Credit Rating
Credit Rating
Credit Rating
• Equity Research
• Banking Sector
• Insurance Sector
• New Instruments viz. Floating Rate Notes
• Intermediary in Financial Sector
• Indian Corporate raising funds overseas
1. Eases risk identification and diversification
2. Risk based pricing of Investments
3. Greater depth of research, being locally based
1. A proactive step towards transparency
2. An independent, unbiased assessment
3. Enhances credibility & acceptability
4. Increases access to funding
5. Encourages financial discipline
Regulatory authorities
1. Investor protection
2. Market discipline
1. Fixing coupon rates
2. A second opinion
• A credit rating agency (CRA) is a company that assigns
credit ratings for issuers of certain types of debt
obligations as well as the debt instruments themselves.
• In some cases, the servicers of the underlying debt are
also given ratings.
• In most cases, the issuers of securities are companies,
special purpose entities, state and local governments,
non-profit organizations, or national governments
issuing debt-like securities (i.e., bonds) that can be
traded on a secondary market.
Which are the CRA in INDIA ?
• Credit Rating Information Services of India
Limited (CRISIL)
• Investment Information and Credit Rating
Agency of India (ICRA)
• Credit Analysis & Research Limited (CARE)
• Duff & Phelps Credit Rating India Private Ltd.
(DCR India)
• ONICRA Credit Rating Agency of India Ltd.
What CRA should comply with ?
• The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Credit
Rating Agencies) Regulations, 1999 offers various
guidelines with regard to the registration and
functioning of the credit rating agencies in India.
• The registration procedure includes application for the
establishment of a credit rating agency, matching the
eligibility criteria and providing all the details required.
• They are required to prepare internal procedures,
abidance with circulars.
• CRA are required to show their accounting records.
What is process of CREDIT RATING ?
Why are financial instruments rated ?
• Developments in the financial markets have focused attention
on the need to have proper understanding of the terms of
financial instruments, before selecting them for investment.
• Even sophisticated investors, in both domestic as well as
international markets, are complaining about investing in an
inappropriate instrument without fully comprehending the
risks involved.
• Rapid developments in financial markets aided by technology,
requires an investor to have proper understanding of features
of instruments, especially the more sophisticated ones, before
investing in them.
What is the criteria for instruments ?