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Objective of Today
C1. identify situations in which work is done and in which no work is done
through word problems;
A2. relate the importance of the concept of work to our day to day activity
through a 2 minute speech; and
P3.solve sample mathematical problems regarding work;
What is work?
• “Work is present when the force exerted causes an object to have a
displacement in the same direction of the force”.
Three conditions
• There must be a force acting on the object
• The object has to move a certain distance called the displacement.
• There must be component of the force in the direction of the motion.
Identify if work is done on the following
The mathematical expression used to
determine the amount done on the object.
Work is calculated by:
W= Force x Displacement
W= (Fcosθ)d
W- work
F- force parallel to the displacement
d- displacement
θ- the angle between the force and the displacement.
2Τ 2
• The SI unit for work is the N-m, or kg𝑚 𝑠 .
• This combination of unit has also been given
the name joule (J) in honor of James Prescott
Sample Problems

• How much work is done when you carry your

10-newton school bag from the ground to the
second floor of your school building? The
second floor is 6m from the ground?
• A porter pulls a 10kg luggage along a level road for
5m by exerting a force of 20N at an angle of 30°
with the horizontal shoulder through a vertical
distance of 1.5m and carries it for another 5m.
How much work does he do in (a) pulling, (b)
lifting and (c) carrying the luggage on his shoulder?
 Pulling the luggage
Given: F= 20N
θ= 30°
d= 5m
Find: W
W= (Fcosθ)d
= (20N)(cos 30°)(5m)
W= 87J
 Lifting the luggage
Given: m=10kg
d= 1.5m
Find: W
Solution: First determine the weight of the luggage.
= (10kg) (9.8𝑚Τ𝑠 )
F= 98 kg. 𝑚Τ𝑠 or 98N
Then solve for W.
W= F.d
= (9.8N)(1.5m)
W= 147J
Carrying the luggage
• The force on the luggage is perpendicular to the
direction of motion. The distance moved in the
direction of force is zero. Hence, the porter does
no work in carrying the luggage.
Think Pair Share

Richardson pulls a toy by 3.0m across the floor by a

string, applying a force of 0.50 N. During the first
meter, the string is parallel to the floor. In the next
two meters, the string makes an angle of 30° with
the horizontal direction. What is the total amount of
work done by Richardson on the toy?
State the importance of the concept of
work to our day to day activity through a 2
minute speech by giving the importance of
each work in our day to day activity
Why the motionless weight lifter does, is not
doing work?
Which one will exert more work hitting a
baseball or pushing a car in a flooded street?
When you type on a computer keyboard, do
you work on the computer keys?
• Which requires more work, carrying a 220N
backpack up a 30m high school building or
carrying a 110N backpack up a 60m high
school building? Assume that the students will
not use an elevator.
Two Janitors are assigned to mop the floor in your science
laboratory. One work 45 minutes before the class starts, while the
other one does the work one hour after your class.

a. Is the amount of work done the same

as the second janitor?
b. If you’re one of the janitor which one
will you be?
c. Who among the two janitors perform
an efficient work?
d. How will you relate the importance of
the concept of work to our day to day
Activity 5. Think At The Right Angles

Accomplish in your notebook the activity “ Think At The Right Angles” on pp.
Agree or Disagree

1. Work does not necessarily mean physical labor.

2. If there is displacement in the same direction of the force,
then there is work automatically.
3. If there is no force exerted, there won’t be any work output.
4. There must be a force acting on the object.
A.Put a check before the item if work is done
to an object or person.

1. A boy running across a playground

2. A mother dancing with her baby in her arms
3. A basket being lifted
4. A person in an ascending elevator
5. A stone whirled around a horizontal circle
B. Calculate the work done in the following
situations.(5pts each)
1. How much work is done when you drag an office
table from the corner 5 meters across the room with
you applying 350N on it in the process?
2. How much work is done on a bag when it is
dragged by the fabric handle, 15m across the ground
by a schoolboy exerting a force of 120N? The angle
that the fabric creates from the horizontal is 45°
Calculate the work done in the following situations.
1. How much work is done when you drag an office table from the corner 5
m across the room with you applying 350N on it in the process.
2. How much work is done on a bag when it is dragged by the fabric handle,
15m across the ground by a student exerting force of 120N? The angle that
the fabric creates from the horizontal is 45º.
Classify the types of “work” you do for the entire day and identify which
among these are work and zero work according to the definition in physics.”

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