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CH 15

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Chapter 15



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ame Theory
G Game theory involves the study of
strategic situations
G Game theory models attempt to portray
complex strategic situations in a highly
simplified and stylized setting
± abstract from personal and institutional
details in order to arrive at a representation
of the situation that is mathematically
ame Theory
G All games have three elements
± players
± strategies
± payoffs
G Games may be cooperative or

6 ayers
G Each decision-maker in a game is called
a player
± can be an individual, a firm, an entire nation
G Each player has the ability to choose
among a set of possible actions
G The specific identity of the players is
± no ³good guys´ or ³bad guys´
G Each course of action open to a player
is called a strategy
G Strategies can be very simple or very
± each is assumed to be well-defined
G In noncooperative games, players are
uncertain about the strategies used by
other players
G The final returns to the players at the
end of the game are called payoffs
G Payoffs are usually measured in terms
of utility
± monetary payoffs are also used
G It is assumed that players can rank the
payoffs associated with a game

G We will denote a game G between two
players (A and B) by
SA = strategies available for player A (a ´ SA)
SB = strategies available for player B (b ´ SB)
UA = utility obtained by player A when particular
strategies are chosen
UB = utility obtained by player B when particular
strategies are chosen Î
dash Equi ibrium in ames
G At market equilibrium, no participant has
an incentive to change his behavior
G In games, a pair of strategies (a*,b*) is
defined to be a Nash equilibrium if a* is
player A¶s best strategy when player B
plays b*, and b* is player B¶s best
strategy when player A plays a*

dash Equi ibrium in ames
G A pair of strategies (a*,b*) is defined to
be a Nash equilibrium if

UA(a*,b*) 3 UA(a¶,b*) for all a¶´SA

UB(a*,b*) 3 Ub(a*,b¶) for all b¶´SB

dash Equi ibrium in ames
G If one of the players reveals the
equilibrium strategy he will use, the
other player cannot benefit
± this is not the case with nonequilibrium
G Not every game has a Nash equilibrium
pair of strategies
G Some games may have multiple
equilibria c
" Dormitory ame
G Suppose that there are two students
who must decide how loudly to play
their stereos in a dorm
± each may choose to play it loudly (ñ) or
softly (S)

" Dormitory ame
A chooses loud (ñ) or soft (S) B makes a similar

 Neither player
knows the other¶s

 Payoffs are in
 terms of A¶s utility
 level and B¶s

utility level

" Dormitory ame
G SometimesVitVisVmoreVconvenientVtoV

V V ë  

ñ Î V  V
 · V · V

" Dormitory ame
G A loud-play strategy is a dominant
strategy for player B
± the ñ strategy provides greater utility to B
than does the S strategy no matter what
strategy A chooses
G Player A will recognize that B has such a
dominant strategy
± A will choose the strategy that does the best
against B¶s choice of ñ
" Dormitory ame
G This means that A will also choose to play
music loudly
G The A:ñ,B:ñ strategy choice obeys the
criterion for a Nash equilibrium
G because ñ is a dominant strategy for B, it is the
best choice no matter what A does
G if A knows that B will follow his best strategy, then
ñ is the best choice for A

Existence of dash Equi ibria
G A Nash equilibrium is not always
present in two-person games
G This means that one must explore the
details of each game situation to
determine whether such an equilibrium
(or multiple equilibria) exists

do dash Equi ibria
G AnyV tategyV
Vun tableVbeau eV
tVffe V
theVtheVplaye VanV
antheV tategy
V V 
V V  V  V
V  V V  V

 V  V  V V


Two dash Equi ibria
G oth of th joint vction r pr  nt
Nh quilibri
ë Str t i
9 t i i
V 9 t i ,1 ,
ë Str t i
 i , 1,

Existence of dash Equi ibria
G There are certain types of two-person
games in which a Nash equilibrium must
± games in which the participants have a large
number of strategies
G games in which the strategies chosen by A and B
are alternate levels of a single continuous variable
G games where players use mixed strategies

