Ee 5103
Ee 5103
Ee 5103
Engr. Caesar Rico S. Acanto
• Whether exploring Mars, measuring the
brain’s electrical signals for diagnostic
purposes or setting up robots on an
assembly line, measurement is everywhere.
In all human activities, the idea of
measurement establishes a relationship
between a natural or artificial phenomenon
and a group of symbols, usually numbers,
in order to create the most reliable
representation possible. This representation
is classified according to an “orderly” scale
of values.
• Measurement is the basis of
scientific and industrial research.
It allows us to understand the
phenomena we observe in our
environment by means of
experimental deduction and
verification and helps us keep
records of the results of these
• Measurement therefore brings
together knowledge and
technological progress. Universal
and essential to many disciplines,
it is, in fact, fundamental to most
human activity.
• Steps of progress in measurement according to human
needs as these emerged throughout history:
1. the need to master the environment
(dimensional and geographical aspects);
2. the need to master means of production
(mechanical and thermal aspects);
3. the need to create an economy (money and
4. the need to master and control energy
(electrical, thermal, mechanical, and hydraulic
5. the need to master information (electronic and
optoelectronic aspects).
• Measurement- a set of operations having the
object of determining the value of a quantity.
(International Vocabulary of Basic and General
Terms in Metrology (VIM))
• Measurable quantity- an attribute of a
phenomenon, body or substance, which can be
distinguished qualitatively and determined
• Metrology- the science and “grammar” of
measurement. The field of knowledge concerned
with measurement.
• Knowledge fields have always grown
according to measurement systems.
“Experience” and “theory” interact
and link together the “real world” and
the “mathematical world”. These
interactions lead to overall progress in
scientific knowledge, with attendant
technological advances that in turn
benefit many disciplines.
• The term instrumentation refers to a
group of permanent systems which
help us measure objects and maintain
retroactive control of a process. In this
sense, instruments and systems of
measurement constitute the “tools” of
measurement and metrology.
Functions of Instruments
• Indicating (meters)
• Recording (data loggers)
• Controlling (PID’s)
Measurement systems - these are
instruments used to establish the size
of objects being scientifically tested.
This kind of situation occurs in
scientific experiments and industrial
test trials to acquire information and
data concerning the tested object.
This data can be processed in real
time or in batch mode.
Control systems - in addition to
measuring objects, these instruments
are also used to exert control over the
feedback process. Figure 1.2 shows
the conventional diagram of a
measurement and control system.
Measuring transducer - a
measurement device which provides
an output quantity having a given
relationship to the input quantity.
Sensor - the element of a measuring
instrument or a measuring chain to
which a measurand is directly applied.
Classification Criteria of Instruments
Measuring Instrument Model
Measuring Instrument Model
• Measurand - quantities subjected to measurement.
• Influence quantities - quantities which are not the
subject of measurement but which influence the value of
the measurand or the indication of a measuring
• Interfering quantities - i(t) to which the system is
unintentionally sensitive. The instrument takes their
effects as disturbance that is taken into account as a
supplementary transfer function that modifies output
• Modifying quantities - m(t) that are all quantities capable
of reacting on partial transfer functions when a
temporary or permanent change in the structure of the
instrument occurs.
Characteristics of an instrument
• To determine the design or choice
of an instrument, we must
consider the following three
• how we wish to use the instrument
and for which purposes;
• whether it is an isolated system or
connected to other systems;
• the features of the measurand and
Characteristics of an instrument
Components of static transfer functions
• Static calibration summarizes
measurement system performances when
all the input variables are maintained
constant, excepting one which is varied by
step by step. Output variables are collected
according to steady-state functioning.
These static transfer characteristics only
make sense if static calibration conditions
are established. In particular, variable
values must remain constant, clear and
Dynamic Characteristics
• Transfer characteristics do not easily combine
when expressed in the form of transfer
characteristics. One way of viewing an instrument
is to see it as a black box with a known relation
between the input (excitation) and the output
(measured signal). This relationship is a transfer
function S = f (s). It can be linear (S = a + ks) or
non-linear (logarithmic, exponential, or
polynomial). Often the gradient b is designated as
sensitivity. In non-linear cases, sensitivity is not
constant but is a variable that may be expressed
at any point as xo by k = d(S in xo)/ds.
