TB with any
Causes of drug resistant TB (DR-TB)
1. Microbiological perspective
Caused by genetic mutation that makes a drug ineffective
against the mutant bacilli.
2. Clinical & programmatic perspective
a. An adequate or poorly administered treatment regimen that
allows a drug-resistant strain to become the dominant strain in
a patient infected with TB.
b. On patient “noncompliance”:
- more often related to barriers to appropriate care, such as
the lack of diagnostic services, medications, transportation
within a TB control program, as well as the logistic and
financial constrains experienced by many patients and their
In addition, physician errors have also been linked to
development of drug-resistant TB
Faktor penyebab resistensi OAT terhadap kuman M TB
• Faktor Mikrobiologik
- Resisiten yang natural
- Resistensi yang didapat
- Amplifier effect
- Virulensi kuman
- Tertular galur kuman MDR
• Faktor Klinik
a. Penyelenggara kesehatan
- Keterlambatan diagnosis
- Terapi tidak mengikuti pedoman
- Penggunaan paduat OAT tidak adekuat
- Tidak ada pedoman/guideline
- Tidak ada/kurangnya pelatihan TB
- Tidak ada pemantauan pengobatan
- Fenmena addition syndrome : suatu obat yang ditambahkan pada
satu paduan yang telah gagal.
Bila kegagalan ini terjadi karena kuman TB telah resisten pada paduan
pertama maka “penambahan” 1 jenis obat tersebut akan menambah panjang
daftar obat yang resisten
- Organisasi program nasional TB yang kurang baik
b. Obat
b. Obat
- Terapi TB perlu jangka waktu lama 6 bulan membosankan
- Obat toksik efek samping shg terapi gagal sampai selesai/komplit
- Obat tdk diserap dgn baik : rifampisin diminum pc, atau ada diare
- Kualitas obat kurang baik pada obat FDC bioavibilitas rifampisin berkurang
- Regimen/dosis obat yang tidak tepat
- Harga obat tidak terjangkau
- Pengadaan obat terputus
c. Pasien
- PMO tidak ada / kurang baik
- Kurangnya informasi / penyuluhan
- Kurang dana untuk obat, pemeriksaan penunjang dll
- Efek samping obat
- Sarana dan prasarana transportasi sulit / tidak ada
- masalah sosial
- gangguan penyerapan obat
3. Faktor Program
3. Faktor Program
a. Tidak ada fasilitas untuk biakan dan uji kepekaan
b. Amplifier effect
c. Tidak ada program DOTS-PLUS
d. Program DOTS belum berjalan dengan baik
e. Memerlukan biaya yang besar
4. Faktor HIV/AIDS
a. Kemungkinan terjadi TB-MDR lebih besar
b. Gangguan penyerapan
c. Kemungkinan terjadi efek samping lebih besar
5. Faktor Kuman
Kuman M TB super strains
- Sangat virulen
- Daya tahan hidup lebih tinggi
- Berhubungan dengan TB-MDR
Kriteria curiga MDR TB
di Indonesia
Bila salah satu kriteria ditemukan pada pasien, maka perlu dilakukan pemeriksaan kultur sputum dan tes
sensitiviti obat.
• As with most things in the medicine, prevention is
better than cure.
• In order to ensure that the patient is taking
medication correctly WHO now strongly advocate
the use of directly observed therapy (DOT).
The simple procedure means that the patient must
be seen to swallow their medication under the eye of
trained supervisor. This prevent drug resistance
emerging as it should ensure that monotherapy is
General principles of designing a regime
•Regimens should be based on the history of drugs
taken by the patient.
•Each dose is given as directly observed therapy (DOT) throughout the treatment.
General principles of designing a regime
•DST of drugs with high reproducibility and reliability (and from a dependable
laboratory) should be used to guide therapy.
•It should be noted that the reliability and clinical value of DST of some first-line
and most of the second-line anti tuberculosis drugs have not been determined
•DST does not predict with 100% certainty the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of
a drug. DST of drugs such as ethambutol, streptomycin and Group 4 and 5 drugs
does not have high reproducibility and reliability