Existence of dash Equi ibria
G In a game where players are permitted to
use mixed strategies, each player may
play the pure strategies with certain, pre-
selected probabilities
± player A may flip a coin to determine whether
to play music loudly or softly
± the possibility of playing the pure strategies
with any probabilities a player may choose,
converts the game into one with an infinite
number of mixed strategies î
The 6risonersë Di emma
G The most famous two-person game with
an undesirable Nash equilibrium
ë tr t i
V ": 3 r ": 6 t
V  f : 3 r : r
"ë tr t i
d t ": r ": r
 f : 6 t : r
V îc
The 6risonersë Di emma
G An ironclad agreement by both prisoners
not to confess will give them the lowest
amount of joint jail time
± this solution is not stable
G The ³confess´ strategy dominates for
both A and B
± these strategies constitute a Nash
The Tragedy of the Common
G This example is used to signify the
environmental problems of overuse that
occur when scarce resources are treated
as ³common property´
G Assume that two herders are deciding how
many of their yaks they should let graze
on the village common
± problem: the common is small and can rapidly
become overgrazed
The Tragedy of the Common
G Suppose that the per yak value of grazing
on the common is
Ú( A, B)=200 ± ( A + B )
where A and B = number of yaks of each
G Note that both Ú < 0 and Ú < 0
± an extra yak reduces Ú and this marginal
effect increases with additional grazing
The Tragedy of the Common
G Solving herder A¶s value maximization
Max 2]
AÚ = Max [200 A ± A( A+ B )
G The first-order condition is
200 ± 2 2 ±2 2 2
A A B ± A ±2 A B ± B
= 200 ± 2 ±4 ± 2 =0

G Similarly, for B the optimal strategy is

200 ± 2 ±4 2
B B A ± A =0
The Tragedy of the Common
G For a Nash equilibrium, the values for A
and B must solve both of these conditions
G sing the symmetry condition A = B
200 = 8 2 2
A = 8 B

A= B = 5

G Each herder will obtain 500 [= 5·(200- 02)]

in return
G Given this choice, neither herder has an
incentive to change his behavior î·
The Tragedy of the Common
G The Nash equilibrium is not the best use of
the common
G A = B = 4 provides greater return to
each herder [4·(200 ± 82) = 544]
G ut A = B = 4 is not a stable equilibrium
± if A announces that A = 4, B will have an
incentive to increase B
± there is an incentive to cheat
Cooperation and Repetition
G Cooperation among players can result
in outcomes that are preferred to the
Nash outcome by both players
± the cooperative outcome is unstable
because it is not a Nash equilibrium
G Repeated play may foster cooperation

" Two-6eriod Dormitory ame
G Let¶s assume that A chooses his decibel
level first and then B makes his choice
G In effect, that means that the game has
become a two-period game
± B¶s strategic choices must take into
account the information available at the
start of period two

" Two-6eriod Dormitory ame
A chooses loud (ñ) or soft (S)
Î5 B makes a similar
choice knowing

A¶s choice
Thus, we should

 put B¶s strategies
 in a form that takes
 the information on

A¶s choice into
" Two-6eriod Dormitory ame
G Each strategy is stated as a pair of actions
showing what B will do depending on A¶s
ës trategies

Î,5 Î,5 5,4 5,4
trategies  ,4 , ,4 ,
" Two-6eriod Dormitory ame
G There are Nash equilibria in this game
± A:ñ, B:(ñ,ñ)
± A:ñ, B:(ñ,S)
± A:S, B:(S,ñ)
ës trategies

Î,5 Î,5 5,4 5,4
trategies  ,4 , ,4 , -î
" Two-6eriod Dormitory ame
G A:ñ, B:(ñ,S) and A:S, B:(S,ñ) are implausible
± each incorporates a noncredible threat on the
part of B
ës trategies

Î,5 Î,5 5,4 5,4
trategies  ,4 , ,4 ,
" Two-6eriod Dormitory ame
G Thus, the game is reduced to the original
payoff matrix where (ñ,ñ) is a dominant
strategy for B
± A will recognize this and will always choose ñ
G This is a subgame perfect equilibrium
± a Nash equilibrium in which the strategy
choices of each player do not involve
noncredible threats

ubgame 6erfect Equi ibrium
G A ³subgame´ is the portion of a larger
game that begins at one decision node
and includes all future actions stemming
from that node
G To qualify to be a subgame perfect
equilibrium, a strategy must be a Nash
equilibrium in each subgame of a larger
Repeated ames
G Many economic situations can be
modeled as games that are played
± consumers¶ regular purchases from a
particular retailer
± firms¶ day-to-day competition for customers
± workers¶ attempts to outwit their