Principles and methodology of measurement
• a method of measurement by
which the value of a measurand
is determined by measurement of
the base quantities
Physical principles determining variable acquisition results
where: A = accuracy
• P = 1- xtrial – xave
where: P = precission
xtrial = trial measurement
xave = average value of the
measurement set
• The value of the resistor is 2k, however the
measurement yields 1.93k. Compute the
relative accuracy and the percent accuracy of the
• The output voltage of an amplifier was measured
by six different student using the same
oscilloscope with the following results; 20.20V,
19.90V, 20.05V, 20.10V, 19.85V, 20.00V. Which is
the most precise measurement?
Types of Instrument Errors
• Gross error – the error is due to the
person using the instrument, such as
incorrect reading of instrument,
incorrect recording of experimental
data, or incorrect use of instrument.
Types of Instrument Errors
• Systematic Error – this error is due to
the problem in the instrument,
environmental effect, or observational
error. These error recur if several
measurements are made of the same
quantity under the same condition.
Types of Instrument Errors
• Random Error – this are errors that
remain after the gross and systematic
error have been substantially reduced
or at least accounted for. It is the
accumulation of a large number of
small effects and maybe of real
concern only in measurements
requiring high degree of accuracy.
Error Reduction in Instruments
• Experimental solutions - physical in nature
and are closely related to influence variables
and load effects. They are implemented in
design before measurement occurs.
• Statistical solutions - are mathematical in
nature. They are part of the analysis and
correction of results and are carried out after
measurement has taken place, since a
measurement must be made before it can be
Experimental Solution
• Calibration
• Noise Reduction
• Electric field coupling of noise can be
reduced by using shielded cables.
• Magnetically coupled noise is reduced by
using coaxial or twisted-pair cables.
• Maintenance
Statistical Solution
• Standard deviation - a series of n
measurements of the same
measurand, the parameter s
characterizing the dispersion of
the results.
Standard Deviation
resonance by eight
different students, and 1 532
Rs S Range Rm
• Calculate the value of the multiplier
resistance on the 50V range of a DC
voltmeter that uses a 500uA meter
movement with an internal resistance of 1kΩ.
• Find the value of a multiplier resistance
required to convert a 200uA meter
movement to a 0 to 150V Dc voltmeter. The
internal resistance of the meter movement is
Multi-Range Voltmeter
R1 S V 1 Rm
R1 R 2 S V 2 Rm
R1 R 2 R3 S V 3 Rm
• Calculate the value of the multiplier
resistances R1 through R5 for a multi-
range voltmeter with 1V, 5V, 10V, 50V, and
100V ranges. The meter movement has an
internal resistance of 2kΩ and a full scale
current of 50uA.
Loading Effect
• The resistance of the voltmeter
becomes in parallel with the load when
being used. This causes the
resistance of the load to reduce
causing an error in the value of the
voltage being registered by the
• A series circuit comprised of E = 30V, RA = 25kΩ,
and RB = 5kΩ is to be tested. Two voltmeter are
used to measure the voltage across RB. Meter A
has a sensitivity of 1kΩ/V, an internal resistance
of 0.2kΩ and a range of 10V. Meter B has a
sensitivity of 20kΩ/V, an internal resistance of
1.5kΩ and a range of 10V. Find the following:
a. voltage across RB without the meters
b. voltage reading with meter A
c. voltage reading with meter B
d. error in the readings
Types of Electrical Meters
• OHMMETER – an ohmmeter is composed
of a meter movement, a source, and a zero
adjustment resistance.
• A 1mA meter movement is to be used to
construct an ohmmeter. The meter
movement has an internal resistance of
100Ω and a 3V battery as the source of the
circuit. Compute the value of Rz and the
value of the unknown resistance that will
create a deflection of 20%, 40%, 50%, and
75% in the meter face.
Multi-range Ohmmeter
DC Bridges
• circuits that make use of a null-balance meter to
compare two voltages, just like the laboratory
balance scale compares two weights and
indicates when they’re equal. Unlike the
”potentiometer” circuit used to simply measure
an unknown voltage, bridge circuits can be used
to measure all kinds of electrical values, not the
least of which being resistance.
• The most common DC bridge is the Wheatstone
DC Bridges
DC Bridges
• When the voltage between point 1 and the
negative side of the battery is equal to the
voltage between point 2 and the negative
side of the battery, the null detector will
indicate zero and the bridge is said to be
”balanced.” The bridge’s state of balance is
solely dependent on the ratios of Ra/Rb
and R1/R2, and is quite independent of the
supply voltage (battery).
