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Introduction to Global

Positioning Systems (GPS)

What is GPS?
• A satellite based positioning system
• Three Segments
– Space Segment - 24 satellites
– Control Segment
– User Segment
Satellite Segment
• NAVSTAR (NAVigation by Satellite Timing and
• Use precise clocks
• Very high frequency 1200-1500 Mhz
communication (travels 25 cm in .000000083
• Satellites orbit in 6 orbital plates to provide
complete coverage
• Satellites orbit at 10,900 miles (2 orbits per day)
GPS Satellite
GPS Constellation
Ground Track
Control Segment
• Run by the US Military
• Ground based
• Used to track and adjust satellites
• Computes exact orbits (for location)
User Segment
• Units receive transmission from Satellites
• Cost between $150 and $15000 (depends
on accuracy)
• Must be line of sight with satellites
How does it work?
• Position of satellites is known.
– Satellite provides an “electronic almanac” to the
• The speed of the radio signal from each
satellite is known
• Timing allows the calculation of the distance
from each satellite.
• Using triangulation, the position of the
receiver is calculated.
How measurements are
• Each satellite sends information
on its location and the time
code is sent.
• It sends a code that allows the
measurement of the distance to
the satellite.
• If four satellites are visible, a
single receiver can measure
locations to within 100 meters
95% of the time.
GPS Signals
Geometric Dilution of
Precision (GDOP)
Note the importance of accurate

A s s u m e a tim in g e r ro r o f 1 m ic r o s e c o n d

speed of light in a vacuum - 186, 000
miles sec 5280ft
186, 000   0.186miles   982ft.
sec 1, 000, 000 mile
Differential GPS (DGPS)
• Used to correct for errors
• Uses a ground station at a known location
• Ground station measures error of GPS
• Error transmitted to DGPS unit and position
is corrected.
Differential GPS (DGPS)
DGPS Signals
• US Coast Guard
– Near navigable waters
– Free
• Subscription Services
– FM (line of sight)
– Satellite
• Most of the Valley gets Coast Guard signal
1 Meter Correction sources -
Coast Guard

True Range vs.
• Errors in range (distance) result in position
– Satellite Clock Error
– Signal Transmission Error
– Error in receiver clock
• Carrier-phase tracking
– Used for very precise location
– $$$
Improving Accuracy -
• Real time vs. Post Process corrections
• Real Time - Know your location in real time -
radio link needed
• Post process - Process the data in the office
to find real location
• GPS with Selective Availability on: 50 m
• GPS with SA off: 25 m
• DGPS 1-3 m to 1-2 cm
• Better accuracy is achieved by sampling
more points (statistical)
Improving Accuracy -
• Two receivers required - error about the
same at each
• Put a receiver over a known location
• The difference between know location and
measured location is the error
• Apply this error correction to the moving
receiver to improve accuracy
Code phase vs. Carrier
• The accuracy of the measurement is related
to the length of wavelength used.
• Code phase - 300 meter wavelength
• Carrier phase - 0.19 meters
Code Phase
Vs. Carrier Phase
• Advantages of Code • Advantages of carrier
Phase phase over code
Over Carrier Phase phase
– Since the pseudo – The accuracy possibly
random code has a increases from 1 meter
known pattern it is to 1 cm.
quicker to obtain a
– It is less susceptible to
interference such as
GPS Output
• Commonly Latitude and Longitude
• Latitude
– North/South position
• Longitude
– East/West Position
• Given in decimal degrees. Ex.
-119.727289 36.822758
West Lon. North Lat.
Using GPS Data
• GPS Unit stores data then download to
• GPS Unit has direct interface to computer
• GPS Unit is interfaced to:
– Yield monitor
– Variable rate applicator
– Navigation guidance (parallel swathing)
1 cm - base station on site

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