Unit 8 - TQM
Unit 8 - TQM
Unit 8 - TQM
• What is quality?
Dictionary has many definitions: “Essential characteristic,”
“Superior,” etc.
• What is TQM?
A comprehensive, organization-wide effort to improve the quality
of products and services, applicable to all organizations.
• What is a customer?
Anyone who is impacted by the product or process delivered by
an organization.
External customer: The end user as well as intermediate
processors. Other external customers may not be purchasers
but may have some connection with the product.
Internal customer: Other divisions of the company that receive
the processed product.
• What is a product?
The output of the process carried out by the organization. It may
be goods (e.g. automobiles, missile), software (e.g. a computer
code, a report) or service (e.g. banking, insurance)
• How is customer satisfaction achieved?
Two dimensions: Product features and Freedom from
• Product features – Refers to quality of design.
Examples in manufacturing industry: Performance, Reliability,
Durability, Ease of use, Esthetics etc.
Examples in service industry: Accuracy, Timeliness, Friendliness
and courtesy, Knowledge of server etc.
• Freedom from deficiencies – Refers to quality of conformance.
Higher conformance means fewer complaints and increased
customer satisfaction. (This is related to free from defects.)
Why Quality?
Quality perspectives
History of Quality
The Quality Gurus
• Quality Gurus
– Individuals who have been identified as making a significant contribution
to improving the quality of goods and services.
• Walter A. Shewhart
• W. Edwards Deming
• Joseph M. Juran
• Armand Feigenbaum
• Philip Crosby
• Genichi Taguchi
• Kaoru Ishikawa
Three of the Quality Gurus Compared
Three of the Quality Gurus Compared (cont’d)
Three of the Quality Gurus Compared (cont’d)
The Quality Guru
• W. Edwards Deming
– Advocated Statistical Process Control (SPC)
• Methods which signal shifts in a process that will likely lead to
products and/or services not meeting customer requirements.
• Emphasized an overall organizational approach to managing quality.
• Demonstrated that quality products are less costly than poor quality
• Identified 14 points critical for improving quality.
– The Deming Prize
• Highest award for industrial excellence in Japan.
Deming’s 14-Point Program for Improving Quality
1. Create constancy of purpose for improvement of product and service.
2. Adopt the new philosophy.
3. Cease dependence on mass inspection.
4. End the practice of awarding business on the price tag alone.
5. Improve constantly and forever the system of production and training.
6. Institute training.
7. Institute leadership.
8. Drive out fear.
9. Break down barriers between staff areas.
10. Eliminate slogans, exhortations, and targets for the workforce.
11. Eliminate numerical quotas.
12. Remove barriers to pride in workmanship.
13. Institute a vigorous program of education and retraining.
14. Take action to accomplish the program.
History of quality management
• Next 20 odd years, when top managers in USA focused on marketing,
production quantity and financial performance, Japanese managers improved
quality at an unprecedented rate.
• Market started preferring Japanese products and American companies suffered
• America woke up to the quality revolution in early 1980s. Ford Motor
Company consulted Dr. Deming to help transform its operations.
(By then, 80-year-old Deming was virtually unknown in USA. Whereas Japanese
government had instituted The Deming Prize for Quality in 1950.)
• Managers started to realize that “quality of management” is more important
than “management of quality.” Birth of the term Total Quality Management
• TQM – Integration of quality principles into organization’s management
Cost of Quality
“Costs” of Quality
Category Definition Example
• Service Recovery
– How quickly a firm rectifies a service mistake has a strong effect on
establishing customer loyalty and creating customer satisfaction.
• Service Guarantees
– Provide customer feedback on service operations
– Effective guarantees
• Unconditional
• Easy to understand
• Meaningful
• Easy and painless to invoke
• Easy and quick to collect on
Elements of TQM & Implementation
Elements of TQM
• Leadership
– Top management vision, planning and support
• Employee involvement
– All employees assume responsibility for inspecting the quality of their
• Product/Process Excellence
– Involves product design quality and monitoring the process for
continuous improvement.
Elements of TQM (cont’d)
• Continuous Improvement
– A concept that recognizes that quality improvement is a journey with no
end and that there is a need for continually looking for new approaches
for improving quality.
• Customer Focus (on “Fitness for Use”)
– Design quality
• Specific characteristics of a product that determine its value in the
– Conformance quality
• The degree to which a product meets its design specifications.
Implementing TQM
• Successful Implementation of TQM
–Requires total integration of TQM into day-to-day
• Causes of TQM Implementation Failures
–Lack of focus on strategic planning and core competencies.
–Obsolete, outdated organizational cultures.
Implementation of TQM
For TQM to be successful, the organization must
concentrate on the following key elements:
Implementation of TQM
The key elements of TQM can be divided into four groups
according to their function:
The Seven TQM Tools
1. Check Sheets
2. Histograms
3. Scatter Diagrams
4. Control Charts
5. Run Charts
6. Ishikawa Diagram
7. Pareto Diagram
Check Sheets
Machine Manpower
Method Material
Quality Performance Levels
for Various Processes
The Deming Prize
• Deming Prize
– Initiated by Japan in 1951 to recognize the importance of high quality
– Name after W. Edwards Deming
– Categories of the Deming Prize:
• The Deming Prize for Individuals
• The Deming Application Prize
• The Quality Control Award for Operations/ Business Units