Introduction To Research Methods
Introduction To Research Methods
Introduction To Research Methods
Lesson 1
Classification Objectives
1.) According to Goal
a.) Basic or Pure To develop theories or principles without
Research due regard to their immediate applications
To apply the theories or principles to
b.) Applied Research
specific situations
To solve problems that have a direct
application in the setting in which the
c.) Action Research
research is conducted without any
assumptions about the general applications
2.) According to Purpose
a.) Predictive or To determine the future operation of the
Prognostic Research variables under investigation
To provide action or direction based on the
b.) Directive Research
findings of the study
To show interaction of the variables under
c.) Illuminative Research
3.) According to Levels of Investigation
To study the variables pertinent to a specific
a.) Exploratory Research
To study the relationships of the variables
b.) Descriptive Research
under investigation
To determine the effects of one or more
c.) Experimental Research independent variables on a dependent
4.) According to Type of Analysis
To identify and isolate the components of the
a.) Analytic Research
research situation
To study the total situation first by focusing
b.) Holistic Research on the system and then on its internal
5.) According to Statistical Content
To discover facts and causes objectively derives from
a.) Quantitative Research
data gathered through the use of statistical tools
To subjectively derived understanding from the
b.) Qualitative Research perspective of observed persons without the use of
statistical techniques
c.) Quantitative-Qualitative To study facts and causes though the use of both
Research quantitative and qualitative methods
6.) According to Choice of Answers to Problems
a.) Developmental Research To develop a more suitable process or instrument
To identify all possible sources of action and specify
which is most advantageous with the aim of improving
b.) Evaluation Research the delivery of services both in terms of how the service
is delivered (the program delivery process) and what the
service delivers (the result or product delivered)
To determine the effects of one or more independent
c.) Experimental Research
variables of a dependent variable
7.) According to Developmental Tracking
a.) Longitudinal Research To study the same subjects over a long period of time
To examine different groups of subjects all at the same
b.) Cross-sectional Research
8.) According to Time Element
a.) Historical or Archival
To describe what was
b.) Descriptive Research To describe what is
c.) Experimental Research To describe what will be
9.) According to Area or Field of Study
Social Research, Educational Research, Mathematical
Research, Industrial Research, Biological Research,
Agricultural Research, Theological Research, Philosophical
Research, Business Research, etc.
Scientific Method of Research
• Tradition
• Authority
• Inaccurate Observation
• Overgeneralization
• Selective Observation
• Made-up Information
• Illogical Reasoning
• Ego-involvement in Understanding
• Mystification
• To err is Human
• Dogmatism
Ethics in Research