Tundra Biome
Tundra Biome
Tundra Biome
by: Kristina Pesce &Olivia
There are two different types of
Tundra Biomes:
The Arctic/Polar Tundra:
Found near the north and
south polar regions.
Caribou Moss
Main Species
Arctic Hare
Arctic Fox
Flora Adaptations
• Adapted their life cycles to be completed in a single summer
• Some grow very low to the ground to protect from frost damage.
• Some grow horizontally and send up many branches to keep away
from drying winds and still absorb as much sunlight as possible.
• They group together to resist cold temperatures and be protected
form the snow.
• Many of them develop thick, leathery or waxy leaves that prevent
moisture loss.
• Some grow hairs along the stems, leaves, and flowers to hold heat
and protect against the wind.
Fauna Adaptations
• The most common adaption is a thick layer of fur or feathers to
hold the heat close to their bodies.
• Some of the animals fur turns white during the winter to hide in
the snow and protect them from predators.
• Many large animals have compact body shapes that help them
retain more heat than if their bodies were long and thin.
• Many animals avoid the cold by migrating and some animals build
up a layer of fat over the summer, which provide energy and food
while also keeping them warm during the harsh winters.
• Some may burrow into the snow to avoid harsh, frigid
tempertures and winds.
Map of Tundra Distribution
Arctic/Polar Tundra
Alpine Tundra
Food Web
• http://www.blueplanetbiomes.org/tundra_animal_p
• http://www.blueplanetbiomes.org/tundra_plant_pa
• http://www.blueplanetbiomes.org/alpine.htm
• http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/exhibits/biomes/tun