DC Bridges
• To measure resistance with a Wheatstone
bridge, an unknown resistance is
connected in the place of Ra or Rb, while
the other three resistors are precision
devices of known value. Either of the other
three resistors can be replaced or adjusted
until the bridge is balanced, and when
balance has been reached the unknown
resistor value can be determined from the
ratios of the known resistances.
DC Bridges
DC Bridges
• Each of the four resistances in a
bridge circuit are referred to as arms.
The resistor in series with the
unknown resistance Rx (this would be
Ra in the above schematic) is
commonly called the rheostat of the
bridge, while the other two resistors
are called the ratio arms of the bridge.
DC Bridges
• Wheatstone bridges are considered a superior means of
resistance measurement to the series battery-movement-
resistor meter circuit discussed in the last section. Unlike
that circuit, with all its nonlinearities (nonlinear scale) and
associated inaccuracies, the bridge circuit is linear.
• Given standard resistances of sufficient precision and a
null detector device of sufficient sensitivity, resistance
measurement accuracies of at least +/- 0.05% are
attainable with a Wheatstone bridge. It is the preferred
method of resistance measurement in calibration
laboratories due to its high accuracy.
DC Bridges
• Kelvin Double bridge, used for
measuring very low resistances
(typically less than 1/10 of an ohm).
• Additional resistance are added to
compensate the stray resistances
presented by the connecting wires of
the circuit.
DC Bridges
DC Bridges
• With ratio Rm/Rn set equal to ratio RM/RN,
rheostat arm resistor Ra is adjusted until
the null detector indicates balance, and
then we can say that Ra/Rx is equal to
RM/RN, or simply find Rx by the following
Rx Ra
• Resistance measurement.
• Fault/ short circuit distance
• Murray Loop Test
• Varley Loop Test
A Varley loop test set consist of a defective conductor and a healthy one
connected in a cable terminal located 10 miles from the test set. The cables
have a resistance of 0.05Ω/1000 ft. When the switch is in position a, the
circuit is balanced with R1 = 1k, R2 = 2k, and R3 = 100Ω. When the switch is
in position b, the circuit is rebalanced and R3 = 99Ω. Find the distance of the
ground fault to the test set.
AC Voltage and Current Measuring Instruments
• Electrodynamometer
• Iron Vane
• Electrostatic
• Thermocouple
• PMMC can be used to measure AC signal when the AC
signal is rectified using a diode. A half wave or full wave
rectification can be utilized. It will transform the RMS(AC)
value of the signal to average (DC) which can now be
measured by the PMMC.
V max For full-wave:
Vave 0.636V max
For half-wave:
Vave 0.90Vrms
Vave 0.318V max
S AC 0.90 S DC
Vave 0.45Vrms
S AC 0.45S DC
• An AC voltmeter is designed using a PMMC with a shunt
resistor. The internal resistance of the meter movement is
200Ω and the full scale current is 100uA. The value of the
shunt resistor connected in parallel with the meter
movement is 200Ω. If the meter will employ a half wave
rectifier where the diode has an internal resistance of 50Ω
in the forward bias, determine the following:
a. The multiplier resistor to be used if the meter is to have
a range of 10Vrms.
b. The AC sensitivity of the meter.
c. the DC sensitivity of the meter.
• A series circuit with E=20Vrms, R1=25k, and R2=15k is to
be measured for its voltage in the 15k resistance. The
voltmeter used is a half-wave rectified PMMC with a full
scale deflection of 100uA and an internal resistance of
1.5k. If the meter has a range of 10Vrms, what is the
reading obtained?
• A PMMC meter movement with a full scale current of
200uA and an internal resistance of 500Ω is to be used in
an AC voltmeter using full wave rectification. Calculate:
a. The value of multiplier resistor if it has the range of
b. The AC sensitivity.
Electrodynamic Meters
• Electrodynamic meters (or dynamometers) can measure
both d.c. signals and a.c. signals up to a frequency of 2
• A current sensitive device.
• The torque is proportional to current2.
• It uses a square law meter scale.
• It is used as transfer instrument and standard instrument
because of its accuracy.
Electrodynamic Meters
• It can handle more current than the PMMC without shunt
• It is often used in the construction of wattmeters ,
varmeters, frequency meters, and power factor meters.
