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IT Strategy - TESCO

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IT Strategy - TESCO

Presented By: Group 9

• Background
• Corporate Strategy
• Vision and Value
• Industry Analysis
• Organisation Life Cycle
• IT Strategy Design
• IT Strategy Implementation
– Stakeholders
– Critical Success Factors
– ROI Calculation
• IT Applications
• Way Forward
Headquarter at Cheshunt, Hertfordshire
2482 + Stores in UK
2329 + Stores Abroad

World’s 3rdrd largest Grocery and Merchandising Retail Chain

Second highest profit earning retailer with a revenue of £62.5 billion

International operations in China, Czech Republic, Hungary, India,

Japan, Malaysia, Poland, Republic of Ireland, Slovakia, South Korea,
Thailand, Turkey and United States.
Corporate Strategy

• Well-defined and consistent strategy for growth

• Expansion in both home and international markets

• Successful diversification strategy, adopted in 1997

• All market segments - market "Finest", mid-range

Tesco brand and low-price "Value“
• Innovative technology to improve its efficiency
Store Formats
Based on the sizes and range of products sold

• Extremely large located mostly on out-of-town sites

Tesco Extra • Stocking nearly all products

Tesco • Smaller in size and hold much less non-food items

than Extra stores. 455 such stores in
• Very small stores located in busy areas like city
centres, high streets of town.
Tesco Metro • Cater the needs of working customer and stock mainly
Store Formats (Contd..)
• Located in busy city centre, residential areas, small
Tesco towns etc and stock mainly food items and high-margin
Express • “Assisted-service” tills

• Originally from T & S stores business units

One Stop • Have the smallest size

• Stock only non-food items in warehouse-style units in

Home Plus retail parks
• Only 13 such stores in UK
Vision and Values

“To create value for customers to earn their lifetime loyalty”

No-one tries harder for customers:

• Understand customers.
• Be first to meet their needs.
• Act responsibly for our communities.

Treat people as we like to be treated:

• Work as a team.
• Trust and respect each other.
• Listen, support and say thank you.
• Share knowledge and experience
Tesco: Every Little Helps
• Stands for What Tesco is
• Glue that binds all of its diversified
• Four elements
– A Great Place to Work: Treat people how we like to be treated.
– Shopping list: No one tries harder for customers
– The Way We Work: Better for customers, simpler for staff and cheaper for
– Our Community: Together we can make a difference.
Corporate Steering Wheel
•Used at Tesco to
measure all
performances in all
businesses across the

• Tesco’s version of
the Balance Score

• Helps to stay
focused on strategy
Industry Analysis: Porter’s Five Forces

Threat of New
Entrants (Medium)

Rivalry Bargaining Powers

Bargaining Power among of Buyers
of Suppliers (Low) Competitors (Medium)

Threat of Substitutes
Porter’s Five Forces Analysis
• Threat of New Entrants (medium) – Very difficult for a new entrant to make huge
investment in sales and distribution system, operating efficiency, advance use of
technology. difficult to achieve economies of scale and product differentiation

• Bargaining Powers of Suppliers (low) – Suppliers fear losing big business, Intense
competition in the industry

• Bargaining Power of Customers (medium)- customer retention strategy is very

important. more customised products and services, better choices, low price, in-store
promotion etc as awareness is increasing

• Threat of Substitute Products (low) - substitution can be product-by-product or by

emerging new trends like small convenience stores. Tesco has acquired/built Tesco Metro
and Tesco Express to meet this challenge.

• Rivalry among Competitors (high) - Intense competition - similar strategy adopted by all
major players. Market has become matured and flat
SWOT Analysis
• High Brand Value • Highly dependent on UK market;
• Tesco Online : Tesco.com biggest online around 75% of revenue from UK
supermarket • Serial acquisitions can lead to problem-
• High, consistent growth and ROI both financial and cultural
• Increasing market share : Tesco's current • Debt ratio at record level, credit rating
market share is 30.7% in UK at risk, backlash from fund holders
• Highly efficient operating system • Heavy dependency on road transport for
• Advance technologies in use distribution: oil prices rising
• Customer base in 12 countries

• Growth in non-food retail using existing • Intense competition, less differentiation,
infrastructure low profit margin
• Take advantage of its online services to • Recession leading to fall in
venture into new services international revenue
• New market exploration, further • Close competition between ASDA(a
international expansion Wal-Mart buy-out) and Tesco
• International expansion leading to
heavy investments; debt is rising
Value Chain Management Analysis
Planning and control functions required to manage financial aspects. Profit protection departments,
workforce to upgrade anti-fraud software to reduce internal theft.