Repeated ames
G An important aspect of a repeated game
is the expanded strategy sets that
become available to the players
± opens the way for credible threats and
subgame perfection

Repeated ames
G The number of repetitions is also
± in games with a fixed, finite number of
repetitions, there is little room for the
development of innovative strategies
± games that are played an infinite number
of times offer a much wider array of options

6risonersë Di emma Finite ame
G If the game was played only once, the
Nash equilibrium A:U, B:ñ would be the
expected outcome
ës trategies

 c,c ,0
trategies Ú 0, 2,2

6risonersë Di emma Finite ame
G This outcome is inferior to A:D, B:R for
each player

ës trategies

 c,c ,0
trategies Ú 0, 2,2
6risonersë Di emma Finite ame
G Suppose this game is to be repeatedly
played for a finite number of periods (g)
G Any expanded strategy in which A
promises to play D in the final period is
not credible
± when g arrives, A will choose strategy U
G The same logic applies to player B

6risonersë Di emma Finite ame
G Any subgame perfect equilibrium for this
game can only consist of the Nash
equilibrium strategies in the final round
± A:U,B:ñ
G The logic that applies to period g also
applies to period g-c
G The only subgame perfect equilibrium in
this finite game is to require the Nash
equilibrium in every round Dî
ame with Infinite Repetitions
G In this case, each player can announce
a ³trigger strategy´
± promise to play the cooperative strategy as
long as the other player does
± when one player deviates from the pattern,
the game reverts to the repeating single-
period Nash equilibrium

ame with Infinite Repetitions
G Whether the twin trigger strategy
represents a subgame perfect equilibrium
depends on whether the promise to play
cooperatively is credible
G Suppose that A announces that he will
continue to play the trigger strategy by
playing cooperatively in period K

ame with Infinite Repetitions
G If B decides to play cooperatively, payoffs
of 2 can be expected to continue
G If B decides to cheat, the payoff in period K
will be , but will fall to c in all future
± the Nash equilibrium will reassert itself

ame with Infinite Repetitions
G If ~ is player B¶s discount rate, the present
value of continued cooperation is
2 + ~2 + ~22 + « = 2/(c-~)
G The payoff from cheating is
+ ~c + ~2c + «= + c/(c-~)
G Continued cooperation will be credible if
2/(c-~) > + c/(c-~)

The Tragedy of the Common
G The overgrazing of yaks on the village
common may not persist in an infinitely
repeated game
G Assume that each herder has only two
strategies available
± bringing 4 or 5 yaks to the common
G The Nash equilibrium (A:5,B:5) is inferior
to the cooperative outcome (A:4,B:4)

The Tragedy of the Common
G With an infinite number of repetitions, both
players would find it attractive to adopt
cooperative trigger strategies if
544/(c-~) > 595 + 500(c-~)
~ > 55c/595 = 0.9

6ricing in tatic ames
G Suppose there are only two firms (A and
B) producing the same good at a
constant marginal cost (c)
± the strategies for each firm consist of
choosing prices (PA and PB) subject only to
the condition that the firm¶s price must
exceed c
G Payoffs in the game will be determined
by demand conditions

6ricing in tatic ames
G ecause output is homogeneous and
marginal costs are constant, the firm
with the lower price will gain the entire
G If PA = PB, we will assume that the firms
will share the market equally

6ricing in tatic ames
G In this model, the only Nash equilibrium
is PA = PB = c
± if firm A chooses a price greater than c, the
profit-maximizing response for firm B is to
choose a price slightly lower than PA and
corner the entire market
± but B¶s price (if it exceeds c) cannot be a
Nash equilibrium because it provides firm
A with incentive for further price cutting
6ricing in tatic ames
G Therefore, only by choosing PA = PB = c
will the two firms have achieved a Nash
± we end up with a competitive solution even
though there are only two firms
G This pricing strategy is sometimes
referred to as a ertrand equilibrium

6ricing in tatic ames
G The ertrand result depends crucially
on the assumptions underlying the
± if firms do not have equal costs or if the
goods produced by the two firms are not
perfect substitutes, the competitive result
no longer holds

6ricing in tatic ames
G Other duopoly models that depart from
the ertrand result treat price
competition as only the final stage of a
two-stage game in which the first stage
involves various types of entry or
investment considerations for the firms