• An electrodynamic movement with a full scale deflection
current rating of 10mA is to be used as a 1A ammeter. If
the resistance of the moving coil is 40Ω, what is the value
of the shunt?
• When an electrodynamic meter is used as a wattmeter,
the field coil becomes the current coil and the moving coil
is the potential coil.
• The deflection of the pointer is measured using the
• Where:
m KmEI cos
θm – angle of deflection
Km – instrument constant (degrees/watt)
E – rms value of the source voltage
I – rms value of the source current
θ – phase angle of the source
• A wattmeter uses an electrodynamic movement with
Km=8º/W is used to measure the power dissipated in an
ac circuit. If the applied voltage of 100Vrms produces a
current of 0.5A with a power factor of 0.8, what is the
angle of deflection by the pointer?
Iron Vane (Moving Iron) Movement Meters
• It can measure d.c. and a.c. signals at frequencies up to 125
• It is the cheapest form of meter available and, consequently,
this type of meter is also commonly used for measuring
voltage signals.
• The majority of moving-iron instruments are either of the
attraction type or of the repulsion type. A few instruments
belong to a third combination type.
• It uses a square law scale.
• The hysteresis or magnetic lag of the Iron Vane causes some
considerable error.
• It is very sensitive to frequency change.
• Normally used in cheap automotive meters.
Thermocouple meters
• It consist of a heater element or the thermocouple and a
PMMC meter movement.
• It can be used to measure AC and DC signals. For AC
measurement it is designed to measure high frequency
AC signals.
• It is accurate up to 50MHz.
Thermocouple Meter
Watt-hour Meter
• is essentially an induction motor whose speed is directly
proportional to the voltage applied and the amount of
current flowing through it. The phase displacement of the
current, as well as the magnitude of the current, is
automatically taken into account by the meter.
• the power factor influences the speed, and the moving
element (disk) rotates with a speed proportional to true
power. The register is simply a means of registering
revolutions, and by proper gearing is arranged to read
directly in kilowatt-hours.
Watt-hour Meter
Watt-hour Meter
• The watt-hour constant is the registration of one revolution
of the rotating disk element expressed in watt-hours. The
watt-hour constant is also sometimes called the disk
constant. The Kh will usually be found marked on the
meter nameplate or on the rim of the disk.
Var Meters
• Vars (reactive volt-amperes) can be measured on
standard indicating or recording watt-meters, provided the
potentials applied to the instrument coils are shifted 90O
from the position used for measuring watts.
• The 90O phase shift is usually accomplished by connecting
a capacitor-resistor combination in the meter coil potential
Var Meters
VA Meter
• meters with certain accuracy limitations are available for
indicating, recording, or registering volt-amperes and volt-
ampere hours.
• As an alternate to metering volt-amperes on a direct
reading instrument, watts and vars may be measured
separately .
VA Meter
• The self-contained volt-ampere meter utilizes a wattmeter
in which the voltage is displaced by an angle
corresponding to the average power factor of the load.
The phase shift in the voltage is ordinarily obtained by the
use of an autotransformer.
• Such a meter will register accurately only when the load
power factor corresponds to the average power factor for
which the meter is designed, but the accuracy will
decrease for power factors on either side of the design
AC Bridges
• Also known as impedance bridges, work the same
manner as the DC bridge , only the balance equation is
with complex quantities, as both magnitude and phase
across the components of the two dividers must be equal
in order for the null detector to indicate “zero.” The null
detector, of course, must be a device capable of detecting
very small AC voltages.
• all four arms are considered as impedance (frequency
dependent components)
• The detector is an ac responding device:
headphone, ac meter
AC Bridges
AC Bridge Equation
Z1 Z 3
Z2 Z4
• An ac bridge is in balance with the following constants:
arm AB, R = 200 Ω in series with L = 15.9 mH R; arm BC,
R = 300 Ω in series with C = 0.265 μF; arm CD, unknown;
arm DA, = 450 Ω. The oscillator frequency is 1 kHz. Find
the constants of arm CD.
Comparison Bridge: Capacitance
Comparison Bridge: Inductance
• A comparison bridge is used to measure a capacitive
impedance at a frequency of 2kHz. The bridge constant at
balance are:
C3= 100uF R1 = 10k
R2 = 50k R3 = 100k
Find the equivalent series circuit element of the unknown
Ans: Cx = 20uf Rx = 500k
Maxwell Bridge
• A Maxwell bridge is used to measure an inductive
impedance. The bridge constants are balanced at:
C1 = 0.01uF R1 = 470k
R2 = 5.1k R3 = 100k
Find the equivalent series resistance and inductance.
