Competencies 1-9
Competencies 1-9
Competencies 1-9
Salena Cedillo
Demonstrate Ethical & Professional Behavior
• When the social worker and I are assessing a client in a school setting, I am aware of
their condition and what the child is going through at home. I am aware on their
diverse beliefs that are sometimes different than my own. I self reflect and place
judgement aside.
Behavior 3
• Demonstrate professional demeanor in behavior;
appearance; and oral, written, and electronic
At school, we have many students as well as their families that we deal with on a daily basis.
Each student is different and all come from different households. We are active on each level
whether it be 101 with the student, we as a school work together and even on a macro level with
the rest of the community.
Behavior 2: Present themselves as learners and
engage clients and constituencies as experts of their
own experiences.
I will have to develop an advocacy project that will best fit the
needs of students and staff at WCS.
Use and translate research evidence to inform and improve
practice, policy, and service delivery.
I will identify Columbus County resources to help assist the students and
parents in my schools. This includes resources such as WIC, EBT, &
local agencies that offer tutoring.
Assess how social welfare and economic policies impact the
delivery of and access to social services.
I help identify the needs of the local health department and to connect
them with Whiteville City Schools.
5.3 Apply critical thinking to analyze, formulate, and advocate for
policies that advance human rights and social, economic, and
environmental justice.
I will complete an agency project with the school and print out the
brochures and hand them out during enrollment. Also, I will post online
to help spread the word about what school social workers do in general.
Competency 6
Engage with Individuals,
Families, Groups, Organizations,
and Communities
Apply knowledge of human behavior and the social
environment, PIE, and other multidisciplinary
theoretical frameworks to engage with clients and