6ricing in tatic ames
G Consider the case of two owners of
natural springs who are deciding how
much water to supply
G Assume that each firm must choose a
certain capacity output level
± marginal costs are constant up to that level
and infinite thereafter

6ricing in tatic ames
G A two-stage game where firms choose
capacity first (and then price) is formally
identical to the Cournot analysis
± the quantities chosen in the Cournot
equilibrium represent a Nash equilibrium
G each firm correctly perceives what the other¶s
output will be
± once the capacity decisions are made, the
only price that can prevail is that for which
quantity demanded is equal to total capacity m·
6ricing in tatic ames
G Suppose that capacities are given by mA¶
and mB¶ and that
P¶ = D -c(mA¶ + mB¶)
where D -c is the inverse demand function
G A situation in which PA = PB < P¶ is not a
Nash equilibrium
± total quantity demanded > total capacity so
one firm could increase its profits by raising
its price and still sell its capacity mÎ
6ricing in tatic ames
G Likewise, a situation in which PA = PB >
P¶ is not a Nash equilibrium
± total quantity demanded < total capacity so
at least one firm is selling less than its
G by cutting price, this firm could increase its
profits by taking all possible sales up to its
G the other firm would end up lowering its price as
6ricing in tatic ames
G The only Nash equilibrium that will
prevail is PA = PB = P¶
± this price will fall short of the monopoly price
but will exceed marginal cost
G The results of this two-stage game are
indistinguishable from the Cournot model

6ricing in tatic ames
G The ertrand model predicts competitive
outcomes in a duopoly situation
G The Cournot model predicts monopoly-
like inefficiencies
G This suggests that actual behavior in
duopoly markets may exhibit a wide
variety of outcomes depending on the
way in which competition occurs
Repeated ames and Tacit
Co usion
G Players in infinitely repeated games may
be able to adopt subgame-perfect Nash
equilibrium strategies that yield better
outcomes than simply repeating a less
favorable Nash equilibrium indefinitely
± do the firms in a duopoly have to endure the
ertrand equilibrium forever?
± can they achieve more profitable outcomes
through tacit collusion? ·c
Repeated ames and Tacit
Co usion
G With any finite number of replications, the
ertrand result will remain unchanged
± any strategy in which firm A chooses PA > c
in period g (the final period) offers B the
option of choosing PA > PB > c
G A¶s threat to charge PA in period g is noncredible
± a similar argument applies to any period prior
to g

Repeated ames and Tacit
Co usion
G If the pricing game is repeated over
infinitely many periods, twin ³trigger´
strategies become feasible
± each firm sets its price equal to the monopoly
price (PM) providing the other firm did the
same in the prior period
± if the other firm ³cheated´ in the prior period,
the firm will opt for competitive pricing in all
future periods
Repeated ames and Tacit
Co usion
G Suppose that, after the pricing game has
been proceeding for several periods, firm
B is considering cheating
± by choosing PB < PA = PM it can obtain
almost all of the single period monopoly
profits (gM)

Repeated ames and Tacit
Co usion
G If firm B continues to collude tacitly with
A, it will earn its share of the profit stream
(gM + >~gM + ~2gM +«+ ~gM +«)/2
= (gM /2)[c/(c->~)]
where ~ is the discount factor applied to
future profits

Repeated ames and Tacit
Co usion
G Cheating will be unprofitable if
gM < (gM /2)[c/(c- ~)]
or if
~ > c/2
G Providing that firms are not too impatient,
the trigger strategies represent a
subgame perfect Nash equilibrium of tacit
Tacit Co usion
G Suppose only two firms produce steel
bars for jailhouse windows
G ars are produced at a constant AC and
MC of $c0 and the demand for bars is
Q = 5,000 - c00P
G nder ertrand competition, each firm
will charge a price of $c0 and a total of
4,000 bars will be sold
Tacit Co usion
G The monopoly price in this market is
$ 0
± each firm has an incentive to collude
± total monopoly profits will be $40,000 each
period (each firm will receive $20,000)
± any one firm will consider a next-period
price cut only if $40,000 > $20,000 (c/c-~)
G ~ will have to be fairly high for this to occur

