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05 - Fluid Flow

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Internal flows through pipes, elbows, tees, valves,
etc., as in this oil refinery, are found in nearly
every industry.
• Liquid or gas flow through pipes or ducts is commonly
used in heating and cooling applications and fluid
distribution networks.
• The fluid in such applications is usually forced to flow by a
fan or pump through a flow section.
• We pay particular attention to friction, which is directly
related to the pressure drop and head loss during flow
through pipes and ducts.
• The pressure drop is then used to determine the pumping
power requirement. 3
Circular pipes can withstand large pressure differences
between the inside and the outside without undergoing any
significant distortion, but noncircular pipes cannot.

Laminar: Smooth streamlines and
highly ordered motion.
Turbulent: Velocity fluctuations and
highly disordered motion.
Transition: The flow fluctuates between
laminar and turbulent flows.
Most flows encountered in practice are

Laminar and turbulent flow

regimes of candle smoke.
Laminar flow is encountered when
highly viscous fluids such as oils flow
in small pipes or narrow passages.

The behavior of colored fluid

injected into the flow in laminar and
turbulent flows in a pipe.
Reynolds Number

The transition from laminar to turbulent

flow depends on the geometry, surface
roughness, flow velocity, surface
temperature, and type of fluid.
The flow regime depends mainly on the
ratio of inertial forces to viscous forces
(Reynolds number).

The Reynolds number can be

viewed as the ratio of inertial
forces to viscous forces
acting on a fluid element.
Reynolds Number
At large Reynolds numbers, the inertial forces, which are proportional
to the fluid density and the square of the fluid velocity, are large relative
to the viscous forces, and thus the viscous forces cannot prevent the
random and rapid fluctuations of the fluid (turbulent).
At small or moderate Reynolds numbers, the viscous forces are large
enough to suppress these fluctuations and to keep the fluid “in line”

Critical Reynolds number, Recr: The Reynolds number at which the

flow becomes turbulent.
The value of the critical Reynolds number is different for different
geometries and flow conditions.

Reynolds Number

For flow through noncircular pipes, the

Reynolds number is based on the
hydraulic diameter

The hydraulic diameter Dh = 4Ac/p

is defined such that it reduces to
ordinary diameter for circular tubes.
Velocity boundary layer: The region of the flow in which the effects of the
viscous shearing forces caused by fluid viscosity are felt.
Boundary layer region: The viscous effects and the velocity changes are
Irrotational (core) flow region: The frictional effects are negligible and the
velocity remains essentially constant in the radial direction.

The development of the velocity boundary layer in a pipe. The developed

average velocity profile is parabolic in laminar flow, but somewhat flatter or 10
fuller in turbulent flow.
Entry Lengths
The hydrodynamic entry length is usually taken to be the distance from
the pipe entrance to where the wall shear stress (and thus the friction
factor) reaches within about 2 percent of the fully developed value.

The pipes used in practice are

hydrodynamic usually several times the
entry length for length of the entrance region,
laminar flow and thus the flow through the
pipes is often assumed to be
hydrodynamic fully developed for the entire
entry length for length of the pipe.
turbulent flow
This simplistic approach gives
reasonable results for long
hydrodynamic entry
pipes but sometimes poor
length for turbulent flow,
results for short ones since it
an approximation
underpredicts the wall shear
stress and thus the friction
Pressure Drop and Head Loss

A pressure drop due to viscous effects represents an irreversible pressure

loss, and it is called pressure loss PL.
pressure loss for all
Circular pipe,
types of fully developed
internal flows
dynamic Darcy
pressure friction

In laminar flow, the friction factor is a function of the Reynolds number

only and is independent of the roughness of the pipe surface.
The head loss represents the additional height that the fluid needs to be
raised by a pump in order to overcome the frictional losses in the pipe.
Effect of Gravity on
Velocity and Flow Rate
in Laminar Flow

Free-body diagram of a ring-shaped

differential fluid element of radius r,
thickness dr, and length dx oriented
coaxially with an inclined pipe in fully
developed laminar flow.
Laminar Flow in
Noncircular Pipes
The friction factor f relations
are given in Table 8–1 for fully
developed laminar flow in
pipes of various cross
sections. The Reynolds
number for flow in these pipes
is based on the hydraulic
diameter Dh = 4Ac /p, where
Ac is the cross-sectional area
of the pipe and p is its wetted

Most flows encountered in engineering practice are turbulent, and thus it is
important to understand how turbulence affects wall shear stress.
Turbulent flow is a complex mechanism dominated by fluctuations, and it is still
not fully understood.
We must rely on experiments and the empirical or semi-empirical correlations
developed for various situations.
Turbulent flow is characterized by
disorderly and rapid fluctuations of swirling
regions of fluid, called eddies, throughout
the flow.
These fluctuations provide an additional
mechanism for momentum and energy
In turbulent flow, the swirling eddies
transport mass, momentum, and energy to
other regions of flow much more rapidly
The intense mixing in turbulent flow than molecular diffusion, greatly enhancing
brings fluid particles at different mass, momentum, and heat transfer.
momentums into close contact and As a result, turbulent flow is associated
thus enhances momentum transfer. with much higher values of friction, heat
transfer, and mass transfer coefficients
Water exiting a tube: (a) laminar
flow at low flow rate, (b) turbulent
flow at high flow rate, and (c)
same as (b) but with a short
shutter exposure to capture
individual eddies.

