessment centers for both developing and
selecting managers
In assessment center experience an individual spends two or three days
away from the job performing assessment activities like role playing, tests,
cases etc.
The exercises represent situations that need the use of individual skill and
behavior and participants are being judged by trained judges
Assessment centers provide an excellent mean to know the individuals
Supervisors may nominate people or employees can volunteer for
assessment centers

Psychological Testing
These tests are used to determine employees developmental
potential and needs and include tests like intelligence tests, verbal
and mathematical reasoning tests, and personality tests

These tests can furnish useful information on an employee like

motivation, reasoning abilities, leadership style, interpersonal traits
and job preferences

The problem with psychological tests is interpretation as untrained

managers, supervisors and workers cannot accurately interpret the
test results

Performance Appraisals
Well-done Performance appraisals can be a source of
development information.
Performance data on productivity, employee relations, job
knowledge, and other relevant dimensions can be gathered in
such assessments
Appraisals designed for development purposes may be different
and more useful in aiding individual employee development
than appraisals designed strictly for administrative purposes
HR Development Approaches

-Classroom Courses
-Outdoor training
-Sabbatical /Leaves

Job Site approaches

Learning Organization
-Corporate Universities
-Career Development Centers
-Job rotation
-Assistant-to Position
Effective HR
Job-Site Development Approaches
The oldest on-the-job development technique is
coaching, which is the training and feedback given
to employees by immediate supervisors
Coaching is a continual process and to be effective it
requires a healthy relation between the employees
and supervisors or managers
Firms conduct courses to improve the coaching
skills of managers and supervisors
Coaching can be in the form of group known as team
coaching where group of individuals are coached on
how to work effectively as part of workforce teams

Committee Assignments
Assigning promising employees to
important committees may broaden their
experiences and help them understand the
personalities, issues, and processes
governing the organization

Managers need to guard against committee

assignments that turn into time-wasting

Job Rotation
The process of moving a person from job to
job is called job rotation
It is a development technique if properly
handled it fosters greater understanding of
the organization and aids in employee
retention by making employees more
versatile and strengthen their skills
The disadvantage of job rotation is that it
can be expensive as much time is needed to
acquaint trainees with different people and
techniques in each unit

Assistant Positions
Some firms create assistant positions which are staff
positions immediately under a manager (e.g Assistant to
HR Director)
This technique helps the trainees to work with managers
Some organizations set up junior board of directors or
management cabinets to which trainees will be appointed
These assignments provide useful experiences if they
present challenging or interesting tasks to trainees
Off-Site Development Approaches
Classroom courses & Seminars
Most off-the-job development program include
some classroom instruction
Organizations often send their employees to
externally sponsored seminars or professional
courses or reimburse employees for the cost of
college courses
The disadvantage of classroom instruction is
sometimes it encourages passive learning and
reduced learner participation
The effectiveness of classroom instruction
depends on group size, trainees abilities
instructors capabilities and styles and subject

Outdoor Development Experience

Some organizations send executives and
managers off to the wilderness, called outdoor
training or development
Such experiences can increase self-confidence
and help individuals revaluate personal goals and
These excursions may include rock climbing,
rafting in a river, backpacking or handling a long
Survival type management development courses
may have more impact
The decision to sponsor such programs should
depend on the capabilities of the employees

Sabbaticals and leaves of absence

A sabbatical is time off the job to develop and
rejuvenate oneself
Some employers provide paid sabbatical while
others allow employees to take unpaid
Positive reasons of sabbatical are to prevent
employee burnout, offer advantages in
recruiting and retention, boost employee
One obvious advantage of paid sabbatical is the
Learning organizations and

Corporate Universities & Career development centers

Large organizations may use corporate universities to
develop managers and other employees
Corporate universities take various forms, but they may
not provide a degree, accreditation in traditional sense
Partnerships between companies and universities can
occur where universities can teach specific courses
Career development centers are often set up to coordinate
in-house-programs and programs provided by suppliers
They include assessment data, career goals and strategies,
coaching, seminars and online approaches

HR staff can facilitate online development by providing
a learning portal, which is a centralized website for
news, information, course listings, business games and
other materials

Online development allows participation in courses

previously out of reach due to geographic or cost

Online development can take many forms such as video

conferencing, live chat rooms, document sharing, video
and audio streaming and web based courses

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