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CS4230 Parallel Programming: Mary Hall August 21, 2012

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CS4230 Parallel Programming

Lecture 1: Introduction

Mary Hall
August 21, 2012

08/21/2012 CS4230 1
Course Details
• Time and Location: TuTh, 9:10-10:30 AM, WEB L112
• Course Website
- http://www.eng.utah.edu/~cs4230/
• Instructor: Mary Hall, mhall@cs.utah.edu,
- Office Hours: Mon 11:00-11:30 AM; Th 10:45-11:15 AM

- Office Hours: TBD

• SYMPA mailing list

- cs4230@list.eng.utah.edu
- https://sympa.eng.utah.edu/sympa/info/cs4230

• Textbook
- “An Introduction to Parallel Programming,”
Peter Pacheco, Morgan-Kaufmann Publishers, 2011.
- Also, readings and notes provided for other topics as needed
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• Prerequisites:
- C programming
- Knowledge of computer architecture
- CS4400 (concurrent ok for seniors)
• Please do not bring laptops to class!
• Do not copy solutions to assignments from the internet
(e.g., wikipedia)
• Read Chapter 1 of textbook by next lecture
• First homework handed out next time

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Basis for Grades
• 35% Programming projects (P1,P2,P3,P4)
• 20% Written homeworks
• 5% Participation (in-class assignments)
• 25% Quiz and Final
• 15% Final project

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Today’s Lecture
• Overview of course
• Important problems require powerful computers …
- … and powerful computers must be parallel.
- Increasing importance of educating parallel
programmers (you!)
- Some parallel programmers need to be performance
experts – my approach
• What sorts of architectures in this class
- Multimedia extensions, multi-cores, SMPs, GPUs,
networked clusters
• Developing high-performance parallel applications
• An optimization perspective
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Course Objectives
• Learn how to program parallel processors and
- Learn how to think in parallel and write correct
parallel programs
- Achieve performance and scalability through
understanding of architecture and software mapping

• Significant hands-on programming experience

- Develop real applications on real hardware
- Develop parallel algorithms

• Discuss the current parallel computing context

- Contemporary programming models and
architectures, and where is the field going
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Why is this Course Important?
• Multi-core and many-core era is here to stay
- Why? Technology Trends
• Many programmers will be developing parallel
- But still not everyone is trained in parallel programming
- Learn how to put all these vast machine resources to the
best use!
• Useful for
- Joining the work force
- Graduate school
• Our focus
- Teach core concepts
- Use common programming models
- Discuss broader spectrum of parallel computing
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Technology Trends: Microprocessor Capacity
count still

Clock speed

Slide source: Maurice Herlihy

Moore’s Law:
Gordon Moore (co-founder of Intel) predicted in 1965 that the transistor
density of semiconductor chips would double roughly every 18 months.
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The Multi-Core or Many-Core Paradigm Shift

What to do with all these transistors?

• Key ideas:
- Movement away from increasingly complex processor design
and faster clocks
- Replicated functionality (i.e., parallel) is simpler to design
- Resources more efficiently utilized
- Huge power management advantages

All Computers are Parallel Computers.

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Scientific Simulation:
The Third Pillar of Science
• Traditional scientific and engineering paradigm:
1)Do theory or paper design.
2)Perform experiments or build system.
• Limitations:
- Too difficult -- build large wind tunnels.
- Too expensive -- build a throw-away passenger jet.
- Too slow -- wait for climate or galactic evolution.
- Too dangerous -- weapons, drug design, climate
• Computational science paradigm: Slide source: Jim Demmel

3)Use high performance computer systems to simulate

the phenomenon
- Base on known physical laws and efficient numerical
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The quest for increasingly more powerful machines

• Scientific simulation will continue to push on system

- To increase the precision of the result
- To get to an answer sooner (e.g., climate modeling, disaster
• The U.S. will continue to acquire systems of
increasing scale
- For the above reasons
- And to maintain competitiveness
• A similar phenomenon in commodity machines
- More, faster, cheaper
Slide source: Jim Demmel

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Example: Global Climate Modeling Problem
• Problem is to compute:
f(latitude, longitude, elevation, time) 
temperature, pressure, humidity, wind velocity
• Approach:
- Discretize the domain, e.g., a measurement point every 10 km
- Devise an algorithm to predict weather at time t+dt given t

• Uses:
- Predict major events,
e.g., El Nino
- Use in setting air
emissions standards

Slide source: Jim Demmel

Source: http://www.epm.ornl.gov/chammp/chammp.html
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Some Characteristics of Scientific Simulation

• Discretize physical or conceptual space into a grid

- Simpler if regular, may be more representative if adaptive
• Perform local computations on grid
- Given yesterday’s temperature and weather pattern, what is
today’s expected temperature?
• Communicate partial results between grids
- Contribute local weather result to understand global
weather pattern.
• Repeat for a set of time steps
• Possibly perform other calculations with results
- Given weather model, what area should evacuate for a

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Example of Discretizing a Domain

this part
this part in

Processors in adjacent blocks in the grid communicate their result.

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Parallel Programming Complexity: An Analogy
• Enough Parallelism (Amdahl’s Law)
• Parallelism Granularity
• Independent work between coordination points

• Locality
- Perform work on nearby data
• Load Balance
- Processors have similar amount of work
• Coordination and Synchronization
- Who is in charge? How often to check in?

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Course Goal
• Most people in the research community agree that
there are at least two kinds of parallel programmers
that will be important to the future of computing
• Programmers that understand how to write software,
but are naïve about parallelization and mapping to
architecture (Joe programmers)
• Programmers that are knowledgeable about
parallelization, and mapping to architecture, so can
achieve high performance (Stephanie programmers)
• Intel/Microsoft say there are three kinds (Mort, Elvis
and Einstein)
• This course is about teaching you how to become
Stephanie/Einstein programmers
Course Goal
• Why OpenMP, Pthreads, MPI and CUDA?
• These are the languages that Einstein/Stephanie
programmers use.
• They can achieve high performance.
• They are widely available and widely used.
• It is no coincidence that both textbooks I’ve used
for this course teach all of these except CUDA.

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