Unit 2
Unit 2
Unit 2
“The principle of mutual induction states that when the two coils are
inductively coupled and if the current in coil change uniformly then the
e.m.f. induced in the other coils. This e.m.f can drive a current when a
closed path is provide to it.”
• Copper losses :
It is due to power wasted in the form of I2Rdue to resistance of primary and
secondary. The magnitude of copper losses depend upon the current flowing
through these coils.
The iron losses depend on the supply voltage while the copper depend
on the current .the losses are not dependent on the phase angle between
current and voltage .hence the rating of the transformer is expressed as
a product o f voltage and current called VA rating of transformer. It is
not expressed in watts or kilowatts. Most of the timer, is rating is
expressed in KVA.
Hysteresis loss :
During magnetization and demagnetization ,due to hysteresis
effect some energy losses in the core called hysteresis loss
Eddy current loss :
The leakage magnetic flux generates the E.M.F in the core
produces current is called of eddy current loss.
Ideal V/S practical transformer
While the practical transformer has windings resistance , some leakage flux and
has lit bit losses
The Equivalent Circuit of a Transformer
Modeling the copper losses: resistive losses in the primary and secondary
windings of the core, represented in the equivalent circuit by RP and RS.
Modeling the leakage fluxes: primary leakage flux is proportional to the
primary current IP and secondary leakage flux is proportional to the
secondary current IS, represented in the equivalent circuit by XP (=fLP/IP) and
XS (=fLS/IS).
Modeling the core excitation: Im is proportional to the voltage applied to the
core and lags the applied voltage by 90o. It is modeled by XM.
Modeling the core loss current: Ih+e is proportional to the voltage applied to
the core and in phase with the applied voltage. It is modeled by RC.
The Exact Equivalent Circuit of a Transformer
Although the previous equivalent circuit is an accurate model of a transformer,
it is not a very useful one. To analyze practical circuits containing transformers,
it is normally necessary to convert the entire circuit to an equivalent circuit at a
single voltage level. Therefore, the equivalent circuit must be referred either to
its primary side or to its secondary side in problem solutions.
• open-circuit test
• short-circuit test
Circuit Parameters: Open-Circuit Test
Poc 1 Poc
PF cos or , cos
Voc I oc oc oc
The power factor is always lagging for a transformer, so the current will
lag the voltage by the angle . Therefore, the admittance YE is:
1 1 I
YE j oc cos 1 PF
RC X M Voc
Circuit Parameters: Short-Circuit Test
R p a 2 Rs j X p a 2 X s sc cos 1 PF
I sc
Power Output
Power Input
Power Input Losses
Power Input
Power Input
Pcopper loss Pcore loss
Pcopper loss Pcore loss V s I s cos