Sub Synchronous Resonance: Facts Controllers
Sub Synchronous Resonance: Facts Controllers
Sub Synchronous Resonance: Facts Controllers
The resonance between a series-capacitor-
compensated electric system and the mechanical
spring-mass system of a turbine-generator at sub
synchronous frequencies, that is, at frequencies that
are less than the synchronous frequency.
In this system, a svc is connected at the midpoint of a 400 kV, 600 km long
line for voltage regulation and improvement of power transfer. To
examine, the effectiveness of svc, the contingency condition of outage of
a line is considered. The generator is supplying 800 MW power and svc
output is 220 MVAR. The system frequency 50 Hz.
It is observed that PSS while improving the damping of mode zero,
destabilizes other Torsional modes (particularly modes 1 and 2). The
mode five is unaffected due to its high inertia.
The operation of TCSC using constant reactance control (XTcsc > Xc)
using vernier mode or SVR is sufficient in most of the cases to avoid
Torsional interaction which is a serious problem with fixed series
compensation. This feature of TCSC is due to the following characteristics
(of TCSC ).
For the same compensation level that results in fer = fo - fm (where fer
and fm are the electrical resonance, and the critical Torsional mode
frequency ) with a fixed series compensation, a TCSC avoids the
resonance condition by detuning ( which results from different frequency
response characteristics than a fixed series capacitor).