Theoretical - Conceptual Framework
Theoretical - Conceptual Framework
Theoretical - Conceptual Framework
Discussant: Annie Lyn G. Mendoza
MAED 301-Research Method Applied to Education
Definition of Terms;
Theory- are formulated to explain, predict, and understand
phenomena and, in many cases, to challenge and extend
existing knowledge, within the limits of the critical bounding
- A theory makes generalizations about observations and consists
of an interrelated, coherent set of ideas and models.
- A theory is like a blueprint, a guide for modeling a structure.
It predicts events in a broad, general context.
- In science, the word ‘theory’ refers to a comprehensive
explanation of an important feature of nature that is supported
by many facts gathered over time. (Weisenmiller 2008: 2)
Concept – abstractly describes and names an object or phenomenon, thus
providing it with separate identity and meaning.
- An intellectual representation of some aspect of reality that is derived from
observations made from phenomena.
Ex. Of concept:
stress or anxiety or pain
Framework- A basic structure underlying a system, concept, or text.
Described as logical structure of meaning that guide the development of the
All frameworks are based on the identification of key concepts and the
relationships among those concepts.
Cases are objects whose behavior or characteristics we study. Usually, the
cases are persons. But they can also be groups, departments,
organizations, etc. They can also be more esoteric (obscure, mysterious)
things like events (e.g., meetings), utterances, pairs of people, etc.
Variables are characteristics of cases. They are attributes. Qualities of the
cases that we measure or record. It is more specific and measurable
For ex., if the cases are persons, the variables could be sex, age, height,
weight, feeling of empowerment, math
-Dependent variable is what you are trying to explain.
-Independent variables, also known as the predictor or explanatory
variables, are the factors that you explain variation in the dependent
variable. In other words, these are the causes.
Theoretical Framework
- refers to the theory that a researcher chooses to guide him/her
in his/her research.
- is the application of a theory, or a set of concepts drawn from
one and the same theory, to offer an explanation of an event, or
shed some light on a particular phenomenon or research
-provides a general representation of relationships between
things in a given phenomenon.
Strategies in Developing an effective
• Examine your thesis title and research problem.
• Brainstorm on what you consider to be the key
variables in your research.
• Review related literature
• List the constructs and variables
• Review the key social science theories
• Discuss the assumptions or propositions
In writing this part of your research paper, keep in
mind the following:
• Clearly describe the framework, concepts, models, or
specific theories that underpin your study. Position your
theoretical framework within a broader context of
related frameworks, concepts, models, or theories
• The present tense is used when writing about theory.
• You should make your theoretical assumptions as
explicit as possible.
• Don’t just take what the theory says as a given!
Conceptual Framework
Comprised of concepts, assertions, models, prepositions and/or
theories developed by researchers that explain your topic of
interest, research problem and/or phenomenon of focus.
The conceptual framework embodies the specific direction by
which the research will have to be undertaken.
The conceptual framework “sets the stage” for the presentation
of the particular research question that drives the investigation
being reported based on the problem statement.
McGaghie et al. (2001)
How to Make the CONCEPTUAL Framework