Auditor Independence, Ethics and Liability: Relates To Chapter 4 of Text
Auditor Independence, Ethics and Liability: Relates To Chapter 4 of Text
Auditor Independence, Ethics and Liability: Relates To Chapter 4 of Text
– Why?
Independence rules that apply to public and private
companies (see Exhibit 4.6 and pp. 153-60):
• No direct or material indirect financial interest in
an audited company by a CPA connected with
the audit (“covered members”).
• No interest > 5% of total equity of an audited
company for any employee(s) of the audit firm.
– Firms may have stricter requirements, though.
• No unusual / nonroutine/investment loans
between audit client and covered members.
– Normal loans on standard terms permitted.
• Covered members cannot have immediate family
members who hold key positions in the audited
• You may laugh, but a real question: can you
date an employee of an audit client?
Independence: Contingent fees
• Analogies:
My relative’s experience with an employer.
The stock option backdating scandal.
Ethical challenges in auditing, continued
3. It is difficult to take a stand against the
party that is paying your fee.
• This is why the enhanced role of the
independent audit committee (which must
assess your firm’s independence prior to
engagement) as the auditor’s “client” under
SOX and PCAOB guidance is critical.
• As an auditor, you should not feel pressured
to satisfy company management – you answer
to a “higher power” – but this is easier said
than done.
Ethical challenges in auditing, continued