All HR activities like recruitment, compensation benefits and talent management. Company plans to have a
robust recruitment system to give better value to customers.
Having innovative technologies to anticipate and meet customer requirements. It has very robust supply
chain management systems using RFID, improved scanners, better self-service tills and check-out cameras
to reduce queues.
LOGISTICS 1. Expand service LOGISTICS SALES 1. Efficient delivery
1. Maintains level hours in places 1. Home delivery 1. Clubcard gives of products and
of customer choice required service discounts to loyal services
in store 2. Might be 2. Parking facilities, customers 2. Technological
2. Efficient restricted by law trolley collectors and 2. Advertisements aids like One-in-a
distribution system deposit systems 3. Lower prices queue process
3. Can have quality 3. Efficient till campaign 3. Needs to
control to reduce cist staffs 4. Environment strengthen supplier
from damaged goods 4. Increasing friendly products relationships
turnaround campaigning
Tesco on Organization Life Cycle
IT Strategy Design

Five main goals of Tesco Plc:

1. To be a successful international retailer
2. To strengthen its core UK business.
3. To be as strong in non-food as in food.
4. To develop retailing services like Tesco Personal
Finance, Telecoms and Tesco.com.
5. To put community at the heart of what it does.
Goal 1. To be a Successful International Retailer
Strategy Tactical Strategy Processes
Achieve flexibility by •Use knowledge management •Collaborate local
adapting a unique •Achieve customer satisfaction partnerships
approach towards each through localisation •Assess performance of
market Localise •Supply chain strength is international operations
offerings based on the important. Strong alliance with and comparative study to
local culture, supply local suppliers and tighter value identify areas of growth.
chain and regulations chain.

Local Skill and •Recruitment Strategies for top •Based on repository of

capability management who fit Tesco knowledge and the type of
development, so that culture. stores, arrive on the skill
they understand Tesco's •Using Knowledge Management sets and the number of
culture and business, to •Performance comparison across people required
fit it in the local picture countries and encourage high •Gap analysis to be done
performance. to understand period &
type of training
Goal 1. (Contd..)
Strategy Tactical Strategy Processes
Involve in brand •Innovative marketing •Localised marketing
building for long techniques campaigns
lasting relationship •Incorporating local tastes •Performance tracking of
with the customer •Building community promotions
oriented brand image. •Analysis of customer
•Performance Tracking of requirements
promotions and brand
To Use different •Using customer surveys, •Identify bands of income, and
format of stores to local demand, business tastes and the demographical
reach consumers intelligence and local information of the people and
knowledge to decide on the cluster it
type and the number of multi •Based on the significance and
format stores seasonality of demand
decisions on multi-format
stores can be taken.
Goal 2. To Strengthen Core UK Business
Strategy Tactical Strategy Processes
Increase Number of •Longer store hours •Identify stores in which
Customers •Build customer loyalty customer patterns indicate
•Provide discount offers requirement at late hours
•Decrease waiting time and introduce new
•Increase number of personnel working hours for that
•Market Research

Product •Invest in locally produced products •Depending on business

choice/range should •Open regional offices to understand intelligence and customer
increase local demand better requirements, open
regional store & offices