Tacit Co usion
G The viability of a trigger price strategy
may depend on the number of firms
± suppose there are 8 producers
± total monopoly profits will be $40,000 each
period (each firm will receive $5,000)
± any one firm will consider a next-period
price cut if $40,000 > $5,000 (c/c-~)
G this is likely at reasonable levels of ~

enera izations and Limitations
G The viability of tacit collusion in game
theory models is very sensitive to the
assumptions made
G We assumed that:
± firm B can easily detect that firm A has
± firm B responds to cheating by adopting a
harsh response that not only punishes A,
but also condemns B to zero profits forever
enera izations and Limitations
G In more general models of tacit
collusion, these assumptions can be
± difficulty in monitoring other firm¶s behavior
± other forms of punishment
± differentiated products

Entry Exit and trategy
G In previous models, we have assumed
that entry and exit are driven by the
relationship between the prevailing
market price and a firm¶s average cost
G The entry and exit issue can become
considerably more complex

Entry Exit and trategy
G A firm wishing to enter or exit a market
must make some conjecture about how
its actions will affect the future market
± this requires the firm to consider what its
rivals will do
± this may involve a number of strategic ploys
G especially when a firm¶s information about its
rivals is imperfect
unk Costs and Commitment
G Many game theoretic models of entry
stress the importance of a firm¶s
commitment to a specific market
± large capital investments that cannot be
shifted to another market will lead to a
large level of commitment on the part of
the firm

unk Costs and Commitment
G Sunk costs are one-time investments
that must be made to enter a market
± these allow the firm to produce in the
market but have no residual value if the
firm leaves the market
± could include expenditures on unique types
of equipment or job-specific training of

First-Mover "dvantage in
Cournotës datura prings
G nder the Stackelberg version of this
model, each firm has two possible
± be a leader (m = 0)
± be a follower (m = 0)

First-Mover "dvantage in
Cournotës datura prings
G The payoffs for these two strategies are:

ë tr t i
r ll r
(m 6 ) (m 3 )
r : : ,
"ë (m 6 ) : :
tr t i  ll r : : ,6
(m 3 ) : , : ,6
First-Mover "dvantage in
Cournotës datura prings
G The leader-leader strategy for each firm
proves to be disastrous
± it is not a Nash equilibrium
G if firm A knows that firm B will adopt a leader
strategy, its best move is to be a follower
G A follower-follower choice is profitable
for both firms
± this choice is unstable because it gives
each firm an incentive to cheat Î]
First-Mover "dvantage in
Cournotës datura prings
G With simultaneous moves, either of the
leader-follower pairs represents a Nash
G ut if one firm has the opportunity to
move first, it can dictate which of the
two equilibria is chosen
± this is the first-mover advantage
Entry Deterrence
G In some cases, first-mover advantages
may be large enough to deter all entry
by rivals
± however, it may not always be in the firm¶s
best interest to create that large a capacity

Entry Deterrence
G With economies of scale, the possibility
for profitable entry deterrence is
± if the first mover can adopt a large-enough
scale of operation, it may be able to limit
the scale of a potential entrant
G the potential entrant will experience such high
average costs that there would be no
advantage to entering the market
Entry Deterrence in
Cournotës datura pring
G Assume that each spring owner must pay
a fixed cost of operations ($Î84)
G The Nash equilibrium leader-follower
strategies remain profitable for both firms
± if firm A moves first and adopts the leader¶s
role, B¶s profits are relatively small ($cc)
G A could push B out of the market by being a bit
more aggressive

Entry Deterrence in
Cournotës datura pring
G Since B¶s reaction function is unaffected
by the fixed costs, firm A knows that
mB = (c20 - mA)/2
and market price is given by
P = c20 - mA - mB
G Firm A knows that B¶s profits are
gB = PmB - Î84
Entry Deterrence in
Cournotës datura pring
G When B is a follower, its profits depend
only on mA
G Therefore,
G Firm A can ensure nonpositive profits for
firm B by choosing mA 3 4
± Firm A will earn profits of $2,800 ]D
Limit 6ricing
G Are there situations where a monopoly
might purposely choose a low (³limit´)
price policy to deter entry into its market?
G In most simple situations, the limit pricing
strategy does not yield maximum profits
and is not sustainable over time
± choosing Pñ < PM will only deter entry if Pñ is
lower than the AC of any potential entrant

Limit 6ricing
G If the monopoly and the potential entrant
have the same costs, the only limit price
sustainable is Pñ = AC
± defeats the purpose of being a monopoly
because g = 0
G Thus, the basic monopoly model offers
little room for entry deterrence through
pricing behavior