Ans: Rx = 1.09k Lx = 5.1H
Hay Bridge
Hay Bridge
• Find the series equivalent resistance and inductance of
the network that causes a Hay bridge to indicate null with
the following component values:
ω = 3000 rad/sec R2 = 10k R1 = 2k
R3 = 1k C1 = 1uF
In this example, the step or increment is one-tenth of a volt and the input
voltage is 2.343 volts. The appropriate result would be assigned as a
digital value of 87, because 2.343 volts fits between the quantization
limits of 2.3 volts and 2.4 volts. Any input voltage between the 2.3 and 2.4
volt quantization limits will be assigned a digital value of 87.
• The process of quantization has the
potential to introduce an inaccuracy known
as quantization error, which can be viewed
as being similar to a rounding error. In the
above example, the 2.343 volt input is in
effect rounded to the nearest tenth of a
volt. The maximum quantization error in
this case would be five hundredths of a volt
or one-half of the increment size.
• Resolution defines the number of possible
output states
2n states
n is the number of bits of the converter
8-bit converter has 28=256 states
10-bit converter has 210=1024 states
12-bit converter has 212 = 4096 states
• Higher resolution = less quantization error
Simplified A/D Module
Simplified A/D Module
• This is a simplified diagram of the analog-to-digital converter
module. The analog input pins are connected to the inputs of
an analog multiplexer which connects the selected channel to
the holding capacitor. The analog multiplexer allows multiple
inputs to be available for conversion. It is important to note
however, that there is only one analog-to-digital converter on
the microcontroller, and only one channel can be selected, and
therefore converted at a time.
• Normally the holding capacitor is connected to the output of
the analog multiplexer. When a conversion is initiated, the
analog multiplexer disconnects all inputs from the holding
capacitor, and the successive approximation converter
performs the conversion on the voltage stored on the holding
Acquisition Time
• Acquisition time is the time required to charge and
discharge the holding capacitor on the front end of an
• If sufficient time is not allowed for acquisition the
conversion result will be inaccurate
• Required acquisition time affected by:
Internal Analog Multiplexer Impedance
Source Impedance
Types of ADC
• Successive approximations
• Flash
• Pipelined
• Sigma-delta (ΣΔ)
Comparison of ADC
Successive Approximations
• The successive-approximations architecture can be
thought of as being orthogonal to the flash architecture.
While a flash converter uses many comparators to
convert in a single cycle; a SAR converter conceptually
uses a single comparator over many cycles to make its
conversion. The SAR converter works like an old-
fashioned balance scale. On one side of the scale, we
place the sampled unknown quantity. On the other side,
we place a weight.
Successive Approximations
Successive Approximations
• A SAR converter can use a single comparator to realize a
high resolution ADC. But it requires n comparison cycles
to achieve n-bit resolution, compared to p cycles for a
pipelined converter and 1 cycle for a flash converter.
Since a successive-approximations converter uses a fairly
simple architecture employing a single SAR, comparator,
and DAC, and the conversion is not complete until all
weights have been tested, only one conversion is
processed during n comparison cycles. For this reason,
SAR converters are more often used at lower speeds in
higher-resolution applications.
Flash Converters
• Conceptually, the flash architecture is quite
straightforward: a set of 2n–1 comparators is used to directly
measure an analog signal to a resolution of n bits. For a 4-
bit flash ADC, the analog input is fed into 15 comparators ,
each of which is biased to compare the input to a discrete
transition value. These values are spaced one least-
significant bit (LSB = FS/2n) apart. The comparator outputs
simultaneously present 2n–1 discrete digital output states. If
for example the input is just above 1/4 of full scale, all
comparators biased to less than 1/4 full scale will output a
digital “1,” and the others will output a digital “0.” Together,
these outputs can be read much like a liquid thermometer.
The final step is to level-decode the result into binary form.
Flash Converters
Flash Converters
• The flash architecture has the advantage of being
very fast, because the conversion occurs in a
single ADC cycle. The disadvantage of this
approach is that it requires a large number of
comparators that are carefully matched and
properly biased to ensure that the results are
linear. Since the number of comparators needed
for an n-bit resolution ADC is equal to 2 n–1, limits
of physical integration and input loading keep the
maximum resolution fairly low.