Product quality •Focus on Quality check •Identify bottlenecks in

should increase •Increase number of personnel exisiting SCM. Improve
•Innovation in SCM with new process and
•Locally sourced Products systems. Encourage
•Environmentally friendly products innovation
Goal 2. (Contd..)
Strategy Tactical Strategy Processes
Improve Service •Adjust supplies with •Train Staff towards new
Levels seasonality of demand processes and optimize efforts
•Forecast demand •Give feedback form to
•Train staff better customers. Analyse patterns in
•Take feedback the feedback.
•Strengthen relation with •Introduce improvements
suppliers based on it.
•Add more in-store facilities
More options to •Provide home delivery •Based on the consumer
customers for Store •Align stores to local patterns, engage business
location sensibilities analyst tools, to increase home
Build new Revenue •Cross sell and up sell •Using business intelligence
streams tools to tightly integrate the
supply chain
Goal 3. To be as strong in non-food as in food
Strategy Tactical Strategy Processes
Offer the same •Increase the number of channels •Launch Tesco Direct
quality, price, •Provide multiple delivery options •Implement Order Management
range and •Make the catalogue more System
services to accessible to customers •Home Delivery
customer as in •Product Range Development •Delivery at Tesco Stores
food business •Low Prices Everywhere •Meet SLA
•Enhance Customer Online •Online Catalogue
Experience •Build Partnership with Suppliers
Integration of •Enhance Supply Systems •Management of Seasonal
Supply Chain •Manage Order Fulfilment Fluctuations and PLC
Management •Collaborative Planning
Systems •Increase Order Processing
•Gain knowledge from
customer’s online shopping what
items were not in stock
Goal 4. To Develop Retailing Services
Strategy Tactical Strategy Processes
Expanding the •Introducing more in-store branches. •Identify training need.
breadth of Tesco •Recruit professionals. •Measure effectiveness of
personal finance •Training. training
•Increase the number of customer •Data mining using the
accounts existing customer data
• Reduce Exposure to high risk driver •Reallocating the loan
• Building technical expertise portfolios
• Launch of new Products
Revolutionizing the •Expanding online shopping into the non •Expanding the product
online shopping food offers through Tesco Direct. offerings in the customer
portal/Tesco.com •Expanding the dot com grocery. database
•Utilizing Clubcard • Accepting online payment
•Innovating through “price match” through credit card.
•Increasing the no of in store Direct desks •Managing customer
•Diversifying the online business into database
entertainment sector. •Increasing Efficiency
Goal 4. (Contd..)

Strategy Tactical Strategy Processes

Increasing the •Increase the customer base by •Keep a track of
scope of Tesco providing innovative tariffs and competitor's tariffs
telecom generous credit rewards. •Recruiting staff with good
•Rolling out new in store Phone interpersonal skills.
shops. •Collaborating with
•Foraying into the contract mobile telecommunication
sales.(assisted mobile sales) companies
•Moving forward to provide • Seeking license to
broadband services provide broad band
• Doing promotional
campaigns for increasing
customer base for
broadband services
Goal 5. To Put Community at the Heart of
What it Does
Five Focus Areas:


Buying and Selling Products Responsibly

Healthy Choices

Our People
Goal 5. (Contd..)
Strategy Tactical Strategy Processes
Innovative ways of •Reducing emissions in both •Use the existing vehicles more
reducing distribution existing and new alternate low efficiently, new technology, to
carbon emissions emission distribution modes reduce transportation distance

Help increase efficiency of •Bring more shopping options to •Source variety of goods
local markets customers according to local needs
Improve the supply chain's •Help suppliers improve •Conduct surveys to assess the
sustainability processes needs of suppliers and their
•Participate in forums for satisfaction levels
exchange of information

Providing adequate •Proper system for accurate •Specify special contents and
nutrition facts on products labelling of nutrition’s of side effects

Enable employees to grow •Arrange for training programs •Customer service training and
with the company •Substantial employee benefits health and safety trainings
•Long term reward plans
Integrated Process Flow Diagram:
Domestic Operations
Integrated Process Flow Diagram:
International Operations
Factors Affecting Integration of IT Systems
• Flexible Approach: Dynamic product mix and forecasting activity levels
• Transparency between supplier systems and Tesco’s supply chain management
• Integration of Order Management System of food items and non-food items
• Different regulations in different countries.
• Integration of orders from different channels- at stores, online or by phone.
• Different store formats
• Secure and robust system for making payments.
• Reliable System and should be available 24x7.
• Different type of views to be maintained for suppliers, partners, vendors and company
• Different supply chain for food items and non-food items
• Centralized Database
IT Strategy Implementation
Stakeholders and Objectives
• Customers
• Employees
• Community
• Suppliers
• Technology Service Providers
• Third Party Service Providers – Payment
Gateway Service Providers etc.
• Investors
• Management
Critical Success Factors
• Alignment with Business Strategy
• Simple and Easy to Use
• Repeatable
• Acceptable Solutions
• Trustworthy Solutions
• Speed and Timely Delivery
• Flexible
• Scalable
• Stability
Communication Protocol &
Rewards and Recognitions
Tesco Culture
Improving Understanding of
Good Practices