Turbulent Velocity Profile The very thin layer next to the wall where
viscous effects are dominant is the viscous
(or laminar or linear or wall) sublayer.
The velocity profile in this layer is very nearly
linear, and the flow is streamlined.
Next to the viscous sublayer is the buffer
layer, in which turbulent effects are becoming
significant, but the flow is still dominated by
viscous effects.
Above the buffer layer is the overlap (or
transition) layer, also called the inertial
sublayer, in which the turbulent effects are
much more significant, but still not dominant.
Above that is the outer (or turbulent) layer in
the remaining part of the flow in which
turbulent effects dominate over molecular
diffusion (viscous) effects.

The velocity profile in fully developed pipe flow is parabolic in laminar

flow, but much fuller in turbulent flow. Note that u(r) in the turbulent
case is the time-averaged velocity component in the axial direction 22
(the overbar on u has been dropped for simplicity).
The Moody
Chart and
the Colebrook equation (for smooth and rough pipes)

Colebrook The friction factor in fully developed turbulent pipe flow depends
Equation on the Reynolds number and the relative roughness  /D.

Explicit Haaland

The friction
factor is
minimum for a
smooth pipe
and increases 23
with roughness.
The Moody Chart
Observations from the Moody chart
• For laminar flow, the friction factor decreases with increasing Reynolds
number, and it is independent of surface roughness.
• The friction factor is a minimum for a smooth pipe and increases with
roughness. The Colebrook equation in this case ( = 0) reduces to the
Prandtl equation.

• The transition region from the laminar to turbulent regime is indicated

by the shaded area in the Moody chart. At small relative roughnesses,
the friction factor increases in the transition region and approaches the
value for smooth pipes.
• At very large Reynolds numbers (to the right of the dashed line on the
Moody chart) the friction factor curves corresponding to specified
relative roughness curves are nearly horizontal, and thus the friction
factors are independent of the Reynolds number. The flow in that
region is called fully rough turbulent flow or just fully rough flow
because the thickness of the viscous sublayer decreases with
increasing Reynolds number, and it becomes so thin that it is negligibly
small compared to the surface roughness height. The Colebrook
equation in the fully rough zone reduces to the von Kármán equation.
In calculations, we should
make sure that we use the
actual internal diameter
of the pipe, which may be
different than the nominal

At very large Reynolds numbers, the friction factor

curves on the Moody chart are nearly horizontal, and
thus the friction factors are independent of the
Reynolds number. See Fig. A–12 for a full-page
moody chart.

The fluid in a typical piping system passes
through various fittings, valves, bends,
elbows, tees, inlets, exits, enlargements,
and contractions in addition to the pipes.
These components interrupt the smooth
flow of the fluid and cause additional
losses because of the flow separation and
mixing they induce.
In a typical system with long pipes, these
losses are minor compared to the total
head loss in the pipes (the major losses)
and are called minor losses.
Minor losses are usually expressed in For a constant-diameter section of a pipe
terms of the loss coefficient KL. with a minor loss component, the loss
coefficient of the component (such as the
gate valve shown) is determined by
measuring the additional pressure loss it
Head loss due
causes and dividing it by the dynamic
to component 34
pressure in the pipe.
When the inlet diameter equals outlet
diameter, the loss coefficient of a
component can also be determined by
measuring the pressure loss across the
component and dividing it by the dynamic
KL = PL /(V2/2).
When the loss coefficient for a component
is available, the head loss for that
component is

Minor losses are also expressed in terms The head loss caused by a
of the equivalent length Lequiv. component (such as the angle
valve shown) is equivalent to the
head loss caused by a section of
the pipe whose length is the
equivalent length.

Total head loss (general)

Total head loss (D = constant)

The head loss at the inlet of a pipe

is almost negligible for well-
rounded inlets (KL = 0.03 for r/D >
0.2) but increases to about 0.50 for
sharp-edged inlets. 36
The effect of rounding
of a pipe inlet on the
loss coefficient.

Graphical representation of flow

contraction and the associated head
loss at a sharp-edged pipe inlet.

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