Pipelined Architecture
• The pipelined (or pipelined-flash) architecture effectively overcomes
the limitations of the flash architecture. A pipelined converter divides
the conversion task into several consecutive stages. Each of these
stages consists of a sample-and hold circuit, an m-bit ADC (e.g., a
flash converter), and an m-bit D/A converter (DAC).
• First the sample and hold circuit of the first stage acquires the signal.
The m-bit flash converter then converts the sampled signal to digital
data. The conversion result forms the most significant bits of the
digital output. This same digital output is fed into an m-bit digital-to-
analog converter, and its output is subtracted from the original
sampled signal.
• The residual analog signal is then amplified and sent on to the next
stage in the pipeline to be sampled and converted as it was in the
first stage. This process is repeated through as many stages as are
necessary to achieve the desired resolution.
Pipelined Architecture
Pipelined Architecture
• Pipelined converters achieve higher resolutions than flash
converters containing a similar number of comparators. This
comes at the price of increasing the total conversion time from
one cycle to p cycles. But since each stage samples and holds
its input, p conversions can be underway simultaneously. The
total throughput can therefore be equal to the throughput of a
flash converter, i.e., one conversion per cycle. The difference is
that for the pipelined converter, we have now introduced
latency equal to p cycles.
• Another limitation of the pipelined architecture is that the
conversion process generally requires a clock with a fixed
period. Converting rapidly varying non-periodic signals on a
traditional pipelined converter can be difficult because the
pipeline typically runs at a periodic rate.
• The sigma-delta architecture takes a fundamentally different
approach than those outlined above. In its most basic form, a
sigma-delta converter consists of an integrator, a comparator, and a
single bit DAC. The output of the DAC is subtracted from the input
signal. The resulting signal is then integrated, and the integrator
output voltage is converted to a single-bit digital output (1 or 0) by
the comparator. The resulting bit becomes the input to the DAC,
and the DAC’s output is subtracted from the ADC input signal, etc.
• This closed-loop process is carried out at a very high
“oversampled” rate. The digital data coming from the ADC is a
stream of “ones” and “zeros,” and the value of the signal is
proportional to the density of digital “ones” coming from the
comparator. This bit stream data is then digitally filtered and
decimated to result in a binary-format output.
• One of the most advantageous features of the sigma-delta
architecture is the capability of noise shaping, a phenomenon by
which much of the low-frequency noise is effectively pushed up to
higher frequencies and out of the band of interest. As a result, the
sigma-delta architecture has been very popular for designing low-
bandwidth high-resolution ADCs for precision measurement.
• Since the input is sampled at a high “oversampled” rate, unlike the
other architectures described, the requirement for external anti-alias
filtering is greatly relaxed. A limitation of this architecture is its
latency, which is substantially greater than that of the other types.
Because of oversampling and latency, sigma-delta converters are
not often used in multiplexed signal applications.
• To avoid interference between multiplexed signals, a delay at least
equal to the decimator’s total delay must occur between
Signal Conditioning
• Manipulating an analogue signal in
such a way that it meets the
requirements of the next stage for
further processing.
• The process of converting or
translating a signal into a form that is
accepted by a device.
Types of Signal Conditioning
• Filtering- removing of a certain band of
frequencies within it. The band of
frequencies removed can be either at the
low-frequency end of the frequency
spectrum, at the high-frequency end, at both
ends, or in the middle of the spectrum.
low-pass filters
high-pass filters
band-pass filters
band-stop filters
Types of Signal Conditioning
Types of Signal Conditioning
• Piezoelectric transducers
• Piezoelectric transducers produce an output voltage when a force
is applied to them.
o Ultrasonic detection, displacement
Types of Sensors
• Strain gauges
• Strain gauges are devices that experience a change in resistance
when they are stretched or strained.
o displacement
• Piezoresistive sensors
• A piezoresistive sensor is made from semiconductor material in
which a p-type region has been diffused into an n-type base. The
resistance of this varies greatly when the sensor is compressed or
o displacement
Types of Sensors
• Optical sensors (air path)
• Optical sensors are based on the modulation of light travelling
between a light source and a light detector.
o Translational motion, proximity, rotational motion, gas concentration