Limit 6ricing and
Incomp ete Information
G elievable models of limit pricing must
depart from traditional assumptions
G The most important set of such models
involves incomplete information
± if an incumbent monopolist knows more
about the market situation than a potential
entrant, the monopolist may be able to
deter entry

Limit 6ricing and
Incomp ete Information
G Suppose that an incumbent monopolist
may have either ³high´ or ³low´
production costs as a result of past
G The profitability of firm B¶s entry into the
market depends on A¶s costs
G We can use a tree diagram to show B¶s
Limit 6ricing and
Incomp ete Information
Entry The profitability of

entry for Firm B
igh Cost depends on Firm
do Entry

A¶s costs which
"’  -1
are unknown to B

Low Cost 

do Entry

Limit 6ricing and
Incomp ete Information
G Firm B could use whatever information it
has to develop a subjective probability
of A¶s cost structure
G If B assumes that there is a probability
of Ú that A has high cost and (c-Ú) that it
has low cost, entry will yield positive
expected profits if
P(gB) = Ú( ) + (c-Ú)(-c) > 0
Ú>¼ §
Limit 6ricing and
Incomp ete Information
G Regardless of its true costs, firm A is
better off if B does not enter
G One way to ensure this is for A to
convince B that Ú < ¼
G Firm A may choose a low-price strategy
then to signal firm B that its costs are
± this provides a possible rationale for limit
pricing §c
6redatory 6ricing
G The structure of many models of
predatory behavior is similar to that
used in limit pricing models
± stress incomplete information
G A firm wishes to encourage its rival to
exit the market
± it takes actions to affect its rival¶s views of
the future profitability of remaining in the
ames of Incomp ete
G Each player in a game may be one of a
number of possible types (YA and YB)
± player types can vary along several
G We will assume that our player types
have differing potential payoff functions
± each player knows his own payoff but does
not know his opponent¶s payoff with
certainty §-
ames of Incomp ete
G Each player¶s conjectures about the
opponent¶s player type are represented
by belief functions [ëA(YB)]
± consist of the player¶s probability estimates
of the likelihood that his opponent is of
various types
G Games of incomplete information are
sometimes referred to as ayesian
games §D
ames of Incomp ete
G We can now generalize the notation for
the game
G The payoffs to A and B depend on the
strategies chosen (a ´ SA, b ´ SB) and
the player types

ames of Incomp ete
G For one-period games, it is fairly easy to
generalize the Nash equilibrium concept
to reflect incomplete information
± we must use expected utility because each
player¶s payoffs depend on the unknown
player type of the opponent

ames of Incomp ete
G A strategy pair (a*,b*) will be a ayesian-
Nash equilibrium if a* maximizes A¶s
expected utility when B plays b* and vice
E A (a ,b ,t A ,t B )   fA
t B 
a  b  t A  t B 

a  b  t A  t B V VVa V´ A



      V VV V´  §Î
" Bayesian-Cournot
Equi ibrium
G Suppose duopolists compete in a market
for which demand is given by
P = c00 ± mA ± mB
G Suppose that MCA = MCB = c0
± the Nash (Cournot) equilibrium is mA = mB = 0
and payoffs are gA = gB = 900

" Bayesian-Cournot
Equi ibrium
G Suppose that MCA = c0, but MCB may be
either high (= c) or low (= 4)
G Suppose that A assigns equal
probabilities to these two ³types´ for B so
that the expected MCB = c0
G B does not have to consider expectations
because it knows there is only a single A
" Bayesian-Cournot
Equi ibrium
G B chooses mB to maximize
gB = (P ± MCB)(mB) = (c00 ± MCB ± mA ± mB)(mB)
G The first-order condition for a maximum is
mB* = (c00 ± MCB ± mA)/2
G Depending on MCB, this is either
mB* = (84 ± mA)/2 or
mB* = (9 ± mA)/2
" Bayesian-Cournot
Equi ibrium
G Firm A must take into account that B
could face either high or low marginal
costs so its expected profit is
gA = 0.5(c00 ± MCA ± mA ± mBH)(mA)
+ 0.5(c00 ± MCA ± mA ± mBñ)(mA)
gA = (90 ± mA ± 0.5mBH ± 0.5mBñ)(mA)

