Chapter 7 Persuasion
Chapter 7 Persuasion
Chapter 7 Persuasion
This occurs when interested people focus on the arguments and respond with
favorable thoughts1. Explicit and reflective.
Your audience are motivated to think about an issue. If those arguments are
strong and compelling, persuasion is likely. If the message offers only weak
arguments, thoughtful people will notice that the arguments arent very
compelling and will counter-argue.
1Petty and Cacioppo, 1986; Petty et al., 2009; Eagly & Chaiken, 1993, 1998.
What Path Leads to Persuasion?
The Peripheral Route to Persuasion
This occurs when people are influenced by incidental cues, such as a speakers
attractiveness. This focuses on cues that trigger automatic acceptance without
much thinking. Implicit and automatic.
None of us has the time to thoughtfully analyze all issues. Often we take the
peripheral route, by using simple rule-of-thumb heuristics, such as trust the
experts or long messages are credible2.
1Petty et al., 1995, 2009; Verplanken, 1991; 2Chaiken & Maheswaran, 1994
What Path Leads to Persuasion?
Different Paths for Different Purposes
What are the Elements of Persuasion?
The Communicator
Social psychologists have found that who is saying something does affect how
an audience receives it. Its not just the message that matters.
- The statement It is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it comes from a July
4 oration of the Declaration of Independence
- The statement Thrift should be the guiding principle in our government
expenditure comes from Quotations from Chairman Mao Zedong.
The strength of the communicator lies with two characteristics credibility and
attractiveness & liking.
What are the Elements of Persuasion?
The Communicators Credibility
1Cook & Flay, 1978; Kumkale & Albarracin, 2004; Pratkanis et al., 1988
What are the Elements of Persuasion?
The Communicators Credibility
When the choice concerns matters of personal value, taste, or way of life,
similar communicators have the most influence. But on judgments of fact,
confirmation of belief by a dissimilar person does more to boost confidence. A
dissimilar person provides a more independent judgment.
What are the Elements of Persuasion?
The Message Content
It matters not only who says something but also what that person says. If you
were to help organize an appeal to get students to join an activity or to stop
smoking or to volunteer for local events, you might wonder how best to
promote central route persuasion. Common sense could lead you to either side
of these questions:
- Is a logical message more persuasiveor one that arouses emotion?
- Will you get more opinion change by advocating a position only slightly discrepant from
the listeners existing opinions or by advocating an extreme point of view?
- Should the message express your side only, or should it acknowledge and refute the
opposing views?
- If people are to present both sidessay, in successive talks at a community meeting or
in a political debateis there an advantage to going first or last?
What are the Elements of Persuasion?
The Message Content Reason VS Emotion
It also matters how peoples attitudes were formed. When peoples initial
attitudes are formed primarily through emotion, they are more persuaded by
later emotional appeals; when their initial attitudes are formed primarily
through reason, they are more persuaded by later intellectual arguments3.
1Cacioppo et al., 1983, 1996; Hovland et al., 1949; 2Chaiken, 1980; Petty et al., 1981; 3Edwards, 1990; Fabrigar & Petty, 1999
What are the Elements of Persuasion?
The Message Content Reason VS Emotion
Messages also become more persuasive through association with good
- Good feelings often enhance persuasion, partly by enhancing positive thinking and
partly by linking good feelings with the message1.
- Unhappy people ruminate more before reacting, so they are less easily swayed by
weak arguments. Thus, putting your audience in a good mood might benefit your
Messages can also be effective by evoking negative emotions/fear.
- Experiments show that, often, the more frightened and vulnerable people feel, the
more they respond2
- Playing on fear works best if a message leads people not only to fear the severity and
likelihood of a threatened event but also to perceive a solution and feel capable of
implementing it3
1Petty et al., 1993; 2de Hoog et al., 2007; Leventhal, 1970; Robberson & Rogers, 1998; 3DeVos-Comby & Salovey, 2002; Maddux & Rogers, 1983; Ruiter et
al., 2001
What are the Elements of Persuasion?
The Message Content Discrepancy
When two sides of an issue are included, the primacy effect often makes the
first message more persuasive. If a time gap separates the presentations, the
more likely result will be a recency effect in which the second message prevails.
- primacy effect - Other things being equal, information presented first usually has the
most influence.
- recency effect - Information presented last sometimes has the most influence. Recency
effects are less common than primacy effects
What are the Elements of Persuasion?
Channel of Communication
The channel of communication is the way a message is delivered whether
face-to-face, in writing, on film, or in some other way.
Usually, face-to-face appeals work best. Print media can be effective for
complex messages. And the mass media can be effective when the issue is
minor or unfamiliar, and when the media reach opinion leaders.
What are the Elements of Persuasion?
Channel of Communication Media Influence
Medias effects operate in a two-step flow of communication
- the process by which media influence often occurs through opinion leaders, who in turn
influence others
1Gallup, 2011
What are the Elements of Persuasion?