Increasing Internal Awareness

Involving External Stakeholders

Implementing a New System at Tesco

Designing and Implementing Systems

• Define the business requirements and processes

• Investment decision on hardware and software

Addressing HR Challenges

• Identifying HR Challenges
• Change Management Team
• Training Programs

Communications and Rewards

• Transparency in communications
• Listening to stakeholders
• Rewards and Recognition like Best Employee Award
Implementing Change

Identify Metrics
Set up the Assess Evaluate Drive the
the for
Process Readiness Risks Change
Players Evaluatio


Finance Community

People Operations
Benefits (Contd..)
Customer Community People
• Earn Lifetime • Image • Increase in
Loyalty Enhancement productivity and
• Reduced Waiting • Builds Trust efficiency
Time • Healthy Work

Operations Finance
• Consistent Delivery • Increased Sales
• Reduced Overhead • Increased Profits
Costs • Reduced Costs
• Time Savings
Metrics for ROI Calculation
• Sales
• Return on Sales
Merchandising • Market Share
• Average Inventory
• Forecast Accuracy

• Total Supply Chain cost as % of Revenue

• Invoice Accuracy Rate
Purchasing • Inbound Freight
• Supplier On-time Delivery

• Transportation cost
• Inventory Accuracy
Distribution • Inventory Days of Supply
• Inventory Turns
Metrics for ROI Calculation (Contd..)

• Revenue
• Sales
Marketing •

% New Customers Per Year
• % Revenue Growth from Existing Customers

• Increase in Customer Satisfaction Index

• Simplified Management
• Reduction in Overhead Costs
Others • Increase in the availability of products
• Community Benefits
• Increase in Employee Productivity
• Increase in Operational Efficiency
IT Applications: Tesco-in-a-Box
Earlier Now
• Tesco relied on a set of in-house, • Implementation of a set of
customized legacy systems applications that include retail ERP
• (Retek), Teradata Data Warehousing
Customized IT systems to support
Solution etc.
country-specific requirements
• Integration of all these systems and
• Lack of integration among Tesco’s
maintaining a common database in
disparate systems
UK - Tesco-in-a-Box
• Complexity of incorporating
• It includes the end-to-end lifecycle of
changes spread across geographies how Tesco business operates
• World class systems, repeatable
automated processes and
implemented as and when required
Tesco-In-a-Box: Business Intelligence

Management Information Loyalty

Store Merchandising Management

Financial People
Operations Product, Supplier, Price, Purchasing, Forecasting, Inventory
management, Invoice Matching

Warehouse Store Range &
Management Ordering Space

Infrastructure in a Box
Operational Framework, Systems Management and Security Supporting Infrastructure
Tesco-In-A-Box: The Architecture
Other IT Applications
RFID : Radio Frequency Identification – Ability to tag and track items
Implications for Tesco:
• Improve customer availability
• Reduced product pricing
• Improved service

Continuous Replenishment System: application was built on a mainframe system in the

UK, coded in Cobol, manages inventory and stock control for all of its UK stores, now
part of Tesco-in-a-box

TescoLink: Collaborative portal developed for Tesco’s suppliers

I Don’t Queue: Thermal sensors and queuing algorithms developed and implemented in
Tesco stores, determines number of tills to be opened based on number of entries and
exits of customer at a time.
Other IT Applications (Contd..)
• Self-service checkout - Automated Checkout Machine from PSI is
easy to use, customer friendly, offers retailers both conveyor-based
and scan and bag self checkout solutions, designed to fit all retail
store formats and sizes

• Environmental Design Tool: A piece of software that gives the

company and its suppliers an unbiased assessments of the different
materials and products used in stores

• Tesco.com – Online Grocery shopping and delivery system

• TescoDirect – Non-food online and catalogue service system

Way Forward: Innovations in Retail
Digital Signage
Virtual Mirrors
Mobile Applications

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