c c
" Bayesian-Cournot
Equi ibrium
G The first-order condition for a maximum is
mA* = (90 ± 0.5mBH ± 0.5mBñ)/2
G The ayesian-Nash equilibrium is:
mA* = 0
mBH* = 2Î
mBñ* =
G These choices represent an  aY
c î
Mechanism Design and
G The concept of ayesian-Nash
equilibrium has been used to study
± by examining equilibrium solutions under
various possible auction rules, game
theorists have devised procedures that
obtain desirable results
G achieving high prices for the goods being sold
G ensuring the goods end up with those who value
them most c -
"n Oi Tract "uction
G Suppose two firms are bidding on a tract
of land that may have oil underground
G Each firm has decided on a potential
value for the tract (ÚA and ÚB)
G The seller would like to obtain the largest
price possible for the land
± the larger of ÚA or ÚB
G Will a simple sealed bid auction work?
c D
"n Oi Tract "uction
G To model this as a ayesian game, we
need to model each firm¶s beliefs about
the other¶s valuations
± 0 p Ú p c
± each firm assumes that all possible values
for the other firm¶s valuation are equally
G firm A believes that ÚB is uniformly distributed
over the interval [0,c] and vice versa
c m
"n Oi Tract "uction
G Each firm must now decide its bid (bA
and bB)
G The gain from the auction for firm A is
ÚA - bA if bA > bB
0 if bA < bB
G Assume that each player opts to bid a
fraction (k) of the valuation
c ·
"n Oi Tract "uction
G Firm A¶s expected gain from the sale is
gA = (ÚA - bA) ƒ Prob(bA > bB)
G Since A believes that ÚB is distributed
prob(bA > bB) = prob(bA > kBÚB)
= prob(bA /kB > ÚB) = bA /kB
G Therefore,
gA = (ÚA - bA)ƒ (bA /kB)
c Î
"n Oi Tract "uction
G Note that gA is maximized when
bA = ÚA /2
G Similarly,
bB = ÚB /2
G The firm with the highest valuation will
win the bid and pay a price that is only 50
percent of the valuation

c ]
"n Oi Tract "uction
G The presence of additional bidders
improves the situation for the seller
G If firm A continues to believe that each of
its rivals¶ valutions are uniformly
distributed over the [0,c] interval,
prob(bA > b) = prob(bA > kÚ) for  = c,«,
 šc
 šc  šc
c §
"n Oi Tract "uction
G This means that
gA = (ÚA - bA)(bA -c/k -c)
and the first-order condition for a
maximum is
bA = [(-c)/]ÚA
G As the number of bidders rises, there are
increasing incentives for a truthful
revelation of each firm¶s valuation
Dynamic ames with
Incomp ete Information
G In multiperiod and repeated games, it is
necessary for players to update beliefs
by incorporating new information
provided by each round of play
G Each player is aware that his opponent
will be doing such updating
± must take this into account when deciding
on a strategy
Important 6oints to dote:
G All games are characterized by similar
structures involving players, strategies
available, and payoffs obtained through
their play
± the Nash equilibrium concept provides an
attractive solution to a game
G each player¶s strategy choice is optimal given
the choices made by the other players
G not all games have unique Nash equilibria
Important 6oints to dote:
G Two-person noncooperative games
with continuous strategy sets will
usually possess Nash equilibria
± games with finite strategy sets will also
have Nash equilibria in mixed strategies

Important 6oints to dote:
G In repeated games, Nash equilibria
that involve only credible threats are
called subgame-perfect equilibria

Important 6oints to dote:
G In a simple single-period game, the
Nash-ertrand equilibrium implies
competitive pricing with price equal to
marginal cost
G The Cournot equilibrium (with | > c)
can be interpreted as a two-stage
game in which firms first select a
capacity constraint
Important 6oints to dote:
G Tacit collusion is a possible subgame-
perfect equilibrium in an infinitely
repeated game
± the likelihood of such equilibrium
collusion diminishes with larger numbers
of firms, because the incentive to chisel
on price increases

Important 6oints to dote:
G Some games offer first-mover
± in cases involving increasing returns to
scale, such advantages may result in the
deterrence of all entry

Important 6oints to dote:
G Games of incomplete information arise
when players do not know their
opponents¶ payoff functions and must
make some conjectures about them
± in such ayesian games, equilibrium
concepts involve straightforward
generalizations of the Nash and
subgame- perfect notions encountered in
games of complete information

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