The Audience What Are They Thinking
The crucial aspect of central route persuasion is not the message but the
responses it evokes in a persons mind. Our minds are not sponges that soak up
whatever pours over them. If a message summons favorable thoughts, it
persuades us. If it provokes us to think of contrary arguments, we remain
- Counterargument occurs when we expect others to persuade us1.
- Persuasion is also enhanced by a distraction that inhibits counterarguing2 (such as
visual images). It is especially effective when the message is simple3.
1Freedman & Sears, 1965; Dolnik et al., 2003; 2Festinger & Maccoby, 1964; Keating & Brock, 1974; Osterhouse & Brock, 1970; 3Harkins & Petty, 1982;
Regan & Cheng, 1973
What are the Elements of Persuasion?
The Audience What Are They Thinking
Audiences react differently because of their need for cognition - the motivation
to think and analyse. What we think in response to a message is crucial,
especially if we are motivated and able to think about it1. Some ways to do this
- using rhetorical questions
- presenting multiple speakers
- making people feel responsible for evaluating or passing along the message
- repeating the message
- getting peoples undistracted attention
The consistent finding with each of these techniques: Stimulating thinking
makes strong messages more persuasive and (because of counterarguing) weak
messages less persuasive.
1Axsom et al., 1987; Haddock et al., 2008; Harkins & Petty, 1987
Extreme Persuasion: How Do Cults Indoctrinate?
Cult (also called new religious movement) - A group typically characterized by (1)
distinctive rituals and beliefs related to its devotion to a god or a person, (2) isolation
from the surrounding evil culture, and (3) a charismatic leader.
On March 22, 1997, in California, Marshall Herff Applewhite and 37 of his disciples decided the time had
come to shed their bodiesmere containersand be whisked up to a UFO trailing the HaleBopp
Comet, en route to heavens gate. So they put themselves to sleep by mixing phenobarbital into pudding or
applesauce, washing it down with vodka, and then fixing plastic bags over their heads so they would
suffocate in their slumber. On that same day, a cottage in the Quebec village of St. Casimir exploded in an
inferno, consuming 5 peoplethe latest of 74 members of the Order of the Solar Temple to have
committed suicide in Canada, Switzerland, and France. All were hoping to be transported to the star Sirius,
nine light-years away.
Extreme Persuasion: How Do Cults Indoctrinate?
What persuades people to leave behind their former beliefs and join these
mental chain gangs? Should we attribute their strange behaviors to strange
personalities? Or do their experiences illustrate the common dynamics of social
influence and persuasion?
Two things first:
- this is hindsight analysis. It uses persuasion principles to explain, after the fact, a
curious social phenomenon.
- explaining why people believe something says nothing about the truth of their beliefs.
Extreme Persuasion: How Do Cults Indoctrinate?
Attitudes Follow Behavior
People usually internalize commitments made voluntarily, publicly, and
repeatedly (as seen in Chapter 4).
- Compliance breeds acceptance. Rituals, public recruitment, and fundraising strengthen
the initiates identities as members which makes them committed advocates. The
greater the personal commitment, the more the need to justify it.
- Foot-in-the-door phenomenon. People do not commit through an abrupt, conscious
decision. The pattern in cults is for the activities to become gradually more arduous,
culminating in having recruits solicit contributions and attempt to convert others.
Extreme Persuasion: How Do Cults Indoctrinate?
Persuasive Elements
We can also analyze cult persuasion using the factors discussed in this chapter :
Who (the communicator) said what (the message) to whom (the audience)?
Extreme Persuasion: How Do Cults Indoctrinate?
Persuasive Elements The Communicator
Remember that a credible communicator is someone the audience perceives as
expert and trustworthy. That is why most cult leaders introduce themselves as
Father, Master etc. and would often perform acts to establish credibility.
Potential converts are often at turning points in their lives, facing personal
crises, or vacationing or living away from home. They have needs; the cult
offers them an answer2.
1Stark & Bainbridge, 1980; 2Lofland & Stark, 1965; Singer, 1979
Extreme Persuasion: How Do Cults Indoctrinate?
Group Effects
A cult typically separates members from their previous social support systems
and isolates them with other cult members, weakening external ties, until the
cult itself provide identities and thinking1.
To be open, we can assume that every person we meet is, in some ways, our superior. Each person
we encounter has some expertise that exceeds our own and thus has something to teach us. As we
connect, we can hope to learn from this person and to reciprocate by sharing our knowledge
To be critical thinkers, we might take a cue from inoculation research. Do you want to build your
resistance to false messages without becoming closed to valid messages? Be an active listener. Force
yourself to counterargue. Dont just listen; react. After hearing a political speech, discuss it with
others. If the message cannot withstand careful analysis, so much the worse for it. If it can, its effect
on you will be that much more enduring.